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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. He can try to fumble it by augmentation which drops the rune by 1d10%, but it's statistically more likely to increase it instead (as he just might succeed and get a check). Still, might be worth a shot.
  2. And good luck making Orlanthi warriors even stand still for that long!
  3. Yes - it's hard to see what's so special about it (it was used in the Ancient world), it doesn't seem to be a magical ability (as again, it's demonstrably feasible to use in the real world without magic), and even if somehow no trainer ever reneges, it's hard to see how you couldn't teach yourself through practice. All we have is that it is indeed restricted to initiates.
  4. Each Sacred Time as per "regular" Illumination? Or roll each time you pick up a new Rune Point?
  5. I like how AI art is good for really alien stuff, like this mushroom herder I found:
  6. Slung shield on back only blocks half as much as a "wielded" shield - does this apply to Yelmalio "front-slung" shield as well? Presumably not?
  7. Agree. Apart from a full cult, Barntar is also a subcult to Orlanth Thunderous (and Ernalda?) and provides the Plow spell (only) as a subcult. Some people who ostensibly worship "Barntar" (to keep the Lunars happy) might well be doing Orlanth Thunderous worship with a public focus on the Barntar parts (and presumably, if you worship OT with Barntar subcult, you can regain Orlanth Rune Points in a Barntar temple by joining the Barntar rites?).
  8. This is not Rules As Written. "The Yelmalio cult teaches its initiates how to use a shield in conjunction with the Pike skill. This is a special exception to the rule that a shield cannot be used with a two-handed weapon." (Although it's what you get if you're in a phalanx (and plus right leg), by the standard phalanx rules.) Should this be considered errata/rules change? It makes more sense that way, I think.
  9. I agree that Turn makes no sense here, and it has to be Round. It would be pointless to have a swallow mechanic that will never happen in player combat.
  10. It was both good and massively entertaining.
  11. Make sure to watch the D&D movie for some nice tongue-chopping.
  12. "this is chaos, Ulforg can do this!"
  13. Never mind the Fireblade + Bladesharp - my players would rebel against a burning, poisoned, infected weapon.
  14. I know everyone (rightly) go for Sleep on their CA cultists, but a big Dullblade is hilarious in boss fights.
  15. Isn't that just Daka Fal (possibly going by another name)?
  16. Does it keep its improved HP from being en enchanted iron weapon?
  17. You don’t have to be crazy to worship here, but it helps?
  18. Makes sense to me that this isn't something you do too publicly, agree (if nothing else, it's nothing to be proud about). There might be unofficial channels for these kinds of things, and as chief, you call on someone to set it up. There are multiple reasons to keep the Broos far away from your people, even when you call on them as mercenaries. On the other hand, I don't think it needs to be kept completely secret - Praxians can be pragmatic, and a lot of them are likely to go "yes, this sure is distasteful, but what can you do?"
  19. This seems more than likely, yes. Yes - the tribes in Ralios are typically not affected. We just don't see them in the Dragon Pass material - Dragon Pass seems to have none of the Pure.
  20. I feel there’s more MGF meat in the reborn victim being a twisted version of the original, though. There’s more you can do with this than with mere chaos hordes, both as horror and tragedy.
  21. K’Rana in Lords of Terror has POW 22, as a reference. I’d say keep the stats.
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