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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. "Presumably" is a qualification (made before the Coming Storm came out) and in any case, it's a huge step to go from that to Moirades personally supervised it! There's nothing wrong with personal theories but you should be aware what the source material actually says before presenting the theory as the only possible interpretation. What on earth is Terasarin's death have to do with the topic at hand? Two hours? Am I supposed to feel sorry? Nochet and Sarotar's death is, like Terasarin's death, is a complete irrelevance. Furthest is a large city, not a metropolis and you have not presented any evidence to show that it is "growing". A citation would be extremely helpful at this point. "This information" being your claim that Tarsh under Moirades was wealthy enough to support a new University, buy off the Feathered Horse Queen and turn Furthest into a nascent metropolis. I took the trouble of looking it up and the supporting evidence is not there. All that is there is Tarsh's wealth comes from grain and maize which nobody is disputing. What source? If it is King of Sartar, the source you were telling me to ignore not so long ago then no mention of Heartland immigrants is made. All that is said is that the immigrants are "impoverished scholars and merchants seeking a better life" KoS p106. The only heartlanders explicitly mentioned there are the applicants to the Unversity of the Provinces I freely admit making conjectures. The problem is that you pass yours off as being something more authoritative. Where is the mention of the Hungry Heartlands? It's not in King of Sartar, it's not in Griffin Mountain and it's not in the Guide. My conjecture is that the "starving peasants" KoS p106 were in the downstream provinces, which are by definition not heartlands. Because there was no massive fighting on its borders after the Battle of Grizzly Peak and seizure of Bagnot. Nearly thirty years of peace will improve any kingdom's prosperity dramatically. That isn't what I asked. You threw in a suggestion that Moirades's wealth was from the plunder of Boldhome was wrong which nobody in this thread had even suggested. It like Terasarin's death and the size of Nochet at Sarotar's death is just said by you without any meaningful relevance. It doesn't add anything to the debate. Take it up with Ian Cooper.
  2. Instead of giving your personal theories, could you take the trouble of looking up the text in question? It is not clear from the text where the University of the Provinces is and the biography of Andrin Slackword in the Coming Storm p81 indicates that it is actually in Mirin's Cross, hence making it highly unlikely that Moirades "personally" supervised it. Furthest is not a nascent metropolis and the "impossible' brideprice (KoS p196) is solely from the Grazer Queen's point of view. We do not know how much the Tarshites viewed it. You are right. It did not come from a single event because there is no evidence that it actually did. I dispute the suggestion that Moirades was actually relieving a disaster because he made money from it. My thinking is that the affected Provincial Kings had to pay through the nose for grain to feed their starving peasants and balanced their budgets by levying massive taxes on merchants and scholars who then fled to the one place where they would not be so taxed. Now you may argue with many aspects of it but at least it has the virtue of being grounded in what is actually written. Gosh. Who was suggesting that Moirades wealth came from the plunder of Boldhome? Please avoid extraneous factoids. Except that the Griffin Mountain description (p9 - please get into the habit of citing whatever it is you are referring to) does not say that the grain exports makes Tarsh very wealthy! Why should I? I think it more likely that Phargentes as Provincial Overseer beggared the other provinces to build up his own personal kingdom in Tarsh. The Tax Demons only get sent if the taxes to the Emperor are in arrears.
  3. The actual text speaks of "starving peasants" and "impoverished scholars and merchants seeking a better life". All that you can conclude is that there was some type of famine downstream during the reign of King Moirades rather than Dara Happa becoming dependent on Tarshite grain. Given that the event is not recorded in the Redline History or the Fortunate Succession, it may have been confined to the other Lunar Provinces rather than the Heartlands.
  4. The list is from the PDF p39. Additional information in the list which does not appear there comes from elsewhere within the same text.
  5. Esrolia: the Land of Ten Thousand Goddesses
  6. A slight problem in that any Daysenerus cult in Nochet would have been ruthlessly destroyed along other Nysaloran institutions
  7. I think the Nochet cult is patriarchal myself as it seems to be mandated by the god rather than a belief of the worshippers. It accepts an inferior position viz a viz Ernalda as one of the Noble-Brothers and be run as a sacred brotherhood. Judging by the Brightlight Event in Esrolia: the Land of 10,000 goddesses, the EWF Cult was transplanted to Nochet but was wiped out. The current Yelmalions would then date from Monrogh's time which means they would be very close in practice to the Dragon Pass Yelmalions.
  8. Yes, really. This has been in print since Different Worlds #24 some 36 years ago and can hardly be considered an error. Or Greatway was causing trouble within Nida in an effort to weaken them.
  9. Maran would be well known as the mother of the Earthshakers of which survives today. I'm not too sure how you get from Maran before she took up death would be the psychopomp. Becoming a psychopomp indicates an awareness of death IMO.
  10. The Cinsina are the Wolfskinners or the Wolfslayers. Sematically close but ideologically opposed so to speak.
  11. The Storm Gods appear in the late Golden Age. As per the Guide The Late Golden Age begins with the rise of Umath and the War in the Heavens. It ends with the Death of Yelm, the First Sunset, and the Dimming of all Light. Glorantha grew greatly during the Late Golden Age, as the strength and power of Umath expanded the rim of the world deeper into the Void, claiming new space for the cosmos. Guide to Glorantha p682
  12. There's only one Fronela. The second is Eronela which survives in Erontree.
  13. p138 caption to picture. Chaos is mispelled as "Choas" in the last sentence. The original in the Guide does not contain the same error. RIK SEZ: This was already reported and fixed. Please do not report typos already reported.
  14. Me favourite stylistic error is on p42 where in the space of four paragraphs, Kallyr is twice described as a Prince and once as a Queen. The effect is so jarring that I think it was intentional and reflects Amstalli having a senior moment.
  15. p440 - Under Monk Header "Kraloreli culture" should be "Kralori culture"
  16. p18 Table - Moirades is described as a Prince of Sartar. This should be King of Tarsh.
  17. I'm sure the Dwarves can make bronze chainmail.
  18. Just to be clear, you are referring to the Codex Ivesti p194-197?
  19. I saw that too but there is an Erontree forest between Seshnela and Fronela so it may not be a mistake.
  20. p2 (Credits page), under Thanks to: Replace "Metcalf" with "Metcalfe"
  21. Men of the Sea is not canonical. There are other ways peoples can resemble each other beside skin colour (hair, eyes, facial bones etc)
  22. I don't think so. The practice has been specifically stated as being new to the Lunars in the past (although checking it up on the Guide the statements seems to be more nuanced). If both sides were doing it in the Gbaji Wars, then the practice would have been well-known practice in subsequent ages (God Learners, EWF etc), making the lunar empire's supposed superiority superfluous.
  23. I was speaking of the troll spirits being sent against the good guys Broken Council at the Battle of Night and Day. What the Trolls have gotten up to since then is unknown but they have had the benefit of Arkat and Cragspider so who knows what they can do with their spirits these nights.
  24. I would have said "could have" as its primarily a conjecture.
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