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Everything posted by lawrence.whitaker

  1. Because you're a pious and superstitious priest who feels more comfortable invoking the name of a saint rather than the name of God. You may feel you have a more direct and intimate relationship with a saint than with the Almighty. You might be terrified of incurring God's wrath for daring to invoke his glory - whereas saints are more approachable. Basically, the reasons are individual, personal, and founded on belief than on game mechanics.
  2. Yep - I'm running my group through 'Horror on the Orient Express' right now, and exactly this group of skills, plus Spot Hidden, are the ones that are most useful. Languages too, especially if globetrotting.
  3. Chris Hart (aka Dirk the Dice) takes players at UK Games Expo to Lyonesse, via a specially written scenario, 'Coddifut's Stipule'.
  4. The second Episode of Mythras Matters is available - http://www.buzzsprout.com/266482/1200053-1-2-tread-carefully-in-the-mire In this episode there is a review Waterlands- Adventures in the great mire, a mini campaign for Mythic Britain and Lawrence Whitaker provides us with some inside knowledge of what is on the horizon from The Design Mechanism.
  5. Either Shores of Korantia, or The Taskan Empire are good starts.
  6. Mythras Companion (TDM111) - 56 pages, softcover POD and PDF, ($14.99/$5.99), Colour A compilation of additional rules and mechanics for Mythras, taken from several previous supplements and created specially for the Companion itself. Inside you will find rules for tactical combat using a battlegrid and miniatures; rules for sanity and corruption; abstract rules for vehicles of all kinds; a brand new system for resolving social conflict; and detailed rules for handling pursuits and chases. The Mythras Companion is a handy resource for every Mythras GM, with plenty of new material to enhance your scenarios and campaigns. TDM Webstore: http://thedesignmechanism.com/store.php#!/Mythras-Companion/p/139637618/category=2826223 DrivethruRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/274910/TDM111-Mythras-Companion Sorandib (TDM306) - 116 pages, softcover POD and PDF, ($32.99/$14.99), Colour Sorandib is an ancient city in catastrophic decline. The surrounding country has been laid waste by years of banditry and civil strife; the city itself is rife with factions, lawlessness and social unrest. Large areas are abandoned or under the control of the local gangs. The Iron Simulacrum himself looks to Sorandib as the place he will discover his fate when the Emperor departs the physical plane, where he might be unmade in such a way as to find the key to a continued existence as an independent soul. Sorandib could be the scene of treason on a world shattering scale. The cult of Thesh in Taskay has its eye on direct control not only of the Artificers but of the fire demon Sorantar, who is the city’s god. Sorandib is, in short, a powder keg. And ripe for adventure! This Thennla supplement details Sorandib, its people, districts, cults, gods, factions, and magic. New rules are provided for Artificers, Alchemy, and new spells and miracles. Three self contained adventures take the adventurers on a raid for a fabled tome, to involving them in a nefarious plot by dark forces. Finally, encounters for the frontier lands introduce dangerous new magicians and factions. TDM Webstore: http://thedesignmechanism.com/store.php#!/Sorandib/p/139932715/category=24197110 DrivethruRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/274157/TDM306-Sorandib
  7. It will be available later this week in PDF and Print from our webstore and DrivethruRPG. Watch this space for news.
  8. I either ignored them or rewrote them, noting what was rewritten or modified with boxed text or introductory notes. It depended on how flawed the original information was. Sometimes it was simpler to just ignore certain things, instead of trying to justify them or waste word count on detailed explanations.
  9. MRQ1 was flawed in many places: both rules execution and Gloranthan background. The production schedules were horrendous. In the other thread, I think Joerg refers to 'four weeks to produce a 60 page supplement'. Well, that's wrong I'm afraid, it was 4 weeks to produce a 128 page supplement, including research, fact checking, personal proofing, personal editing, and then submission to the editorial team. There would usually be a little back and forth on corrections here and there, but mostly the author wouldn't see the manuscript again until it was a layout proof, which you had to read through and provide mark-up corrections for. Wholesale changes weren't possible because they could impact layout considerably (even small changes can), so editorial input after the fact was very limited. And by this time, you're neck-deep in another 128 page, 4 week project, so your writing time on a book at any point was more like 3.5 weeks than four. Yet despite being flawed, MRQ1 did get quite a lot of things right. The character creation process of culture+profession, with skill allocation in percentile blocks appears to be remarkably similar to RQG, from what I've seen (I don't have a copy of it, but have scanned friends copies). Theism and Sorcery both introduced some excellent mechanical concepts too. It wasn't all bleak. For Gloranthan content, I can only speak for my own work, but I took time and pains to consult with Greg and Jeff directly before starting work on any supplement. Dara Happa saw me spend a weekend with Jeff in Berlin where we brainstormed avidly, mapped-out the campaign, went over the canon, and get the thing ready for me to start writing. That was a common approach. For the dragonewt and mostali books, I had several long conversations with Greg on how to portray the races, and he got to approve or veto ideas before I worked on them. I spent a lot of my own money buying hard-to-get Gloranthan items (such as Enclosure and other rare fanzines) that were recommended to me by Greg and Jeff so that I had access to some of the deeper lore that had helped form the canon of the time. I rewrote magic and cult rules so that they'd be workable with the supplements I was responsible for (notably Dara Happa and Fronela). In other words, I worked very hard to deal with the issues inherent in MRQ1, and bring the Second Age Glorantha supplements up to par. MRQ1 had each weapon group (1H Axe, 2H Axe, etc) with a single combat skill for both attack and parry. Pete Nash and I introduced Combat Styles in MRQ2, further developing and refining them in RQ6/Mythras. They reflect how fighters, especially professional warriors, are trained in the use of multiple weapons and techniques at the same time, and reflect that in off-time, when individuals are training, they won't focus on just one weapon in isolation. It's economical skill-wise too, because you don't have to keep track of multiple skills for each weapon. In Mythras, a Combat Style can be supplemented by a Trait, such as Formation Fighting, which lends certain advantages when specific conditions are met. I've been using Combat Styles for so long, going back to the older forms of RQ and d100 combat seems extremely clunky to me now; but everything depends on personal preferences and play styles. There's no 'right' way to do things.
  10. It's a proof copy. I'll post the usual availability announcement when it's ready for sale.
  11. Mythras has maintained exactly the same modularity. It also has very good rules for Passions and Cults too, which should be relatively easy to use with RQ:G.
  12. That's fair enough. The way you'd phrased things, it seemed you may have misunderstood the way differential levels work; we've had the question a couple of times before, hence my wanting to clarify.
  13. Combat Traits are designed to be an integral part of the Combat Style. Thus, as long as certain conditions are met, the Trait works. For your Taunt Trait, you might want to adapt the Intimidating Scream Trait; being outnumbered in Mythras combat isn't a good thing, and if you have a mechanism that actively ensures a character will be out numbered, then I doubt they'll last very long...!
  14. Yes. It's still happening. The book is going through editorial.
  15. It was a shitty internet connection at my end, sadly. Such is the cost of living in rural Canada.
  16. Yes it is. There are two series: 'The Adventures of Luther Arkwright', and 'Heart of Empire', and both are graphic novels. There is a Big Finish audio version of Luther Arkwright, featuring David Tennant as Arkwright himself, and very good it is too.
  17. Isn't this a thread about Mythras? In the Mythras section?
  18. There are effects that can be used against an opponent who fumbles, but you still have to have generated a success to trigger it.
  19. Nothing happens. Both sides failed. Effects are only awarded for success.
  20. That isn't quite how they work. You need to score a level of success better than the opponent, with each level gaining an additional effect. Thus, if A and B both attack and parry at a normal success, there is no effect awarded. If A scores a regular success, and B fails, then A gains an effect. Mythras has Fumble>Fail>Success>Critical as its succession path; Specials aren't used.
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