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Everything posted by mandrill_one

  1. Maybe what Atgxtg says could be formalized by framing it within the well-known partition of Medieval society into three "orders": those who pray, those who work, those who fight. For KAP, the 3 orders become 4, with the addition of (the very rare) "those who enchant" ("those who charm"?). It does not become one order to actively perform the duties that are typical of another order. So, it does not become a knight to actively produce magic effects, or to celebrate Mass; however, he can certainly attend Mass, or use magic items or benefit from magical effects created by other people.
  2. If the file is REALLY old, the .iwa extension probalby corresponds to an "IBM Writing Assistant" file, not to the more recent "Pages" files from Apple. IWA was a DOS software. If this is correct, I've found this possible solution: it's "File Magic", an apparently free software for file visualization that claims to be able to handle .iwa files: https://www.filemagic.com/it/uncommon-files/iwa-file-extension/iwa-files-what-to-do-if-you-don-t-have-ibm-writing-assistant-text-software/ "File Convert" lists .iwa among the files it can handle and is available as a free trial here: http://file-convert.com/flmn.htm#xl_fmn_pric However, the trial version "introduces spelling errors" into the converted text. So, I'm not sure it's really useful... The "Advanced File Optimizer" webpage claims the following: " .iwa is an IBM Writing Assistant text file. It is a DOS application. A text file stores simple words and text with minimum formatting and no support for images or tables. The file is made up of ASCII characters and they are made up of one byte each. This character set can be read by any text editor." (emphasis mine) They also claim that their (also apparently free) software can "open and fix" .iwa files, here: http://advancedfileoptimizer.com/file-extension/iwa/ As an alternative, if you are able to run DOS software, you can (legally, I think) download IBM Writing Assistant from vetusware.com . It will probably need some amount of tinkering and a floppy disk drive. BTW, Luca, for what purpose do you need the Atlas exactly? If you give us more information, maybe someone here could be able to help you using some freely available resource.
  3. You're very welcome! If I may, you are sorely missing some serious entertainment (and other chances to honor Greg's memory...) if you don't also download and play the other free "We Are All Us" adventures (for Pendragon - by Greg himself! -, Call of Cthulhu, Runequest and HeroQuest). They are available strarting from here: https://www.chaosium.com/we-are-all-us-free-adventures/
  4. Here you go: https://www.chaosium.com/content/FreePDFs/WeAreAllUs/2019/The Sword of Kings - 7th Sea.pdf
  5. Do you want a Don Quixote supplement? Draft a proposal and submit it to the line editor!
  6. Username, this discussion on BoB is very interesting (for me at least). Maybe you could open a new thread? Or continue here, no one has complained yet about trail derailing... 🙂 This community is very courteous (of course!), so feel free to ask your questions wherever you deem appropriate.
  7. I have a directory in my PC, where I put all the books that I feel could be adapted to Pendragon. Here are its contents: - GURPS Camelot - GURPS Celtic Myth - Harkwood (a chivalric adventure/sourcebook for GURPS Classic Fantasy) - All "Daring Tales of Chivalry" books for Savage Worlds (4 books) - "Caves of the Circind" for Mythras Mythic Britain - The Sword and the Loves from Mammut RPG - I, Mordred (alternative setting where Arthur is an usurper and Mordred the rightful king) - Age of Arthur (alternative "historical" setting, includes a scenario and some adventure seeds) - Time of the Wolves (complete campaign for Age of Arthur) Enjoy!
  8. Thanks! Will definitely check this one out!
  9. I second @David Scott's suggestion: just use the KAP 4th Edition's magic rules, which are flavourful, really entertaining and explicitly tied to the background. Simply reduce the time/aging requirements/costs until you obtain a system that works for you.
  10. As @albinoboo said, it's my Kickstarter reward from a some time ago: August 2017, but with estimated delivery by april 2018, so it's just a year late. Nothing strange, compared to mean production delays of this industry, and it was worth every day of waiting! I confirm that the PDFs (of both books) are avilable both on Drivethrurpg and on Chaosium's website: https://www.chaosium.com/paladin/ Hopefully, Chaosium will start selling the physical books once the kickstarter rewards have been fulfilled, so everyone can feast their eyes on these beautiful products!
  11. They exist! I've just received my backer copies of the Paladin Handbook & the Adventure Book. Really gorgeous, two stunning hardbacks! The gilded page edges and fabric bookmarks are two really neat details of superior production value. Very happy of this purchase (or should I say "funding"?). Thanks Nocturnal and thanks Chaosium!
  12. Hi Scotty, if Chaosium wants to acquire a copy of the first edition book, it seems to be available from AbeBooks: https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=30262819994&searchurl=sortby%3D17%26tn%3DKing%2BArthur%2Bcompanion&cm_sp=snippet-_-srp1-_-title1 at the VERY cheap price of 3.78 $, good conditions, free shipping within the USA. It's also available here: https://www.threegeeseinflight.com/product/21741/The-King-Arthur-Companion--First-Edition-Hardcover-Phyllis-Ann-Karr but not so cheap, 45 $, very good+ conditions. Hope this helps!
  13. Hi there! Basically, Scotty has just posted the two files that I had posted on the old Nocturnal forums (Book of the Warlord and Book of Uther name conversion lists). Combined with the other two lists (which include the Book of Estate and another list, don't know form which book), they should cover most names needed. It should be trivial to combine them in a sigle list/file, I can do it if there is interest. I fear that producing the reverse list, from modern to descriptive names (is it needed?), will be more difficult and error-prone, but I can try this too. At home, I should still have an old file of the Pendragon Atlas with two big name lists, one for the descriptive --> modern conversion, another for the reverse modern --> descriptive conversion. IIRC, Greg gave it to me for completion but I probably never got around to really finish the task, due to the general reverting to previous names (thus the task became basically useless). Again IIRC, it contains a lot more than simple name lists. So, if I find the file(s), I'll send it privately to Scotty, who will then decide if Chaosium wants to post it here, or to post just any name lists included there, or to use it in any other way. Best, Roberto
  14. French scenarios included in magazines: - Backstab Backstab 03 - Qui va a la chasse Backstab 08 - Le roi se meurt - Casus Belli (2nd series) CB 040 - Anciens Mysteres CB 074 - Premieres Armes CB 099 - Le Loup dans la Bergerie CB 103 - Gout de cendres CB 112 - Enfant des fees CB 114 - Quatre filles CB HS08 - Chasse au blanc cerf CB HS15 - Chant des loups CB HS24 - Meute doree de Saxemord - Tatou 1 or 2 scenarios/articles per issue between issues 10-24 Please note that I haven't got EVERY issue of Backstab, Tatou and CB magazines, so some scenarios could be missing from those lists. Spanish scenarios included in magazines: - Nivel 9 Nivel9 10 - La Dama Misteriosa Nivel9 12 - Do ut Des
  15. Here it is. Original French scenarios included in official books: Editeur Oriflam - Le roi oublié (with the GM screen) Editeur Icare - Chroniques de Pendragon 1 (one scenario per year, 486-492): Le linceul de Noctua (8 pages) qui voit les chevaliers en quête d'une relique dérobée dans un couvent saccagé, L’honneur sauf (7 pages) où ils doivent mener bataille contre des saxons avant d'être confronté au véritable problème, L’Enfant des Marais (8 pages), épisode dans lequel les héros se dressent face à des créatures habitant des marais, Triste Muse (9 pages) avec une étape au coeur de l'hiver dans un chateau à l'atmosphère lourde, Chevalier, Pilleur, Bourreau (8 pages) où les chevaliers tentent de retrouver de leurs frères faits prisonniers, Nos Maudites Chimères (9 pages) centré une Dame enlevée à délivrer, La course de l’Enchanteur (7 pages) qui met en scène Merlin lui-même pour les envoyer rechercher un chevalier retenu dans une forêt par un voeu. - Chroniques de Pendragon 2 (one scenario per year, 494-507): L'eau des morts (11 pages) où les Chevalierst doivent découvrir l'origine d'une malédiction et la lever pour convaincre un souverain de faire alliance avec Uther, Trésors d'Anarchie (8 pages) qui se déroule avec en toile de fond une invasion saxonne, la mort d'Uther, et le début de la période d'anarchie qui s'ensuit, Veilleur & Soudoier (10 pages) qu voit les Chevaliers rechercher l'allégeance d'un de leurs pairs pour le trouver mort, et rechercher ce qui a mené à cette issue, Les adieux du sorcier (10 pages) où les Chevaliers doivent respecter une dette, repousser des saxons et remplir une mission pour un vieil allié, Morgane (10 pages) se déroulant en Cornouailles où les Chevaliers ont été mandés en ambassade et où ils vont devoir libérer le prince capturé pour être livré à ses ennemis, Il était une Foi (12 pages) qui voit les PJ aider une alliée de leur suzeraine à retrouver son père puis à reprendre son fief à des chevaliers félons, L'aube derrière les brumes (11 pages), s'étendant sur trois années, et permettant aux Chevaliers de nouer de nouvelles alliances, d'en découdre avec les saxons jusqu'à la bataille de Cambridge et la libération de Londres - Rédempteurs (in La Rose et l'Epée, translation of BoK&L) - La Mariée Cambrienne (with the GM screen) - L'Abondant Fils Ainé (with the GM screen) - Les cendres de Dieu (in Fiefs et Manoirs, translation of BoM and BotE) - La Bête de Tilshead (in Pendragon rulebook)
  16. The French publishers of Pendragon have produced a notable amount of original, official material for the game. If you can read French, I can put a list here for your perusal. Also, the French magazines Casus Belli, Tatou, Backstab and Descartes Magazine included several original Pendragon scenarios over the years.
  17. Well, if you like income ranges as a function of pay (the latter rounded off to the nearest £0.5), you probably also want to round off a bit the income range figures too. For example: (of course, instead of 451-650 and 651-850, you could write 450-649 and 650-849, and so on).
  18. My suggestion? Round the revenue to the nearest hundreds of libra (here, to £1600), then follow this table: It was obtained from the best Excel fit of the data provided, with this function: pay = 1.736 * ln(revenue) - 6.9625 In this instance the officer pay would be £5.8, or £5 16s. I don't know how this relates to any court costs, however.
  19. I just discovered that Chaosium is debuting a whole host of new convention scenarios this year at GenCon, and... ...DRUM ROLLS PLEASE... ... there will be tables to play both Pendragon and Prince Valiant!!! Here's the link to the news, directly from Chaosium's blog: https://www.chaosium.com/bloggen-con-preview-2-new-convention-scenarios-debuting-at-gen-con?mc_cid=1c38f85966&mc_eid=18d84ef2aa Unfortunatley I live in Italy, so I'll not attend GenCon, but all fellow KAP forum members can rejoice in knowing that KAP and PV are again under the spotlight! Is anyone in this forum planning to attend?
  20. +1! Even just the book covers of all editions and supplements would make for a beautiful book! Let's keep on dreaming...
  21. I know I'm probably over-enthusiastic, but I really like the cover art of ALL KAP editions... Maybe you could sell good-quality prints of all of them???
  22. Where does the "Pugnacious" bonus come from? I think I've never heard of it...
  23. In this page, https://thewildpeak.wordpress.com/tag/riothamus/ the author hypothesizes that Riothamus retires to Burgundy after his defeat in Europe. Maybe it, or a part of it, could be his kingdom?
  24. I second this request! It seems that some fellow forumites (@Morien in particular) have interesting files to share...
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