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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. It is a great idea, probably why RQ has been using it for a while. Even in the days where opposed rolls were not as used as today one would oppose a perception roll with a stealth roll or another perception roll as dictated by circumstance. good to see traveller living up to its rep as a great game though.
  2. I have been using this since the days of RQ3 and am not sure if it is a HR or actually in the books. But yeah, for a first fumble I always had the player tic tha box. Hell, I often allowed in circumstances you mention here. Now, I have looked for it in RQG but have yet to find it. Have you page or chapter for this.
  3. To me, this is the correct answer and what I have done for years... ...and this is the reason! I have always rolled items the players should not know about, for the reason you mention in the post quoted 2 up. So I make the perception rolls, the players make communication, agility manipulation and magic, stealth I divide. I roll for hide (the players may miss their feet sticking out from the tapestry) or they roll the sneak (they will know only that they have failed not the the bad guy heard). Knowledge is a mixed bag.... and even then, where I can I will let the player roll, for the reason swenson states above Sounds good Where I can without ruining surprise, sure... otherwise, as I have said... IMHO. I do use this where I can. Especially the second sentence..
  4. Enchanted does, I believe.
  5. The Merman are great example of considering oddities! I was also thinking undead... blame disney!
  6. One could even consider oddities to go with this. Obvious would be a Druluz but hey, a Newtling... a Dragonewt, a steam punk Mostali... an intelligent salmon... Sounds fantastic, and oh.. by the by... YOINK!
  7. I remember the D30 more than I remember the game but I do recall them...Mid 80s?
  8. So long as this is noted, by all means. Speculation in Speculative Fiction, how novel!
  9. A quick perusal of my numbers and they add up to 51 minimum and 91 ticks max.
  10. Rumour has it we are simply waiting for it to be rebranded as a QW product now that Chaosium has relinquished the copyright to HQ. Great book so get it when it does become available again. Patience might be required though, I think it is far back in the chute
  11. That depends, did you actually get 40 increases (time x) per year in the old way of playing RQ? I bring this up a few times a year but it still seems relevant. In Rules As Written one can still get 20 occupation ticks a year, 5 training or practice ticks a year 6 POW gain ticks a year and... what... let’s say an adventure every season... 4-12 possible experience ticks per season (Your mileage will vary) for a total of 20 to 60 adventuring checks a year. seems good to me There are many skills on the sheet (by default) that one does not have at the start of the game. The skill being on the sheet does not mean you have it at all. All skills with a 00% base are at nil percentage (no modifiers) until trained. Oh, and nice to meet you Jose Luis, welcome to BRP. Small point to @Rodney Dangerduck... I believe there have always been mods added to a skill tick check. INT in RQ 2 was the Mod I think, and Category Mods in RQ 3 added to the chance of an experience check. RQ 1, I do not know.
  12. And now that you caught my attention I hope you do not mind if I peruse the odd missive here.
  13. Heck, I do not even follow this (sorry) but I thought it a class act to apologize for missing an unpaid BLOG entry. Cheers
  14. Actually playing a Vingan Skald of the Drogarsi sub-cult now. Not much to detail yet. Early Days.
  15. Very cool, a bit of thought and the SJ connection might have clicked for me. Thanks for the reminder, brionl! I had heard this as well. But thanks Rick for the info.
  16. Yep, I do not feel bad about getting facts wrong when the source is not available to me (or over 90% of it’s potential customers). I don’t consider it a rule until it has passed three retcons... Thanks Martin!
  17. Hmm, actually I did not know that. Where is this written down. I should read up on this.
  18. Nor can the opposed runes go above 99 or under 1 percent
  19. I think Melee was the beginning of The Fantasy Trip when combined with Wizards. My first encounter with RQ was in '83 at the University of Victoria. DnD of course was ever so much larger but there were folk playing DragonQuest, C&S/Bushido and Aftermath (I think).
  20. The operative word here is work. To my mind none of these work. Worse they try to. Ergo, libraries of useless info... again, I am not telling you what to do... is it possible you may wish to tell me what to do.
  21. Darius, our world does not come with code like this so, assuming you wish, you can institute it. Perhaps this is one thing about our world ya figure can be better. Why have your game be like reality. Anyone for Advanced Attorneys and Accountants (2nd Ed. Blue Cover)? Me, I tone down slavery and women abuse. Have it your way. Of course soltakss, moi and the horses we rode in on (hell all members if this website for that matter... and their horses) can have it their way. They paid for the game after all! If you do want an exacting simulation, go for it. Hell, skies the limits. (See Role Master and Chivalry and Sorcery for proof)! Me, I prefer a looser and wildly inconstant world like ours but that is just me. "The rules don’t make sense, they are inconsistent and very illogical", I can relate. You should try the marble I live on. Cheers
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