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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. @Smokebadger What is the story about the maps on DriveTruRPG, I am sure I saw one for the Tin Inn (posted here on page 1 of this thread) for $7 USD
  2. Not the best method for those of us on wi fi, a down load for me can take two days for a 40 meg file. If I already have it... you should see me and just how I look when I am that mad... look to the immediate left for an idea...
  3. Alas, we do not, unless this has changed.
  4. Yes, add a little effect to your mechanism. Manu, the powers that be have said they will not be adding sensory effects to the spells, but that the individual GMs would be able to shape the look and feel (best expression I could think of quickly) of what the observers perceive. For example, if you wish lightsaber sounds on your bladesharped blade, make it so. If it has no impact on game play they are leaving it in your capable hands. What Joerg is saying would be sensible to any, has no impact on game play and adds flavour, have them appear as tendrils or an enveloping maw if it gets the feeling across better. Beats the hell out of generic roleplaying to me.The added effects are like seasoning a meal, completely unnecessary, but oh, so much better.
  5. Good answer, Now this is also based on what I think is common sense, To go through something or act like a spirit I would imagine the critter would have to be insolvent and that means in the spirit plane and invisible and immune to creatures that can not see it on the spirit plane, without magics to make it visible again or see it where it is. Unfortunately as is the case with a good question it leads to another. What happens to a spirit that against its will becomes corporeal in an item as a really of magic? I am guessing no damage, and of course it can always go bask to the spirt plane after the magic is gone, but that is only guess work.
  6. Historically, in RQ the answer is no, as of RQ G I am not sure.
  7. Interesting side note, the highest my characters (well my player’s character really) ever got in actual play was the Humakti that almost made initiate. Man what a different time.
  8. Ah a newbie to BRP central, cheers and welcome (gentle nudge, we don’t call them DMs around these parts ma’am or sir, gets the grognards riled, DOWN OLD TIMER, down, supper will be served at the regular time, would you like to go back to nappie? That was close, see what I mean?). Cheers
  9. See Joerg resistance was futile . We are the Joerg, you will be assimilated.
  10. Yeah, but wait until the contract becomes due, and them roaming charges...woohoo!
  11. If that did not make you think cry or possibly even dance there is not a thing I can say more...
  12. On topic, @Fábio Silvamay I leave you with a peaceful thought that should be okay with all the religious and all the atheists...I will scroll down a bit so it can be ignored if wished Again cheers 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 🔻 This man is GOD!
  13. May I mention that while this not a severe thread drift, it is in poor form to come to a place where someone has poured out their soul about threats to their life for the the tribe to gather and to argue about it. @Fábio Silva, if I might apologize on behalf of our tribe for being petty and argumentative I will do so. Sorry, you have come to us with problems and we have delivered more onto your lap. Be well, thank you for joining us in our hobby and may it take away a little of the pain of our horrible world. I will not say we are better than this, but you are now warned that we will argue at the drop of a hat, whether the hat has actually been dropped or was it pushed, and whether or not it was actually a hat in the first place. It is what we are. Sorry. ...again, be well, thank you for coming here and I hope you will find serenity here, even if it is not very serene , Well, maybe you can have fun,. lord knows I do. Cheers
  14. No kidding for a real look at the possible variations in persnality type see the duel at Tourney Alter twixt Nameless and Allan in Biturian Varosh’s travels in CoP.
  15. Alas, I am afraid that my advice may come to you too late... I really do not recommend sorcerers to new players or GMs as they are complicated. I ran one in the simpler RQ 3 and found it was not as bad as everyone said for complexity so that being said, hang on for a day or two and maybe one of the wise will get back to you with some simplifying tips. Trial by fire might make you the resident expert in a few months and I will be coming to you for tips to make my sorcery easier. Cheers
  16. So I goes and does a search on (where else) DuckDuckGo and over half the returns are Cyrillic making me think Fortran? P’raps...Remembering anything more specific from 73, well my first junior high school crush and using the schools computers to write golf programs. Oh and being introduced to my still guitar hero Frank Zappa (happy belated Zappadan all) by an older relative as being an orgasmic guitar player.... that of course got my interest... as a young teen!
  17. Bin dair don dat... started in ’73! using dumb terminals hooked up via modem to university mainframes... using punch cards with CP/M... grog that!
  18. Curiosity compels me to ask about your dating. Would you, with the numbers provided, be dating modern romance to beginning with Helen as told by Homer? It seems to correspond. Too bad, that sounded good . I was totally (our world I know) envisioning star (rune) crossed lovers beyond R & J...
  19. My weary eyes thank you very much prinz.slasar!
  20. @Rick Meints@MOBand @Trifletraxor Do not know who to address this too so... anyway I have been a member here in the Cults of Chaos for three or so years and have only run one demo game (very well received but that was for free game day 2017 for y’all in that time and was wondering... Is this only here for Call of Cthulhu? I and others have have asked questions about RQ that have sat here unanswered or partially answered for the entire time I have been here. Is RQ not going to get a "Cults" push of any kind? A couple of years ago one of the great old ones said that there would be advertising we could use for RQ demos just around the corner. Nada... I have a feeling this missive will sit here lonely and unanswered as well. but... I hope I am wrong. I have quit coming to this area as have others because it is a hassle to look up the password, then wait for the pages to load and never see anything RQ related. Cheers
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