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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. The whole Ralzakark thing is a big mystery - Cults of Terror never seems to suggest that it isn't the big R that Oddi slays (and even the Guide doesn't indicate it). I think it makes the most sense if it's actually one of the "masks" of Ralzakark (much like Undranda and Wowander are hinted at having been). The real mystery is how Ralzakark (at least of a kind) can be the Monster Emperor after Oddi slays him (in 1631) in a way that there really should be no returning from (and LoT even says "final death").
  2. This was the historical standard, wasn’t it? You surrender to a shorter and more orderly looting, instead of the other, rampaging kind. It’s expected on both sides. Also, it’s how you keep your troops happy.
  3. Entropy and Time feel conceptually connected in a way that Evil and Time doesn't.
  4. "Listen. If you wanted to join the S.M.U., you'd have to really hate the Lunars." "I do!" "Oh, yeah? How much?" "A lot!" "Right. You're in."
  5. To a point, yes. You can still use Trollkin, but they either need to be in some serious numbers (three naked Trollkin with slings is a non-trivial fight, though), or part of a mixed force with some quality support. Rune magic allows PC to be incredible in the harder fights. Some amount of easier fights will be mostly Spirit Magic, but they have several higher gears to get into when necessary. I find it helpful to keep the players guessing a bit when it comes to Rune points expenditure - if you always run one scenario per season and they can always tell when the climactic fight is, then they might as well spend all their Rune Magic. If they can't tell for certain whether they will get in other scenarios or fights, they will have to be a little more conservative (and plus, it feels realistic that they'd have to be).
  6. If it were my PCs, and it was outdoors, and they were visible, everyone would be hit by dual Thunderbolts on SR1 and virtually all taken out instantly... (I nerfed Thunderbolt to be POW vs POW, but it's still absolutely, utterly vicious, with virtually no defence except pre-emptive Cloud Clear, which Trolls are kinda unlikely to use.) So I would try to work with stealth and ambushes - a sensible tactic regardless - to make it something of a challenge.
  7. I don't see any reason not to allow it - nothing weird happens above 100%, and fumbles will help to regulate it (in fact, since you lose 1d10 on a fumble but gain far less on an XP check success, they will converge towards 99-100).
  8. One of the great things about RQG is that the big, common cults tend to be excellent because of their size (due to ease of worship access, rich mythos, many associated cults and subcults providing spells, and even just social usefulness). The guy with a weirdo cult is afflicted with a difficult weirdo cult. Orlanth was only a so-so cult in RQ3, but is amazeballs in RQG. We see why there's a reason most people in-world stick to the standard stuff.
  9. Usually yes, but there's an amount of exceptions. Mindless enemies (gorps, skeletons). Controlled enemies (like Commanded elementals). Cornered Chaos. Cornered PCs versus Chaos. Berserking enemies.
  10. PCs can fairly often turn a fight around though, by bringing out Rune Magic or other resources they would have preferred to keep in reserve. Things tend to change in a fight once that Shield 6 lands.
  11. Agree. Fleeing from ranged skirmishing often works (especially when it's easy to get out of line of sight); fleeing from melee is really hard for NPCs. Doubly so if the PCs sensibly spam Mobility and Slow.
  12. Agree (well, often a little beyond round 2, especially if there's an initial missile/spell exchange). RQ has this strong "death spiral" (once you start losing, you start losing more) which is usually considered a bad thing (as it means a battle is decided long before it's finished if everyone fights to the death) but works really well here, as it means that even if the sides were reasonably even at start, things will soon tilt in one direction and then it's time to try to get out of the fight for the losing side because catching up is really hard, and further supported by how there are institutions for not fighting to the bitter end. Even if one side fights to the death, I like to call things once it's clearly decided ("You clear out the remaining rabble"), because rolling your way through the mopping-up is pretty boring and time-consuming. If they could handle 12 zombies, they can handle the remaining 3, unless they've been seriously weakened doing it.
  13. If they kill Chaos with 90% precision, a lot of people are going to be fairly accepting of the iffy cases where you can't be sure. Cost of doing business. It becomes meaty if Storm Bulls killed your uncle with questionable evidence of his Chaoticness. Should you attempt revenge?
  14. Won't they be disappointed by the HeroWars, then! 🙂
  15. The curse on Dorastor does look a lot like tapping, really. Sucking out all fertility.
  16. True - this is pretty subtle.
  17. I have seen 144 to 160 pages for each, which is close enough for same size. On the other hand, this could have been just a generalization - it would make sense to me if the Lightbringers one is bigger.
  18. I think the player part matters quite a bit here. The GM needs everything, but a player can get a reasonably-costed single volume that works a little like a splatbook. I’m a little surprised full Storm + Lightbringers, presumably the most popular PC cults with some margin and also not merely an Elemental pantheon, will get the same size as Moon or Sea.
  19. Nysalor would be one example of a god with Initiates who also provides no Rune Magic.
  20. Bunches of people in The Smoking Ruins are Initiates of Arachne Solara, including with Rune Magic.
  21. This is my reading of the rules text, but I don’t like it. Parrying seems weird, and dodging… even if you do it, it means moving away (probably backwards), which is what the attacker is trying to achieve anyway. I would also 100% allow a shield attack roll for pushback.
  22. I’m aware of Brangbane - I was just thinking he’s known for wickedness rather than the foolishness displayed by Bolthor or Temertain.
  23. Another symmetry argument is that Parry should also add 1 HP in order to be symmetrical with Bladesharp/Bludgeon.
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