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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. Is the hard copy still available? When I use your link I get this and a contextual menu for the author’s works gives only a link to the PDF Cheers
  2. Wish I had never used mine, but it got taken down off the shelf often, alas. Value... a beer or three!
  3. Yep! Now that sounds like a wonder, I would love to try the KL s/p/s but I am not sure if that is because of the power play possibilities or the truly steep learning curve challenge on roleplaying this bad Mama! Not knowing where to begin I will simply repeat this one and let it speak for itself... That sounds incredibly tough! Of course ya did! Ya munchkin! Nice, tying it into the world!
  4. Remarkable, for the most part this here little thread stayed on topic. For one of my joints that is truly amazing! Some truly great ideas, but we missed some of my faves from over the years. @soltakss tells of a truly bizarre pixie, if prompted. @MOB has my favourite oddball of all times and then the fan collective got ahold of it and the Spike exploded all over again. Melo Yelo might be one of the truly great RQ and HQ and MGF characters! That’s a hill I would be willing to lose a limb on! His sad sack tale of trial and aspiration and his stick-to-it-ness despite the odds! Truly a hero for all times! May I introduce my very fave illustration in most RQ and HW and HQ products... The Pic says it all! Lisa Free drew this sartorially splendid individual, but I often wonder who played him.
  5. And on that issue, can anyone tell me how the Brick and Mortar thang works? @MOB? My local is where I will be buying mine, so it will be needed info.
  6. Thanks you for that timely reminder about Lines & Veils David, I once had a player tell me I was not playing the game correctly as I did not feel comfortable with slavery or other unmentionable forms of violence. I very much reject such unprogressive thinking and it is nice to see I have some support at Chaosium for my views on this. I sincerely hope those who disagree with this opinion do not hijack this needed thread to disagree with me and let me know that I AM NOT PLAYING THE ONE TRUE GLORANTHA! Cheers
  7. Let’s see... it is in a table called Strike Rank Mods not Strike Ranks... that says it all to me.
  8. So a few of you posted having these incredible critters, but did not mention what shenanigans they got up to. Pixies This spell is not uncommon, granted, but is it not a Common Rune Spell. So I am not sure I follow, is it more common than any other Rune Spell which, I must say, I find quite common these RQG daze? Not so much in daze of yore when Rune Spells cost initiates dearly! Come on, dish! What happened, man? Ye gods and goddesses man, Have you ever played a normal character? 🙂 You raise some good points, so let’s just single this out and say, yep! I was waiting to hear about a Morakanth. The least odd of the odd ducks! C'est trop triste mon viuex! 😞 There we go, now we got to some Maidtone madness. This is one beast that would be as much fun as playing a trebuchet! Had the centaur for a touch of hellenic class on top of the Glorantha madness? I feel your pain! I have pulled this one myself, but I wonder if I got it from you or Austin? I am doing a few cameo one shots these days and am truly enjoying playing Vishi, an odd duck of another feather. I was thinking playing his boon companion, Cousin Monkey could be fun. He is a unrepentant coward who says nothing of import according to VIshi.
  9. Anything you want to share? Humans, ducks and baboons for myself. Would have loved to play a troll or a trollkin and just heard someone (@Eff?) mention a troll Babeestor Gori (truly scary!) Seeing as I was playing in the 80s, I figure a sorcerer back then would qualify as odd... it would be a few years before the first Gloranthan playable sorcerers were mounted in Strangers in Prax (was this the last module?). cool! An odd duck! Think I read this a while back.
  10. Posted this in response to a question on Discord about whether Wind Children are playable and it dawned on me, what odd... ducks or baboons (once played a great film noire inspired baboon detective! "Names Monk, no, just Monk. What’s that? A similarity, no, never noticed... are ya trying to be funny?") or runners... or even odder have you played back in the cool ol’ daze? Anyone play a Maidstone Archer level weird beastie?
  11. The best idea is to decide how long it would take for the water to move safely through. I would imagine that forcing an elemental through a tight gap would cause damage but assuming time permits a slow and safe passage...
  12. So, there you go Andrew, doing my job as a Chaos Cultist! So everyone go out and play for free and get a free Roll20 copy of Necropolis as well by going here... https://www.chaosium.com/blogcthulhu-curious-chaosium-plays-the-necropolis-for-24-hours-on-roll20-for-halloween/
  13. It did, but I have been corresponding with Brian Moseley (It’s his site) about this and he says there is a known bug with some Macs and in my case I just could not use Safari 14.1.2, while Firefox 93.0 (64-bit) seems fine. Signed up for a game tomorrow!
  14. Saw an interesting ad on chaosium.com and thought I would follow it down Ended up on a blank screen and thought I heard crickets at Warhorn... Anyone know about this? @Mike M@MOB?
  15. At times I feel we are at opposed poles but thankfully not polarized. Let’s give this as a model that can be achieved (not exactly setting a low or a high bar but one that is certainly achievable). You are unlikely to sway me, but your curtesy is appreciated. I certainly hope I have achieved this standard in these shared fora as well. A lot of my politics is Darwinian. Not the erroneous "Survival of the Fittest” but the correct diversity of species. "The more diversified the descendants from any one species become in structure, constitution and habits, by so much will they be better enabled to seize on many and widely diversified places in the polity of nature." So, I like the absence of echo chambers and am okay with democratically sound differences of opinions. A strong and healthy agora is a marvel to behold. Cheers ETA I truly love how Darwin shaped his argument and wrapped it in political terms!
  16. Thanks G33k! If one is getting privileges not afforded to all, it is one's responsibility to ask why and to redress the situation!
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