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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Well in fairness, I should answer your queries but I am not sure we are covering new material here. (so l am a little reluctant). Hate to chew the same cud twice. Original topic Yes. people can see the charisma effect and note them and maybe even think them a fool if they do not use it. and it should not matter anymore than how people can also see the work the amazing wardrobe, makeup and speechwriters and teleprompter folk do to enhance our politicians (I'm in the business in a way) you have no idea how much money is spent to make our politicians look like common folk, and please, I am not talking an insignificant amount but enough to stagger a small nations's annual budget here for a large 1st world election. ( a little cheating perhaps that we can all see and wave our hands at, nothing to see here, and did you see that power tie Mr X was wearing... Brilliant speech, eh?). And with the right spin, long after they get caught too, unfortunatly (and no I will not give examples, I said I would tread carefully and not start a war:). There is actually a great tale in one on the old zines (I believe) that tells a tale of intrigue, espionage and near warfare in a LM temple in, was it Notchet? Wish I could remember the title and where it can be found. RQ companion maybe? Anyone? Cheers PS I suppose if I must continue I will, but we really need to move on to new material for this debate to matter imo and not become a Monty Python "argument" sketch. .Cheers
  2. Well I suppose I and only half a planet away... when do we play? I am working my way around to round up people around here and having a lot of interest but not new players... yet. So, good luck! Hey, is there no gaming at the universities of FLGS (if they exist) in China?
  3. Why the great people here that play the game should be more than enough to sway your crew, oh and it will make you sexy and incredibly smart as well. your mileage may vary...
  4. Cheers, exactly what I was thinking and it seems like a great topic, Hope I did not make a mistake not putting this in the tavern, But perhaps this is (at the moment anyway) really a RQ G only thread due to the newness and all.
  5. Alas, I just must disagree with you , Don't mean to but... Watch a little politics and cheating (sorry folks don't mean to be mean, or start a war so I will tread carefully here) of a very egregious nature seems to be a topic that comes up very often and many if not all are painted with the accusation at one point or another. And yet, politicians utilize all tools up to and including murder and beyond and some actually get away with it. TelePrompTers, speech writers, paid political ads that baldly lie and bring in actors in place of real people, media hatchet jobs that ruin families and worse, political assassinations, burglaries, planted evidence on opponents and as mentioned actual assassinations. In our world I won't say this happens every day but I'll bet there aren't many where the question doesn't come up that someone is guilty of one or more of the above... In one country alone, never mind all the nations of out planet. We are supposedly savvy but do not know what to believe. Not saying that the Gloranthans are not savvy but it seems to me that a (if I can utilize our poor overworked priestess again, sorry lass) priestess using the skills she has a goddess given gifts is perfectly okay to, the less jaded and more united Theyalans and not that crazily unbelievable/unacceptable to true believers and good Orlanthi, all! (politicking, moi?). I suppose I shall retreat from the field after this for I can't imagine having more to say on the topic besides YGMV cheers
  6. and forget about seeing the Titanic the Boat sinks and (horrors) Celine Dion sings a song and oops (damn) spoiler.. ah (sigh), never mind!
  7. 15 minutes ago, or so, Crel started a thread-drift which sounded interesting enough to continue and give him credit for. So let me, let him start this off... Finished Chargen and we are 2/3rd through the first module, All in all about a Sacred season and a couple of weeks. Alas the game is now on summer break (waugh!). Ah well must work to buy more product (yes mostali overlords....work... eat... consume...). Cheers
  8. Minor spoiler ahead for Broken Tower. Hmm, perhaps a herder could have been advantageous in the Broken Tower
  9. Two days a pun opportunity like this sits amidst you and no one says, I do not jest and quit calling me Shirley! <insert rimshot!>
  10. I have never heard it said that way, the lack of difference twixt skills and magic, that is interesting.
  11. HOLY HECK! LOOK AT THOSE BUFF GEESE! Yeah. they've been working out and raising their stats above species max! and I think they're Canadian too, eh.
  12. Ever seen a 747 taking off piloted by anyone, never mind a debbil worshipping licence holding (yes, yes, very competent) screaming crazed I did say debill worshipping, right, Brit, God knows, they aint pretty, they aint graceful, but they sure are big, And i aint talking about brits, metal singers, or debbil whorshippers. 747s, love em of not, there they are, BIG! How do they fly, and who is this Bernoulli guy anyway? Cheers
  13. One could say Notchet, Use imagination and you will find another possible pun, buried herein (HINT, imagine a green planet style silent "t" in that capitol city where one might find evil priestesses Actually the far worse that I alluded to were other cults than Ernalda. Though I can imagine the court and intra/inter temple wars in Esrolia twixt priestesses can get epic. Rereadin..., yeah, they might be a bit bene geserat, eh? cheers
  14. Same as the right makeup to intimidate the opponent, a bribe to the right server to bring the wrong dish, a blade with poison, just another tool in the tool box to get things done.
  15. In another thread I compared running the full game of RQ RiG like taking off in a 747 piloted by the vocalist of Iron Maiden, Bruce Dickenson—a heavy, impossible, powerful flight lacking grace but making up for it in sheer massive imposing bulk. The magic systems and the power of NPCs and adventures are some of the reasons i state this. This is also why I do not suggest Chargen'ing more powerful adventures. Cheers
  16. Hmm, again, I do not see problem. I see two ladies arguing and that it has little to do with their religion. I would be very worried should they start to use Ermaldn magic to solve Ernaldan debates using style and magic, and paying little or even no heed to substance. Magic fine, oratory fine, whatever other court politics intrigue, and skullduggery up to and including murder probably have been done if they think they can get away with it without causing scandal...religious doctrine underlying the other items should please the wise who hear the arguments. Without substance and with any combination of the others one could be very worried indeed. Cheers
  17. I would say this is troubling to the faithful, and many could see this as bad omens (superstition, Glorantha style, and having as much to with Gloranthan truth, imo). Too be honest a priest or priestesses disagreeing in public is not the worst that can happen Hell, probably happens more that many wish it would, bad for stability and commerce. It has nothing to do with the gods or goddesses, who are either removed from such pettiness or even to having a whole different levels of pettiness of their very own. How about a priest actually working from within his cult to bring it down in reality. Or change it for the better Lex Luthor style with them as head (cue insane laughter, bwahaha—they will all follow me now!). Or worse, much, much worse—I have modules that... say no more... Remember that the gods are not even near omnipotent. shh!
  18. Ah Shiningbrow, I see why you are having problems with this. We are visitors from our blue planet to Stafford's green lozenge Wethe players and GMs do not believe in magic we can not exploit or gods that can not do something for us. Codification and god learning, ya know.The folk of the lozenge see it all very different.They have to. No choice, it means life and success against adversity mythically, historically, presently and as sure as gods make little green hills tomorrow to! They know if they do not appease the river or creek near their stead the spirits will turn their boats back or tear their nets. Belief has absolutely nothing to do with it. They do not read this as fair of unfair but just as is. We might call them naive, but they know better! Alas, a little role-playing is required here taking on a very strange role, willing to consume something as daily bread and truth in the sword and sandal sandbox of Glorantha even if very different from one's day to day life. Assume that the folk of the lozenge do not feel they are being fooled but that a truth of the god's age is being revealed as it is a little way each season holy day and in mind-blowing village scale hero quests of the Sacred Times and High Holy days where you and your neighbours can walk amid your tales and heroes as well as gods and demons. It is a part of Glorantha that should not vary very much I think.. Now Mythros and RQ 3 do not see it that way and might suit better, but RQ G and HQ G the inherent shamanistic Staffordian silliness is a part of the cloth (again, I think)... Ah hell, each to their own, vary away, remove if you wish but I have no problems asking my players to suspend disbelief and except the word of a priestess under the influence of Runes and Magic evoking their deity to the faithful, possibly to the point of accepting shit we would call blarney.. Cheers
  19. an egregious Munchkin might, just might, start far enough back in the family history to become his own child... just saying.
  20. Surely you jest (waiting patiently... hold rimshot...) Superior Trollkin do not predate Trollpak. The curse was not canonical until then? Wow, Sandy was a busy boy, and a hell of a product too. But are you sure? (still waiting...)
  21. My thoughts as well... Make the effects minor and subtle, even with a Bladesharp 4 once thought to be powerful. perhaps the whistle of a enhanced sword is a little more evocative of the wind. When the sun hits it just right again after a brilliant move perhaps, it glints a woad blue (remember this might work with steel but this is red bronze hmm). The air moves enough to be noticeable on a special perhaps as the blade whistles into flesh, Hints and cues subtly dropped in descriptions. But care is required that you have not added another magic effect and unthought of consequences as well. What to do with a bladesharp 10? (The boy within says: zzzzoommm, vrrroooosh, zzzzzzooottt!)
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