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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. This (at least the childbirth part, not the child survival roll) can also be handled by a mere two-point Bless Pregnancy, something PCs would often have access to (mine go all-in on the Bless Pregnancies, because as the campaign has gone from 1616 to 1621 already, they're open to the possibility that the kids may one day become PCs).
  2. The Scorpionman Raid in the Dorastor book is very good, and I’m still mildly shocked my PCs got through it without any deaths - it provides every opportunity.
  3. You probably could make the argument that the Lords of Chaos are not fundamentally evil, and merely driven mad by being forcibly incorporated into the physical world (this is much how the Z'bri work in the Tribe 8 RPG - while they are horrendously evil to the recipients of their vile actions, they are in fact merely spirits driven mad by the sensations of inhabiting flesh). This could mesh with how Chaos is both regarded as anti-existence and as a moral evil.
  4. And also where Tom Bombadil banishes the Barrow-Wight. Lost and forgotten be, darker than the darkness, Where gates stand for ever shut, till the world is mended.
  5. "Gothmog the lieutenant of Morgul had flung them into the fray; Easterlings with axes, and Variags of Khand, Southrons in scarlet, and out of Far Harad black men like half-trolls with white eyes and red tongues." It’s unclear whether they existed or were just a simile.
  6. I would strongly urge everyone to ditch this rule and just round in the standard way (closest integer, up if .5) for everyone. Otherwise you get senseless outcomes like enemy D4 / 2 (typical DB for thrown weapons) being different from player D4 / 2, and as you suggest, crit/special/fumble calculations become even more tricky.
  7. It means that if you start at the default 21 years of age (or any +5 increment of it, as per the rules for older characters), the next year will be a factor of five years since initiation, granting you a free point of Spirit Magic.
  8. The minmax character design is to start the game without Bladesharp, and pick up your free 4-point Bladesharp ASAP. (Both for this and for your one per five years Spirit Magic, it matters at what age you were initiated. I vacilate between 16 and 18 as a default, but the minmax choice is 17.)
  9. I count Lay Memberships as being 1% each for time and money, but rounded to the closest 10% step (so usually 0%). And I did indeed houserule the Training system to be very different as well as integrated with Seasonal experience (essentially, Research allows you to pick Seasonal Experience in a skill you otherwise couldn't have, and Training gives you a bonus, commonly the teacher's Communication bonus, to the experience roll for one or more seasonal experience checks on skills being trained).
  10. I can see the argument for mercs, but not for your regular honorable sword-using Orlanth-initiated warrior. 10% of wealth per season is a shocking amount of money (well, assuming you have any wealth). At least if "current silver" means actual wealth and not merely actual current silver pennies (in which case you should get yourself jewelry, keep your wealth in Wheels & Clacks, or other similar silliness).
  11. Given the extremely limited benefits from (a normally optional) Lay Membership, how are people motivated to pay a fairly substantial yearly 10% wealth tax? The benefits don't seem at all commensurate.
  12. RQG source? It's not listed under the requirements (which are described as "minimal").
  13. "Humakt is for pansies who try to tell others what ways they're allowed to attack them. Pah, the Bull is enough for me!"
  14. I believe this is Icelandic law. But it’s a nice one with MGF value to it.
  15. Disagree about this - secret murder isn’t killing someone where others can’t see it, it’s keeping it secret afterwards. That said, having it public, using seconds, and so on, will help make things clearer.
  16. Depends on the exact phrasing - you can target a spell without targeting the object of it, technically.
  17. My understanding of the current interpretation is that you don’t have to overcome the MPs used to improve the attack, but that tje caster can also put purely ”Size”-boosting MPs into it, which do have to be overcome. Since you will likely have vast amounts of MPs available, a mix is recommended, and will quickly make dispelling unfeasible. Humakti don’t really need to duel - they can just count up MPs available and then declare the winner. Only if things are reasonably close (within say 20 MPs) does it even become a fight.
  18. No-one can disprove that this is how Glorantha was created, as Eurmal’s hallucination that everyone else is just a figment in.
  19. Doesn’t really matter what Orlanth thinks as long as the cult won’t admit them (as known Chaos-taintees). I think a lot of things in Glorantha (like CA Jains with brooms for bugs) make more sense if you consider that the cult might be a lot more strict than the god actually is.
  20. The only thing worse than being on Argrath’s side is not being on Argrath’s side?
  21. Except for Dragonewts? Although I would think Argrath will use (and very likely later discard) any tool he can find.
  22. I thought it was very strongly suggested the Wolfskinners tribal warband of the Cinsina (led by queen Ivarthe) were upgraded (and expanded) with, you know, magical skinned wolf pelts by Argrath? (Perhaps alongside others on teh winning side, but the Wolfskinners seem like they have been a core part of it at least.) My personal guess would be that the Cinsina pushed for it and Argrath agreed to handle it out of a debt of gratitude. Quoting t11L: "The second is that Argrath repays Cinsina help in returning aurochs to Dragon Pass by driving the Telmori from the Wolf Hills. The human victors of Argrath’s battles against the wolfmen become known as the Wolfskins, for they wear the pelts of their victims, and become a very highly honored band of warriors wherever they are recognized." So the sequence could be: 1. Ongoing fighting with the Telmori (as described in t11L). 2. Cinsina help Argrath with both The Eleven Lights band and support for his Aurochs quests. 3. Cinsina call on Argrath to help them sort the Telmori problem. 4. Argrath does a final solution of the Telmori problem. 5. Argrath creates a magical warband out of the (substantially Cinsina) victors, using skinned wolf pelts.
  23. My personal reading of King of Sartar is how it describes and implictly compares two kings - Sartar and Argrath - with Sartar consistently coming out on top as far as morality goes. Sartar made peace with the Telmori - Argrath does not. It doesn't seem he even tried.
  24. Easier to genocide them than not to for him, and plus he gets cool magical wolfskins from them as part of it (for a modern reader, it's certainly something that he uses the skins of his genocided victims). It's not like he has much in the way of moral qualms about anything ever. If you read Red Cow, you will see how Argrath has a power-base among the Telmori-hating Cinsina. I assume they were the ones pushing for a response, and were probably stunned by the ruthless efficiency of the genocide (after all, it's been a mostly slow-burn problem for centuries, and suddenly... all gone).
  25. I like the idea that some moron once again would think it was a good idea to try it (the same way some God-Learners already did).
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