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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Say no more, say no more, a nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat, now, innit? downloaded and now off to read. (some may say he’s just off, I am looking at your Joerg).
  2. Im all honesty, I rate a day that I run out a very good day on BRP Central. I don’t give out amy all my likes to one topic only (as a rule, more on that in a sec) I like to be quite diverse in my rewarding. So for me a truly great day with great posts and lots of variety to be had is when I run out before noon. Now, I do have to learn to ration as per our economy, sometimes I have used up all my likes on far too few varieties. Ah, first world problems. Love ‘em! Cheers
  3. The malani are an interesting breed and are often considered bad news. This is not their first humakti ruler. From the Sartar Companion Page 7 They are one of the tribes that Apple Lane was meant to separate and service ( read pacify) with an Uleria and Issaries Temple as well as a temple to all deities. They are also the western most members of the Jonstown Confederacy. and I believe remained as a “free ally” of the Lunars. I believe they were too friggin crazy and did not worship Orlanth so were left alone.
  4. Well Joerg another excellent day where the damn software will not let me give you the thanks you click you deserve. and roads, leave us not forget that he built a road or two... And here are two more... The malani current ruler is Queen Amalda Edrufsdotter is the daughter of the previous king. a humakti I think Torkani: Yrsa Nightbeam not sure but I wonder is she worships a darker deity.
  5. So are the PDFs sailing their way here on this boat? My naval father would give me shit for calling a ship a boat, but in this case I reiterate, are the PDFs sailing their way to us on this boat?
  6. an acknowledgement of my greatness from Joeg and being cruised in the fora (hell... asked if I wished... we’ll draw a shade on this, shall we? :), all in one eve. My head is simply swimming... It took the visit of three spirits to make good ol’ Ebenezer go gaga and swoon... Cheers
  7. So dp we delete this? @Trifletraxor
  8. If I can’t find a law give me a moral compass at least.
  9. Alas, Well I have given you my thinking, so I hope we are good. I have a great deal of respect for artists, moi. Are there any amongst the wise who can tell me if this is kosher. I had never thought that printing one’s own PDF that is not available by any means otherwise and then custom binding it having it costing more and taking considerable more effort than it would to illegally print and bind it or legally for that matter if using a commercial printer. So is this well within fair practice? Must one add g33k's very generous and well thought out amendments to stay on the right side of copyright? @M Helsdon. seeing as we are squatting and debating on your porch (nice villa, very tastefully decorated and nice art... cheers!) have you an opinion as the author of someone taking the time and effort to create a home built book of your non POD and non printed doc? Cheers
  10. Nicely done! A great craft project one you will treasure for life if all goes well, Creators and IP owners compensated, something DIY accomplished (as a youth I used to shout DIY or die, so..) , might be a win, win, win win situation! Get the kids involved and Bob is related to someone, stands to reason, he just has to be... Cheers
  11. Dude, folks will start thinking we’re Canadian, eh!
  12. It is sometimes hard for many of us to remember that, you have an incredibly inquisitive mind and good insight, so many would mistake you for much more experienced. I have to compliment on how well you take the shock when people realize that there is an incongruity with what you know and what you should know and sometimes lash out at ya. You want the appendix IX of the RQ 2 rules that introduces the idea of treasure factors. It goes for 6 pages so a bit too much to quote....
  13. Yes, a week...but as to the rest Both of these quotes, this and the previous, are from the Adventurer Book from the GMs screen pages 121 and 122. You only get to roll the POW vs POW once and only once... Unless you are really nasty and unless the individual has mislabelled his crystals you make him go through the whole week again because he is not sure if its attuned or not.... Just kidding, i feel that once you cast an MP into it you will know which one it is when it stops accepting more POW.
  14. Now, if that scares ya... these are RQ 1 and 2 BIG GUN characters, the original zero to hero types; no background skills, little gear, little if any magic to start with... (yes I know in RQ 2 the appendices had a way of getting a little previous experience and a way to get in debt with the guilds for a little gear and magic). Zeroes! Now what the hell will our big guns™ in the brave new world of the RQ G™ Hero Wars™ look like? ...and why are all the little munchkins pooing themselves?
  15. That only works once, after you have attempted to attune it you will always know what it is I assume. though the POW gain check sounds suspiciously egregiously munchkin-like to me! :)> well, will you look at where we are...
  16. You are both correct and wrong, as unpowered crystals (while not attuned) must be attempted to be attuned, including POW vs POW and if the...
  17. Spirts yes, crystals are replenished by the attuned one placing MPs in the matrix,
  18. Ahh, time as the great limiter. the spider is wise.
  19. Oh shit, I hope you have not got the one I am now recovering from, two and bit weeks of hell. Good luck
  20. Now you are beginning to see the the madness to my method, I was hoping Jane and a few of the other great old ones (hint, hint) would get involved to demonstrate that the Chaosium has been doing it right (well righter, anyways) for a long, long long time! Cheers
  21. I had mentioned that a couple times in responses to you the you must have missed. Alas.
  22. So all. The above leads me to think... I have heard it said very often that to be an effective utopian one must design one's society so that one could happily exist in any strata of that society. We. thankfully, have an easier job, we are not looking at the extremes but what should be a fairly simple duality (men and women) in terms of strata and we are not seeking perfection, simply an understanding that is; if one creates this “cause” one gets this “effect”. Oh, I hope you do not mind my saying we, @HeartQuintessence, I mean no disrespect to your work... but we are here in the trenches at the moment... with you! So, cause and effect simply put. If the “cause" is the result of this myth, what “effects" will fallout as a result. What will the resulting myths be and how do they interact with the reality on the ground (lozenge).under the vast web of time. And of course, what will be the new resulting causes and effects. Cheers
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