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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Don't even try is the best solution. The rules as stand should give powerful enough characters. but if not to your taste just be generous with the rolls as you suggested. As to that Staffordian feel you want. if you impart a Glorantha touch or two a game session that should work. Don't force it... My first memories of RQ were a of a sword and sandal game, kind of like D&D but cooler. The game was set on the great traveling caravans of the souther plains of Panatela. No, we weren't there, somehow the GM had transplanted them to Genertela. Did I know, did I care? Nah, it was cool. Second thing to turn my head was the realization that a special roll could be anything , as my jonesing duck found out ny getting a box of coronas while specialling a spot hidden roll. These memories are quite strong and quite old...
  2. It is pretty good, innit? Take a bow Ian Absentia... and a no-prize!
  3. Wasn't sure if this thread was gone or not but a conversation in the prison thread sent me scurrying to the RQ RiG for a quote and then here with a Chalana Arroy Priestess resurrection spell in tow... Credit for my checking this out goes to soltakss Joerg, and Metcalph. Thanks. and the new addition to Wth... Cto! are the following rules from the Equipment and Wealth chapter of RQ RiG page 406: Storing Treasure Temples serve as storage centers for grain, livestock, precious metals, and other valuables. Most cults do not charge their initiates (or those of associated gods) to store goods within the temple; lay members typically pay 5% of the value of the goods. Important temples serve as local centers of economic activity. Some temples make loans, charging an annual interest of 3D6+6%. Failure to repay a loan often results in a visit from the cult’s Spirit of Retribution or worse. Most temples do not recognize deposits made with other temples, even of the same cult. A deposit made to the major temple of Ernalda in Clearwine cannot be redeemed at the great temple of Ernalda in Nochet. A notable exception is the Issaries cult. Deposits made at an Issaries temple are recorded with a sealed letter of credit that can be redeemed at another Issaries temple, thereby facilitating long-distance trade. Sweet!
  4. Rick if you need to kick us to a new thread let us know I agree Shiningbrow. I have actually incorporated the contradictors into what I tell the adventurers and look forward to the looks on their faces when they come face to face with the reality of it all. Anticipating quick thinking and hoping for amazing role playing Cheers.
  5. to those involved in the conversation regarding cults as credit lending institutions. Seems that if cults are not lending institutes some temples are very much banks in very many ways. Note the following rules from the Equipment and Wealth chapter of RQ RiG page 406: Storing Treasure Temples serve as storage centers for grain, livestock, precious metals, and other valuables. Most cults do not charge their initiates (or those of associated gods) to store goods within the temple; lay members typically pay 5% of the value of the goods. Important temples serve as local centers of economic activity. Some temples make loans, charging an annual interest of 3D6+6%. Failure to repay a loan often results in a visit from the cult’s Spirit of Retribution or worse. Most temples do not recognize deposits made with other temples, even of the same cult. A deposit made to the major temple of Ernalda in Clearwine cannot be redeemed at the great temple of Ernalda in Nochet. A notable exception is the Issaries cult. Deposits made at an Issaries temple are recorded with a sealed letter of credit that can be redeemed at another Issaries temple, thereby facilitating long-distance trade. My emphasis for ease of finding passage in the above...
  6. Agreed, citation allows one to do his or her own research and ones own sorting on the canonical scale. Trust this one, maybe not that one... dig around a bit more on the third. and start a bit of a debate on the fourth.. research and citations in hand. Yeah, I love Joerg too... that's what ya meant right!
  7. Not sure how canonical but you have a healthy disregard I see so... I like it. it;s simple enough to be good rules, sensible and seems to be in the spirit of Glorantha. And explains the careless seeming way they end up with other crystals. That's four good reasons and no negatives I can think of. Hmm, thanx for sharing... have fun!
  8. Glad to hear that my questions have depth, yeah. ;• >
  9. Ah, if only I was young again and that all to sensible question styopa asked made no sense whatsoever! Alas. A game at 3 bells, coitainly! Let me get my cache of skittles and jolt!
  10. I recall them and even thought I had them but when this thread began I had a look and nyet. They strongly resembled weird d&d stats no?
  11. May I suggest a patent pending Grognard Friendly ™ tag be attached to forums that are <ahem> "Grognard Friendly"? These may be purchased from the ACME supply company (tell em Wiley sent ya)... may cause baldness in vey gullible customers, drowsiness in vey tired ... ah heck just see a doctor for Chalana's sake!
  12. As noted elsewhere g33 have much many word, and use very gud 2!
  13. Well here's hoping it remains as are is (enklish spiken, gud r I). MORE BEER! I have seen a few folk I thought were snippy one week, but by not being poked and otherwise treated reasonably well they quit being snippy. Or I was just wrong and I was the snippy one ... oops! I have seen others that just were snippy but heck what they said ws so damn worth while to add (and snippiness is not a burden in any case) I would just not poke the bear (too hard :). Basically, you are all so great or so old and far removed from the days of the Digests (you know, rough stones in moving streams times time equals pebbles or some such malarky) ...that you don't seem to have rough edges. Heck take some praise soltakss. A lot of the good vibe around here comes from you and you ilk! Beers for the grouches soltakss is paying! Cheers
  14. Things I forgot last post spells and descriptions maybe copy, laminate and cut only the ones you need not all of them (lots of spells already and many more to come) Lamintate and add more as adventures spells or more npcs spells are needed and added. A laptop and or actual computer and one or two tablets with the core books always open an your favourite pages scrolled to or bookmarked are incredible aids in addition to all of the above. I use a tablet desktop and laptop... So do all the above in an hour and then take a 15 minute break and start the game. (be ready to hand hold, it's all right) Cheers
  15. Good call! Explaining rune spells and rune points and rune cults briefly, spirit magics magic points and their cults or shamans again briefly will pre-emptive a true hard spot. take care of it first! Laminate (optional but what happens when that coke slurpy goes flying in the heat of combat) multiple copies of spirit spell and rune spell tables and leave in the middle of the table. A selection of other items should be laminated and left in the players area as we'll. The table on dealing with wounds, (name and page?) Armour tables, weapons tables The parry and attack results!!!!!!!! table (make a few and get help form the players when you need it and PS you will need it!). if you laminate the adventurer sheets you will be able to track changes with grease pencil. (and use agin at the next one off, signed... ecological barbarian!) Do not go into a lot of detail about associated, friendly and opposed cults other that to acknowledged them (these guys are friends these guys, meh...). Same with combat. Attack and parry, parry - 20 parry, - 20 etc... Simple, and ignore ENC and maybe weapon categories accept broadly for the moment. Do not allow sorcery art all. It's for this godless westerners should suffice. Give em a good patter about Glorantha, (sounds like they already have that). Bows and spells separate from melee that is an adventurer can not do both in same Melee Round (optional but simple and take a look at all the threads of confusion though out the forums about this topic) IGNORE GLORANTHA MINUTIAE OR THESE FORUMS AT ALL COSTS well okay not you, the players... or your explanations to them should ignore the above. Yes, simplification with good reason, This game is an unwieldy beast to fly with all the rules intact. I have done so now a half dozen times, it takes off like a 747 with Bruce Dickinson at the controls impossibly wrestling itself off the ground, throwing itself away from earth lacking all grace but having gravitas, WEIGHT and POW! Take 20 minutes (hell a half hour, this is a great place to start and almost finish, they are so good) ) and show them the adventurer sheets.This will mean using the pre gens or pre gen your own (not recommended) It would be a lot of work. Transfer the pre gens to official adventurer sheets (at least the first two, maybe ignore the last two for now) and use them as visual aids to explain the rules with the players. Stats, Runes, Hit Points, Skills. Cover the pages. Lots of work but it will help fix them in your mind and agin the sheets are truly the secret to RQ pat pending! The actual character sheets (not the ones provided with the pre gens) have an awful lot of the game right there at your and the parties finger tips. Cool, eh? Make two copies and keep a copy for your self for those times when you roll their skills and they don't know that you are. See above on lamented items and using full adventure sheets. Last as every good Gamemaster, Dungeon Maste,r Keeper or Time Lord knows, nothing wrong with a little hand wavery every now and again! Make it up for MGF!
  16. Be kind to your spirits take them out of the spirit world—or bag—more often! Nice page, I will read later. Cheers
  17. This point was driven home several times in the Ideas show that launched this thread. Every great fire brought new laws and usually for the better. Wider boulevards, better construction materials, Obstruction and trash bylaws, guilds to maintain construction integrity. The best solution IRW to fight fires it seems is good responsible gov't and enforceable well thought out laws and by-laws. Alas, a little boring but really, the wise here on earth seems to think the world of this thinking. (Screw that give me a Salamander to fight, violence is ALWAYS an option. a conflagration in Pavis might simply start with a sizzling hot day where the air shimmers like waves in the heat and the thermometer (what's a thermometer?) starts off at a leisurely and chill 50º and little kids stop to fry eggs on rocks. Interesting, what is your source for this Iskallor. when ever I mention this name some one gives me poo for breaking canon, so I already know, kay? Thunder Rebels (and old HW sartar background module) has an interesting idea that a steads elder ladies (devotees of the 6 earth mothers) make their way around the house in the morning with bags of winds. Some chase out bad spirits and airs, some take care of smoke and ensure the fires are burning well and freely. Others bring freshness...
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