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Everything posted by jeffjerwin

  1. Orlanth embodies both the best and sometimes the worst of Orlanthi masculinity. He is a god that constantly learns a better way. His wooing of Ernalda is wrong, and that's the point. He (later) learns a better way. Emulating the selfish young Orlanth is not a good idea particularly if you want someone to actually love you. I like this story better than the one you've described... http://www.glorantha.com/docs/how-orlanth-met-ernalda/ And this one: http://www.glorantha.com/docs/the-making-of-the-storm-tribe/ Ernalda and her female worshippers are thankfully at least partly equipped to defend themselves on their own. More so than most bronze age women were.
  2. This an uncomfortable subject but I am curious to know how people approach this. My gang of players are... very likely to rescue slaves and the mechanics of how it works in Glorantha is kind of amorphous. Knowing how things work is a good way to help them figure how to circumvent the system. Orlanthi thralls are quite different from Lunar (or Praxian) chattel slaves, of course.
  3. I have got to imagine that Yinkin might teach the 'get out of the slave collar' feat.
  4. I think the Skull Ruins must be illustrated in 13th Age in Glorantha, p.65...
  5. One of Eurmal's mysteries is: "learn the wrong lesson"
  6. Considering playing a duck bagpiper who worships 'crushing noise'.
  7. Best of all, fisticuffs, spitting, and biting! My Elurae Trickster character has a running grievance with Raven.
  8. Ironspike is claimed to be it's point... [WF #15] which suggests a Ur-Iron or Chaotic Iron. Iron = poison, of course, for many peoples.
  9. Note Kora[ng], Ty Kora Tek. Stone is Mostal's brother, but something has happened... See also Mostal's murder by 'High King Elf' - the Grower, the seedling of Aldrya... grandson of Ernalda. Again, the kin strife of Stone and Loam; of Maker and Grower. Lodril's heat destroys the fertile clay, makes it something hard and dead. Lodril's heat stops the moving sands, makes it still and fragile. Ty Kora Tek slew Esrola, slew barley woman. She made Tekakos, 'rock' to stop Maran's movements, stilling her too. What if the Dwarves made Chaos, made the Iron Spear, and the Green Glass City, and Korang the Destroyer, the embodiment of Taker... Mostal/Iron Man 'mass reproduced' Death, the tear by which Chaos came into the world, by inventing Iron. I see the Green Glass ruins in my mind's eye as asphalt, concrete, steel. The maker takes until there is nothing left.
  10. Also, Maran Gor was 'moving earth' and Ty Kora Tek was 'dead/still earth'. In the Gloranthan Sourcebook, Ty Kora Tek is alternately wife of Lodril, 'Iron God', and Mostal. 'Lodril' is a 'dwarf-friend'. Lodril is also the god of pottery. Veskarthan/Lodril and Maran Gor hate each other; Maran Gor was forced into stillness (death!) by Ty Kora Tek, her aunt, the Dead Earth. Plausibly we could reconstruct the pantheon of 'Green Glass Ruins' as Lodril, 'Iron God', and Mostal, along with Ty Kora Tek as their queen and wife. The Orin Jistil/Skull Ruins were destroyed by the 'Stone' Dragon. Orin = Orvano = Orane [an aspect of Ernalda]. Hence this is the war of Moving Earth - Orlanth allied with Maran Gor and Kero Fin - against Stone and Volcanic Glass. The Ginijji culture seems to have fallen to kin strife (like the Storm peoples), with a major portion of the Stone People becoming Chaotic, possibly also seeing the soul-death of Mostal. Ginijji proper = snake pipe Dancers = hence Maran's people. Maran sides with Ernalda/Orin, agriculturalists, against the City of Glass and Stone. Could Korang's spear be a tower of iron? A 'skyscraper' if you will?
  11. Hard Earth = Stone = Mostal. Perhaps Greatway knows something other Dwarves don't.
  12. Sky River Titan is obviously gender fluid like Heler. They have whatever gender they need.
  13. According to the Glorantha Sourcebook, glassblowing is a dwarf technology... and due north of Green Glass is... Greatway.
  14. The Ginijji culture may be one of the most advanced of the Greater Darkness: literacy, pottery and glass-making (both involve kilns, interestingly), barley-based agriculture (something that Durev and Orane later passed to the Vingkotlings)... In the Caverns, a statue of Babeester Gor is described as made of copper with iron (!) armor over her. The Snake Pipe itself is made of glass.
  15. While reading about places slightly further afield... I noticed that there's a ruined city ('Green Glass City') drowned in Skyfall Lake, conquered and enslaved by Chaos and destroyed during the Greater Darkness. The conqueror was the chaos god Korang the Slayer, who possessed a terrible spear. The spear was destroyed by Hard Earth after it pierced Sky River. Kor = Gor = 'earth' Let's examine this. 'Spear' is a characteristic of several gods, notably Lodril, Yelmalio, and Argan Argar, but it's generally a fire/light weapon. 'Green Glass' is Earth fused by Heat. Lodril is the consort of the Earth and the volcanic Indigo Mountains are nearby, while the water of Skyfall Lake boils when it strikes the ruins. I wonder if Korang was a portion of Lodril/Veskarthen corrupted by chaos? Perhaps 'the portion' in the Ginijji civilization... hence his strange absence.
  16. Humakt seems like the sort of god who is totally impassive to Eurmal's tomfoolery. Being all about Truth and Death. Earth = sensuality and hence earthy humor. Water = capriciousness and hence perhaps subtle humor Darkness = sarcasm (cruel) humor. Illusion = puns and other humor based on visual or verbal incongruity. Disorder = surrealist and bizarre humor Movement = silly walks and other physical humorousness
  17. There's generally fallow, common, and wilderness land on a tula. If there isn't, then there's a serious problem... That's when a part of the clan needs to split off, take some treasures, a new name, and find an unoccupied territory, or steal an area from another clan.
  18. Yeah. Also we have four grandparents... at least, if you don't have some sort of interesting step-grandfathers, mother's uncle, what not, history (which is entirely normal for Heortlings... and in fact the norm for Esrolians, I think). So there's room for one or more to die in some epic event and the lineage to keep rolling along. 'Grandfather' is anyone you meaningfully call by that name. Just fudge it and say, grandfather's brother, whom he always talked about, who died by accident so grandfather came to be unexpectedly the head of that generation?
  19. Yeah, those are absent in the main book from the really important events. Look at 1582 and 1602. I should add them (shouldn't I?) I suppose, if we don't have an anchoring set of generations. On the to do list.
  20. 1538: Axes against the Empire The fanatical temple orphan Palashee Longaxe leads an invasion of lowland Tarsh from the temple-fortress on Kero Fin. Participating Homelands: Tarsh, Old Tarsh, Sartar (Far Point) d20 Event (+5 if Tarsh or Old Tarsh) 1-10 Your ancestor did not participate in the war 11-20 Your ancestor, willingly or not, was caught up the great struggle for control of northern Dragon Pass. They were present at the battle beside and destruction of the first Temple of the Reaching Moon. The Destruction of the Temple 1-10 Your ancestor survived. 11-15 If Lunar Tarshite, your ancestor was killed during the massacres that followed in the wake of the Tarsh Exile host. Gain Hate (Old Tarshites). If from Old Tarsh or Far Point, your ancestor fell in honorable battle, feeding the Earth their blood. 16-20 If Lunar Tarshite, your ancestor died defending the Temple. Gain Loyalty (Red Emperor). If Old Tarshite or from Far Point, they died in the terrible fighting at the side of the Axe King. Gain Loyalty (Earth Temple).
  21. Ogres might have shown up with the Sartarites. They tend to hide amongst humans, and resettling in the new city (c.1550) is an excellent way to escape 'rumours' and 'Uroxi' back in their original homes... But this means bumping things towards c.1539+. Uggh. What if some of the original leading settlers of New Pavis were ogres...?
  22. Lake Oronin was formerly Mount Fire, a volcano. Turos, who dwelt there, was the 'inside portion' of ViSaruDaran, who is Veskarthan/Lodril.
  23. Year 1539-1544 Dragonewts' Dream Participating Homelands: All D20 Event 1-15 Your ancestor observed the dragonewts phantoms traversing the landscape, but kept their distance. 15-20 Your ancestor was present when conflict erupted between their people and the phantoms. Roll below; roll on the second table if the ancestor was then dwelling in the Lunar Empire. D20 1-4 Found a dragonewt artifact, somehow left behind. It is an Utuma (or other Dragonewt associated object). See Runequest Bestiary, p.38 5-7 Was driven from their home by the horde of ghosts. Gain Fear (Dragonewts). 8-10 Suffered a random mishap during defensive rituals undertaken to protect their community. 1-5 roll on random cause of death table. 6-20 increase a random rune by 10%. 11-12 Witnessed the dragonewts altering the landscape and destroying or devouring spirits while attempting to defend the clan’s sacred spaces. Gain Elder Races Lore (Dragonewts) +1d6%, Reputation +1d3%. They were never the same since… 13-14 Joined in the dragonewt dance involuntarily. Learned the ‘music’ of the dance, which sometimes afterwards the ancestor would hum without thinking about it. Gain Dance +5%, There is a 20% chance that their children had purple blood or were left-handed afterwards. 15-16 Tried to stop the dragonewts by standing in their path and speaking to them and was caught up in the event. Every one said they were cursed afterwards. Gain Speak Auld Wyrmish +5%. There is a 20% chance that their children had purple blood or were left-handed afterwards. 17-18 Slain purposefully or accidentally by the dragonewt incursion. Gain Hate (Dragonewts). 19 Went to try to steal from a sealed dragonewt site. Returned alive but their spirit was missing. After that, they were called the Not-alive, and had to be driven away or destroyed. Gain Death rune +10%, Reputation +1d3%. 20 Witnessed Dream Dragon rise. Gain Fear (Dragons). If in Lunar territories (Tarsh), roll instead on this table: 1-10 Roll as above. 11-15 In the Sacred Time rites, agreed to follow the Emperor’s new script. Gain Loyalty (Red Emperor), Moon +5% 16-19 Participated in the rites, but joined the protest at the corn-women innovation. Earth rune +5%. Gain Loyalty (Earth Temple) 20 Eaten by the Crimson Bat after the insurrection against the changes to the harvest festival. Reputation +1d3% Gain Fear (Crimson Bat). Your ancestor’s soul no longer exists.
  24. I think he's Zolan Zubar. The Bear-Darkness-Storm-Noise god. He's also someone else. See here:
  25. Harono... 'Haronon Robe Clan' was adopted as their Esrolian 'clan' by the Tharkantus-Yelmalions during the Second Age. Which means that he was acknowledged as the ancestor of Yelmalio/Tharkantus [Thark+anatyr?]. As I've argued before, Harono is connected to Halamalao, the Aldryami Sun God, who is worshipped near Esrolia at Sunelf Hill. This - given the existence of Elmal and Yelm, suggest a proto-southern-Theyalan something like *Helamo. Hara means 'beloved' or 'husband', and a form such as Hara-Helamo might have been elided as Harono among the Esrolians. After all, Gata and Yelm had a pretty good partnership, though the next generation didn't appreciate him so much.
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