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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. Why should it? I can easily see a case for Shaman-Sorcerors in some exotic part of Glorantha and I don't see the need to have the possibility foreclosed because Joerg was thinking of traditional Praxian Shamans. Yup. Or rather in the case of the Loskalmi, it's more like the Rune Lords have become Adept Sorcerors. Style note: being ultra-precise in identifications is unnecessary. If you say New Idealist Hrestoli then there's no need to say "of Loskalm" because there are no other significant populations out there. Similar goes for "Pre- or non-Gaiseron" etc when the same is true of Hrestoli Sorcerors that do follow Gaiseron. Secondly the Hrestoli Knights are Rune Lords, so-to-speak, of Irensavel, not lesser gods. There's really no such thing as theistic deities because that confuses the magic a god provides with the essence of a god. A god may provide rune magic or spirits or a mixture of the two but it is still a god. How the Hrestoli Rune Lords would work is unknown to me (I don't think the Invisible God would provide Rune Magic) but the core concept of the Knights as seen in Cults of Terror is based on a status of a Rune Lord. I think this statement is just plain wrong. When Arkat stole the secrets of sorcery and taught them to the Trolls, the Malkioni didn't say "oh, he's mainly teaching Man-of-All knowlegde and they won't be able to use multispell, duration, range or any similar manipulations".
  2. That's quite frankly the wrong way to describe things. If you have to invoke three worlds to explain the religious practices, you are doing it wrong. A more productive approach would be to figure out what a Pentan uses spirits for and what magic they use rune magic for. Kargzant is represented as a Golden Bow or a Flaming Horse so any magic along these lines would be rune magic or feats. A Pentan would find additional magic such as magic to make his horse run faster to be spirit magic because although useful, it is not part of the core identity of Kargzant (Flaming Horse/Golden Bow). He would approach one of Kargzant's servants with the help of a friendly shaman to know such magics. I don't know exactly what is meant by the Path of Hell (Huan To? Gods of the Uz of North Pent?) but it depends to a large extent on how well the Path of Hell is viewed. If you have bad magic, you probably have to do bad things to get it and there's very little difference morally if it comes from the Gods or Spirits.
  3. I really would avoid categorical statements about historical attitudes towards magic. There is no statement that Dragon Magic is seen as terrible as Chaos. There is a Fear of Dragons which is the same regardless of whether the human is Pelorian or Orlanthi which is not quite the same thing as an opinion about their magics. And I don't see Jagrekriand being any worse than Kyger Litor for that matter.
  4. Not so. I can think of quite a few shamans who can use sorcery (Mistress Race Trolls for example). HeroQuest: Glorantha only states they may not use of such magics "unless that is part of your tradition". The Hrestoli and Arkati would disagree...
  5. The best explanation is from the Guide. Something that the Hero Wars rules never quite understood. The worldviews have always been mixed. It depends on the Culture (and most really don't care for God Learner taxonomy). Rune magics would be seen as the primal magic of the gods while spirit magics will be the followers that the God has sent to aid the followers. Sometimes a culture may invert the value of magics - the Doraddi believe that having more spirits is better than having more rune magic.
  6. Don't waste time with trying to remember where you saw it from. Have a look at how HeroQuest: Glorantha handles it.
  7. Look at the example of Waha in HeroQuest: Glorantha. He is a God yet provides both rune magic and spirits. Ye Olde Hero Wars division between Gods and Great Spirits is gone and not coming back.
  8. The Zenfel is a planet comes from the Book of Heortling Mythology p169
  9. The Tarsh Map is I think reprinted in Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes. A Volsaxi map would be in History of the Heortling Peoples (although the very big one is unfortunately faded out but I do have a more legible copy from the Guide backer level).
  10. Counts and Dukes are used far earlier than Barons were, as they were used in the late Roman Empire. Ergo they can be understood without medieval associations. Baron OTOH does not. I'll believe it is used as a formal title when I see a reference in canonical material to someone being named as a Baron of place X. Currently that does not exist and my understanding is that it is not likely to happen.
  11. Barons in both cases is in lower case indicating a type of potentate (e.g. media baron in the RW) rather than a formal title of nobility. Elsewhere Barons has been purged. As well as the aforementioned Dangim March, there is also the Marcher Barons, now the Marcher County. Stylistically Baron simply does not fit within the current vision of glorantha - it is too medieval, moreso than saints and knights.
  12. Barons no longer exist in Seshnela/Ralios or Glorantha. The Dangim March which was a Barony in the Genertela boxed set is now a County for example.
  13. There's quite a lot of a difference between a Sun Dome Temple (which is what the Sun Dome Templars would have built when they settled in the River of Cradles in the Imperial Age) and the Ziggurat (which is what the New Pavis Temple seems to be). After Jaldon sacked the place who is going to have the time in redesigning the temples to the radical extent required?
  14. Sanuel may still exist but it is unlikely that he would still be a baron. The Holy Country uses Jrusteli titles and bureacracy (History of the Heortling Peoples p86) although Baron is not used in the descriptions that we have. The source is not Belintar but the Esvulari.
  15. I'm not sure how you see it as conservative in design. Since the EWF did control Dara Happa at some point, a Ziggurat could have been built in the city as a sign of the Empire's import (perhaps the design was mandated by the Third Council as part of Accelerated Dragon Worship?). The design was much copied (and destroyed by Jaldon) only to restored by the Dwarves when they were hired to built a new temple. An alternate possibility that the New Pavis Temple stems from the Sun Dome Templars is less tenable IMO as it's not topped by a dome.
  16. If Pimper's Block is a Ziggurat, then it would have most probably been built by the Bright Empire as Ziggurats are a Dara Happan thing.
  17. It's my opinion based on the current material, that the Volsaxi tribe refers to the current tribal confederation and that there is no constituent tribe of that name. A smilar usage can be seen in the Kerofini tribe when referring to the Tarsh Exiles who are actually several tribes.
  18. Umm. He appears in page 16 of King of Sartar. The revised edition of Argrath of Pavis calls the army "Jaldon's army"
  19. It was originally from Pavis: Threshold to Danger and has been reprinted ever since, the most recent iteration being:
  20. Described in the Glorantha Sourcebook
  21. Even if Varstapoor was sacrificed, King of Sartar does say about his end (and I assume the same thing applied to his sister) What's the point of having immortal guardians if they can't be brought back?
  22. Varstapoor and Vestenbora, Arim's twin children, I would have thought (King of Sartar p97)
  23. No. Hazia is a canon drug and mentioned in the Guide p447. As for the cultist, canon has better things to do with its time than determining whether a single initiate exists or not.
  24. The SF flying machine appeared in a scenario and was only speculatively identified as Feldichi. The Scenario even went to far as say that it could have come from the Dawn Age, the EWF, the Gbaji Wars or the God Learner culture. It's still far too SF for my liking and I would have made it into something like a floating piece of sky rock that rises depending on how much light is shone upon it and sinks if it gets wet. The original artifacts in Greg's writing - the singing warding markers, the translating scrolls and the unmelting ice - do not appear science fictionally to me. My biggest grumble is wondering how did the Dorastrans get from these artifacts and the pseudocosmic egg to the God Project?
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