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Bill the barbarian

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Everything posted by Bill the barbarian

  1. It was done by hard working volunteers...
  2. My bad (damn Oldzheimer’s!), seems you do add your DEX SR each shot as well as 5SR to prep a missile From the Well of Daliath https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com
  3. As far as I know, the number between the arrows after the first shot is always 5 for prep... The first arrow is either 5 plus DEX SR or DEX SR if prepared although nothing happens prior to SR 1).
  4. Oh wow, Phil... Fantastic, utterly fantastic. Thank you!
  5. It’s pretty clear that wyters can be any of these and more. A wyter is an otherworld being that is the focus of a communities sense of unity - and before it became the wyter it can have been a spirit, a small god, a ghost, an elemental, a sorcerous creation, etc. And to you I say what is a god? It has been long argued on our world... Can’t see it being a slam dunk on the lozenge... seeing as we will not be able to define a god in a logical and concise way (this has been tried... to very detrimental effect in Glorantha) I will once again stand on my above comments.
  6. Hey now, let’s not get all judgmental about it. I have an old soul down the hall from my high-rise apartment who rocks that look!
  7. DM me your email. Diane is happy to share but I can not upload the file to BRP Central...
  8. Let me see if I can find Diana Probst’s template for Affinity. Or I suppose I could call her as well... @Diana Probst
  9. Thanks, yes, it is indeed three weeks Depends on the myth, eh? This is good fodder for the non-hunters back at the base camp! Three markets for an enterprising individual. Great call! Griffin Mountain uses a scoring system based on the now unsupported treasure factor system of RQ2. Griffin Mountain and RuneQuest 2 are good things to have, though. Especially Griffin Mountain for hunters. Don’t see you much in these parts, skulldixon but nice post.
  10. Anything that generates adventure seeds is proof one is on the right track! Hmm this is fraught with great danger... but, with great danger come great adventure seeds? One would assume passing the barrier of enacting a small heroquest during a sacred fortnight and entering a greater HeroQuest might be a very thin veil to pierce at this juncture.
  11. Gee Richard, I do not often disagree with you but I see no reason why a Shaman can not be urban, nothing in the RAW or the RAI that I can think of...
  12. I have found Affinity Publishing to be as easy to use as InDesign and it costs about 60 bucks. No subscriptions!
  13. Seems to me to be a very erudite and interesting source of many things RPG related and also very Gloranthan as well. It was a very well rounded periodical that could have Lew Pulsipher writing a very good article on DnD and John Sapienza jr. talking about his take on character sheets and Greg hating on Dwarfs. What did not make it as canonical today drove the whole industry forward and made it easier to intuit pre-net. It’s greatest feature was being open and supportive to other games despite being damn close to a in-house Chaosium Organ. So, did a lot of it make to canon. As an old timer, it seems to have. Did it influence what would became canon, OH YEAH. Could we use the same support today, certainly.
  14. This a great hill to die upon brother, but might I shine a light on this early statement. It will make the battle easier. Google (Duck, Duck, Go for me) “myth" and “race" in your preferred phrasing, accept your preferred sources and you will be down a rabbit hole so deep. Seriously folk, I have not read any other posts in this thread yet, but this word did light up for me and make me wish to put this down before reading the replies. Very few folk with any academic or scientific heft believe in the concept of races (sorry Boston Marathoners) these days. I hope this is only one of many posts that bring up the fallacy, and the resulting pathology, of the belief in races. It does hold us back. Agreed. and this is where is should stay. I think this is true. In my fantasy (and thus my fantasy world) this is true. Thanks, quite correct. Runic not genetic, and seeing as none of these beings have genes... I say the humans here are far more alien than we thought them to be.
  15. Yep, many apologies, in the words of the immortal Lou Costello... I’m a baaaaad boy!
  16. If you really want these typical references (and if you do, I can relate... P&BR is a big thing, one might want to get all block-buster about it) the folk you are now considering for stat block creation would be your best bet to create these. Before assigning them the task to create your personae and their stat blocks have them create the generic ones you wish to spotlight. Again, you will have to decide if the work required here is worth it (many will say no, but I believe you want at least a minimal stat block for NPCs so if you are doing it for one purpose anyway, why not two). Run an extra chapter with important Stat Blocks (I know Griffin Mountain did this, I can not recall if P&BR did) It is not a total loss though, should you decide to not create your own. The averages for your “typical" stat block are still incorporated in the Bestiary as has long been the RQ tradition beside the characteristics, as an (average). @PhilHibbsHm, Phil, is your machine good for typical NPC Stat blocks?
  17. True, thanks Rick. I though that maybe he was translating stuff from Mythras to RQ G.
  18. The hive mind expert in these parts for RQ6/Mythras would be @hkokko. Check this site out, you will not be disappointed. https://notesfrompavis.blog/2012/01/11/return-to-glorantha/
  19. Mais j'ai parlé Français depuis la sixième année d'école... J'espère que j'ai du “chops” hein? (sure hope I said that well or I will look silly!) Bottom line, I like ambiguity in my worlds... Deity or powerful spirit/hero, this questions attracts those that want power... not joy. Godlearners! Yep, gimme good ol’ ambiguity every time, for the win! Why should the players be able to figure it out. Just because it races like a horse, looks like a horse and gives birth like a horse don’t any tell you it is not a bird!
  20. I had always thought there were 4 branches of reptiles.... Crocodilians Crocodilians are a group of large reptiles that includes alligators, crocodiles, gharials, and caimans. Crocodilians are formidable predators with powerful jaws, a muscular tail, large protective scales, streamlined body, and eyes and nostrils that are positioned on top of their head. Crocodilians first appeared about 84 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous and are the closest living relatives of the birds. Crocodilians have changed little in the past 200 million years. There are about 23 species of crocodilians alive today. Key Characteristics The key characteristics of crocodilians include: elongated, structurally reinforced skull wide gape powerful jaw muscles teeth set in sockets complete secondary palate oviparous adults provide extensive parental care to young Squamates Squamates are the most diverse of all the reptile groups, with approximately 7,400 living species. Squamates include lizards, snakes, and worm-lizards. Squamates first appeared in the fossil record during the mid-Jurassic and probably existed before that time. The fossil record for squamates is rather sparse. Modern squamates arose about 160 million years ago, during the late Jurassic Period. The earliest lizard fossils are between 185 and 165 million years old. Key Characteristics The key characteristics of squamates include: most diverse group of reptiles exceptional skull mobility Tuatara Tuatara is a group of reptiles that are lizard-like in appearance but they differ from the squamates in that their skull is not jointed. Tuatara was once widespread but today only two species of tuatara remain. Their range is now restricted to just a few islands in New Zealand. The first tuatara appeared during the Mesozoic Era, about 220 million years ago, about the same time the first dinosaurs appeared. The closest living relatives of the tuatara are the squamates. Key Characteristics The key characteristics of tuataras include: slow growth and low reproductive rates reach sexual maturity at 10 to 20 years of age diapsid skull with two temporal openings prominent parietal eye on top of the head Turtles Turtles are among the most ancient of the reptiles alive today and have changed little since they first appeared some 200 million years ago. They have a protective shell that encloses their body and provides protection and camouflage. Turtles inhabit terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats and are found both in tropical and temperate regions. The first turtles appeared more than 220 million years ago during the Late Triassic Period. Since that time, turtles have changed little and it is quite possible that modern turtles closely resemble those that roamed the Earth during the time of the dinosaurs. Key Characteristics The key characteristics of turtles include: keratinized plates in place of teeth body enclosed in a shell that consists of carapace and plastron a keen sense of smell, good color vision, poor hearing bury eggs in the ground
  21. Alas, I am not sure about this... I tend to separate Wyters from the gods unless a god gave the community a wyter. Same as I separate Spirits form gods... not saying a wyter can not become part of the religious life of a community... they are the community for good or ill. No Wyter, no community. Thanks for a starting place. Will comment on your supposition later cheers See above, I question whether they are spirits or gods. I aver they are spirits but will allow any and all to call them gods and if their is good evidence that worship gains the worshipper in any way, my opinion is thus lessened. No worries. Chacun à son gôut, mon ami. Yep, see above' Thanks, and thanks for the data points! Would you think these to be jealously guarded cult powers shared with good friends and allies or those who have helped in a major way or freely give for the right amount of coin?
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