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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Shh, ixnay on the ifficultday uffstay, eh g33k. Ignore the heretic, Chromatism, next he will start talking about ducks (sheesh, were do they get these guys, right?)...
  2. Thanks for the real story. , I could not have done the justice to that they required so I stuck to the good old boys doing great work and taking over err, saving the company part of the tale. Cheers
  3. Please see the topic I created for a fantastic and handicrafty way to make the wait a little more interesting. There is a series of post wit pictures on how to create your own POD at about the second page of ... DIY your way to OLG or even BRP bliss
  4. If I might make an observation... I agree but might add the classic line is classic for a reason, the packaging the lay out the art, everything; is just “classic”! The “Gloranthan Classics” are the work of devoted fan boys and it shows, the bang for buck value increases as speculative notions and cults and write-ups of various ilk are added with glee, some of the art slides but there is more of it... Great value and for a while all there was (worth a note, the above mentioned fanboys are now running the asylum, err Chaosium). Being old, I went for the original, for the above reasons and added sentimentality which canon cannot* be weighed, but to someone without the ties... it becomes very very subjective. * edited to add and change: sometimes the spell checking demon is more of an imp with more mischief on its mind than malice... I actually like the odd correction. Cheers
  5. I have run and played in two, and while I had a feeling that the sandbox of Griffin Mountain would be the coolest, I have only dipped toes in water there as a GM... briefly, alas. The structure of The Borderlands, oddly enough, allowed or caused (not sure which) possibly evoked the creativity required for the most ad-libbing. I had run 8 scenarios by the time I had got half way through the 7 included scenarios. Nice to meet you, welcome and I hope the forums are kind to you. cheers
  6. Exactly what I read on the ‘net. I was kinda hoping all them that was saying the groovy things about the game might pop around as well, with words of wisdom and all.
  7. I am not sure what you saying, sorry (you may wish to read my post again), but if you are asking if this is BRP, it is not... uses d6, Simply put, this is a sysem the seems to be losing its home and possibly going out of print but coincidentally a large part of it is available very cheap. I have seen folk around here saying great things and thought I would see if more could be parsed here before committing short dollars. Fear not Chaosium, yours is already put off to the side.... oh, and about Griselda?
  8. On the off chance discussing this is verboten here in the Inn, let me know and delete at will @Trifletraxor Through MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 2020, get your Tolkien on with our revived Oct 2015 The One Ring Bundle and its Dec 2017 companion, One Ring Journeys (formerly One Ring +2) So why post about this non BRP game in a semi BRP oriented forum? Seems like a lot of you here are fans of this game, seen a lot of kind words hereabouts posted on this topic. Who better to ask the opinion of game, than people who play games you like? ... and the number one reason to post this in a forum loosely based on BRP games. Who better to understand the woes of playing an unsupported system than BRP fans of the oh so many many stripes who would not only have empathy for, but also the knowledge of, how to run unsupported systems (with a little help from your friends, of course). Seeing as The One Ring will be cut loose and left to wander alone into the wild unprotected by a publisher in the next year, this is an extremely salient point! Well, what do you all think, should I go for it? Am I crazy or, and are the rumours about Griselda true? Well, the first three points might be a little more sensible than the ones in the previous sentence, so, allons-y! Cheers
  9. Welcome to BRP central and sorry if we come across poorly, we do try to welcome people as a rule, and thank you for a/ posting an opinion, as you note, it is a hard time to try to communicate, so well done, and b/ Thanks for sticking around and posting again, brave of you... I think I got your drift you are of the show not tell school In any case post away and again welcome.
  10. This is a personal attack on a contributor to these forums, uncool!
  11. and rip the legs off your horse
  12. Perhaps one of the main reason that Humakt and his devotees sever ties...
  13. Oh my, oh, my, can I play there now, can I. huh, can I? (love the duck cap’n too!) rocks my boat! A lot of Table Top gaming came to Canada in the 80s from Europe or Australia. Perhaps the same to the states... I do not know if Australia had enacted metric laws by then but the games were in metres for all that I played (the Australian rules I used were for table top micro armour WW III (can’t recall the name). Seems to me most of the reenactments were set in Europe so the metric was in line....
  14. To quote a wise man, “I got a bad feeling about this...”.
  15. Looks a bit like the African Queen. I would assume the demeanor would be similar. Right down the ceegar hangin’ from the Captain’s bill and the ratty seaman’s cap. Broad optional (it was a different time). Thanks.
  16. ...and thus the Custom and Cult Lore skills prove their mettle to the wise adventurer
  17. So, what do duck boats look like, anyway. Hell for that matter what would a duck berg lookalike: a Dell or Goldkey comic image of a 60s cities superimposed on a bronze age veneer?. Not too likely (but I like the idea of many little bags full of coins with an L on them a la beagle brothers). Any one have some good pics or ideas?
  18. There is something perverse about a horse named Ethel, sounds too much like gas:)
  19. Well Kloster, in a manner of seeking we could say there are 40 moons err, months.
  20. Could his helping the clan he is visiting be something that could be of benefit to his own clan? Favours earned in advance? Yes, Joerg has the way of it I was thinking somehow a bit more North American with Trains Planes and Automobiles, but I am sure the would work as well...
  21. Congrats all, and when money permits I will be purchasing more, until I have the original five (I'm at two now with M Helsden's Opus, and Christmas is coming, hint hint)! I was privileged to be invited into Yozarian’s thrill ride by RuneBlogger and having read it at least a dozen times as part of my duties, I can strongly recommend it! It’s a worthy successor to the legendary "Money Tree" and dare I say it truly is all it is quacked up to be! Congrats boys, you finished on time with a great product! Cheers
  22. Yeah, but ya got ta admit, Fazzy is a great name for a horse, marginally better than Ethilrist but bear, really! Ethilrist the bear on the other hand.... or Fazzy the bear? wacka, wacka!
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