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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. No one told me we were playing the praxian equivalent of Where’s Waldo... How inhospitable!
  2. <ahem>I believe that is known as hard bargaining!
  3. That means you can pick up your own copy @Crel!
  4. I hate to say it but... So seriously, should I decide what I want the party to have to react to! Or do I let what I know of what the players would enjoy dictate how the battle goes? Either or... Will a running retreat from the Balrog with a fave NPC crying out "You shall not pass!" be cool and will the players dig it? Or are they just about ready for the victorious battle scene from 300 as they wade though victim after victim after victim, all falling bloodied and quite possible headless and limbless Think about it, do you roll your dungeons? Or do you created cult and mold them with care? Go to 3:47 if ya want to save time. Or watch it all... (2nd choice is better)!
  5. First point full agreement. Second point, I quite agree and this is why I think all should take spear and shield with a secondary(or primary depending on how ya look at it) sturdier weapon. Should the spear break, and if it is being attacked this could well happen, r if it impales (mostly a happy event), the sturdier weapon comes into play. Third point, GMs decision innit, but I still agree. The ticks should be at least earned. Hey, you do you, and if your happy you are mostly doing it right. Yep, I am a fan of this maligned rule! ENC rules! Cheers
  6. Simple, If you have a trainer, or the resources, Once a season he can use all of these: An adventurer may train a single skill with an instructor per season OR research a single skill This still allows three weeks adventuring. This still allows your your normal occupation and community roles. The adventurer still receives Experience Between Adventures (page 416). The adventurer is now “Fully Booked” and can do no more, or Sacred Time roles will be penalised in Additional Penalties to the Occupation Income Roll (page 422). And do not forget POW gains as well... This could easily offer ten ticks per season. occupation rolls here will be training or research rolls.
  7. Damn, that sounds like the praxian adventurers! Not the first time I have seen this trope to be... I still like it. YAY!!!!!
  8. Jinkies, as Velma would say. Yer not a meddlesome kid is ya? Like that Ian fella? Oh, did I mention it was a mystery! Bring a pencil and notepad... maybe a knife... to sharpen the pencil, of course (what did you think it was for?)!
  9. Just finished a playtest of a great Cult of Chaos Scenario winner from a couple of years back, "Trouble at Days Rest". Had a great time, but played with 66 percent newbies. This time, looking for knowledgeable players of RQ, Roll20 (familiarity will be good, but we will be playing more of a Theatre of the Mind with visual aids game rather than a war-game/battle-mat type game) and Skype to try it one more time (with feeling). Can play anytime this week or next. Game will last from 0900 hours to 1500 hours GMT-6. Willing to run one game with newbies but really want experienced players first and then if I have enough requests with newbies will try for a newbies game as well. A newbies game will take two days. This game will be run at a convention after the play test, so: a/ must not have played or know story of Trouble at Days Rest ( I mean, really). b/ must be willing to not mention the play test or its results until after GenCon... No spoilers SVP so we will do a hand shake Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). c/ must not want to play it at Gen Con... (nobody would do that, right? That’s cheating, no?) d/ willing to commit to one day's play for 6 hours with Intro, Break and Post Mortem included (two days of five hours if you are a newbie and if we get enough response to have an experienced group as well as a newbie group). e/ RQRiG rule book, Skype account, Roll20 Account f/ and most important: a sense of fun and a desire to help out! Will need your email address for your Roll20 and Skype accounts. PM moi with days you can play in the next two weeks and check that you meet all the requirements above. Cheers
  10. 12 hails Babeestor Gors and 3 Our Orlanthies... next! No idea, depends and changes depending on who’s asked. I have never seen an official count for RQ but Mythras says 4 a session. Add this to your 4 occupation ticks, one research/training and one POW and this should be fine for most and not enough for everyone else. You pretty much have to, in order to be able to check them doncha? Or do I misunderstand your point? Do you mean do I watch the players like a hawk.. well maybe, but usually it is because they forget ticks... I like what @soltakss said, trust your players, but me, I would hate to see them miss a check. They don’t come by that often and one has a 50/50 chance of missing even when one earns a tick in the long run. Play for a while, and see what is feels like to get ticks or not get ticks. I find this will balance a GMs point of view. I run more than I play, so getting in a game every now and again is mandatory for me. Let’s me see how it feels... ETA As @Klostersays, let people have fun! Cheers... and don’t forget those hail Babs...
  11. Trying to react with a thanks and getting an error, so manually... thanks for sharing MOB!
  12. Well. Hmm, at a big loss of words here. I will try... Thanks Mr Perrin for all the great games over the decades! I have heard it said we are not Homo Sapiens (Wise Man) but Homo Fabula (Story Man)! If so, you and Greg were our shamans to that wonderful place where stories became real! Thanks for everything and my deepest sympathies to your friends and family!
  13. Well. Hmm, at a big loss of words here. I will try... Thanks Mr Perrin for all the great games over the decades! I have heard it said we are not Homo Sapiens (Wise Man) but Homo Fabula (Story Man)! If so, you and Greg were our shamans to that wonderful place where stories became real! Thanks for everything and my deepest sympathies to your friends and family!
  14. I was working on that a couple of years ago, but took the past couple of years off to do a couple of failed projects. Good to see others taking it up.
  15. Glad to return all your assistance with Roll20, now, if I may ask a favour... please use spoilers as I have players here on BRP central ... and I am running Munchrooms yet again. Cheers
  16. Poof <cough, cough>, er yes... it is a bit of work, I have run it a few times from the trollkin point of view and quite enjoy running it, but yes the prep is there and hard to avoid... the biggest thing is it will require a bit of a change to start and that the GM take note of a few realities... As this will be a fair bit of work, make life easy by not including Passions and augments. You will need Runes for the few initiates (and better) and Rune Spells as well. See the note on doing prep on spells. Good luck and let us know how it went. Yep!
  17. Not if you wish POW gains...from worship* *ETA
  18. Just did a bit of a deep dive, through RBoM and the WoD and I can not see evidence of this. It is a good HR but where would I find this RAW? cheers
  19. Sure, how can I say no to that! Its Glorantha written large all over for one thing, it gives the players something to control and keep track of and make part of their overall strategy. Best of all it gives a reason to bring out one of the best parts of RQG— the lovely and very myth evoking calendar! As difficult as it is to annunciate (see upthread), it is very easy to play and to make it easier, take @Eff’s excellent advice and share the work with your players. More agency!
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