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Everything posted by heathd666

  1. im still kind of lacking understanding on this one especially as it applies to m-space. i used the "Combat Styles are weapon class based" (from Mythras page 88) so for my game they took for example pistols, and it allows them to use any weapon that is considered a pistol. but i am still lacking understanding about how to use the combat style and adding traits part of the system. can anyone throw me a bone and shine some light on it mayby by giving an example and how you came to that conclusion in the example of creating the combat styles. thanks.
  2. well we started as a clean slate with the exception about the colony ship, the one planet that the colonists settled on is called Terran, and that Terran did not have much water so it had to be imported in to support the planet. during our discussions it was decided that there were 8 main movers and shaker organizations on Terran. The New Terran Alliance, they are the governmental body, Bureau of Exploration,they seek out new minerals and water in the system as well as look for new prospects of terraforming. The Justice Board, they are the law of Terran which include peace officers as well as the courts, Public Health Institute, self expalanatory but all the medical on the world is ran from this, Fleet and Marine Corps, the military aspect of terran, Benevolent Order of the People of New Terran, religous order which all religons are under, Conglomerate of Executive Operations, The Corporations of the Planet, and Finally (i know not very original) The Asteroids and Planets Alliance, which compromise those people that live on space stations/small settled planets/asteroids etc. From there we worked on some things that were happening and had happened in the system. We decided that within the last year there had been a system wide war between Terran and the settlers and people living on asteroids and planets, Thus the Asteroids and Planets Alliance had been born. There was talk about the corporations from Terran had financed sanitization on some planets that had already had people living on them. From this we came to the conclusion that our smuggler was active during the war smuggler supplies for the settlers. He also is indebted for his ship as he never paid it off, actually stole it from his boss who he was shipping stuff to the colonists to. He may have some underground bad men and women looking for him. The Mercenary was a soldier from Terran who desserted after seeing and doing horrific things and some of those things have been blamed on him so he is now a wanted man. One of the players grew up in concentration camps where some settlers had been relocated from their homes on planets and asteroids. There was some experimentation done on the occupants from the camps. The Courtesan is running from Terran because she has a stalker hunting her. She doesnt know who it is as she had alot of employers. However her new clients started coming up dead and she was almost kidnapped so she decided it was time to flee after listening to the kidnappers talk about she was all theirs now, their precious. The Catholics have recently settled a (to be named later) planet where alot of the population from Terran have moved to. No Orbit Born people are allowed there as they are considered tainted. There have been whole families dissapearing both on Terran and on other planets. All have been big name families, people that are important figureheads. If less important people are missing its doubtful that anyone would report it so it may not be just important people. Some Places within the world. A couple of planets which im going to have to flesh out. Yggdrassil - a planet consisting of wild jungle like plants which seem to react to thing in a sembiotic like relationship. if you cut a tree down the things near it will attempt to stop you and mend it. not habitable at this time several exploration teams from the Bureau of exploration have gone there those that land dont stay long before plants destroy their gear and ship. Dagda - a planet filled with a swamp like surface. however the liquid is not water. there ia supposed to be rumors of some sort of civilization long since abandoned here. Ra - a planet (simiar to the one from Riddick) which is scorching hot magma on the surface during the day and frigid below freezing during the night. It is currently being mined as it is the only place that has a crystal used for Starship fuel. A station called S.S. Valien where Terran scientist work. Closed off and restricted. Crotoa an abandoned space station on the edge of a nebula supposedly from the first ones from the colony ship. Restricted Space. No one knows why its abandoned or why its restricted. Lots of stuff for me to build on from here though. Any ideas or suggestions anyone wants to throw my way would be helpful. if your one of the ones that read through my long post thanks and i hope you get some inspiration or enjoyment out of it.
  3. so we sat down and started a m-space session saturday night. i have to admit that sci fi is definitly my weak spot when it comes to genre and i struggle with ti a bit. we sat down and worked on characters with a character creation packet i came up with so we didnt have to keep handing aroundmy only copies of mythras imperative and m-space. i had 6 players and after alot of talk we have a mercenary, courtesan, engineer, smuggler, medic, and soldier. we character creation went fairly smooth with the only hiccup being i forgot to put the high and low gravity option in the front of the booklet so they had already made their characters mostly before they got to that point so there was some erasing and going back to create it. we spent the next 2 hours designing our world and getting to know a little about the characters. The world we designed is kind of Firefly ish with a smattering of The Expanse except that their ancesters were part of a colony ship sent from earth for unknown reasons to find a new system to colonize. their ship was damaged and they were woken up from cryo sleep and had to find a planet and start terraforming it so they would have somewhere to live. unfortunatly the colony ship was damaged and alot of information was lost to them such as where earth was and where they are in relation to Earth. below is one of my players character. she really wanted to play a courtesan so i imported the career from the mythras core book for use with this M-Space. i was playing with the different backgrounds and i believe i like the way the second one turned out. M Space - Serena Saffron - Character.pdf M Space - Serenna Saffron - character 2.pdf
  4. @hkokko i love John Fourr, i own several of his books in dead tree format and i follow his musing and blogging. ALOT of information for dms there. @lawrence.whitaker so true on the listening part. man sometimes all you have to do is start a sentance and the players will jump in adding flavor and character to make it way better than what i was going to say about it especially when brainstorming on things.
  5. got my confirmation from lulu my copy of Reflux is on its way.
  6. @dragoner im not familiar with DT fusion reactor im guessing its from Revelation Space but i am familiar with the Epstein drive from The Expanse books which sounds like its familiar. here is an interesting page for it. http://expanse.wikia.com/wiki/Epstein_Drive in the books they mention use of fuel pellets for it. hopefully this may help with your inquery. M-Space i think is more of a toolkit for sci fi games atleast thats my take on it. sort of like the big golden book from chaosium. meaning that you add whatever flavor you want for your soup i mean setting lol. you want fusion drives that run off some sort of fuel whether it be pellets or liquid fuel or whatever make it happen probably not what you were looking for but its my 2 cents worth
  7. @hkokko thanks for the pre gens i personally dont have mythic rome, yet, but i appreciate the enthuisiasm and dedication that many of you have for the mythras game. you dont find this kind of passion and love for a system especially for a small press company, no disrespect intended to The Design Mechanism, from alot of the other companies out there. you might get a response or a post on their forum every month or so and i am especially grateful for the community here. so thanks for your time and effort. just in case you thought that no one cares.
  8. i can see AI's already in the M-Space book, kind of, in the form of apps when building your ship, so mechanically speaking clarence thought of almost everything already
  9. for those that are wanting to use miniatures there are a ton of premade maps here for sale http://0-hr.com/Future_Armada/
  10. im extremely new to m-space and mythras in general but heres my take. im not clarence but to me the game is more of a toolset meaning it gives you the the tools and general mechainics to make the game into anything you want. if you want it to have flanges to move cargo ships around than of course it does. mayby 1 module equals i flange. it sounds like a great idea to me.
  11. i actually borrowed the ship from someones pic on deviant art and than i modified it in gimp to add and subtract the things i wanted. i wanted the ship to be a freighter hauling cargo. does the amount of cargo space look adequate?
  12. so i stated up a starship here it is. does it look correct? suggestions? speed 5 handling 5 size (Hitpoints) 249 Module Module cost ( ) Cockpit 5 crew quarters 16 weapons 4 engine (TR70) 18 Manuever (TR70) 18 sickbay w/autodoc 5 Hyperspace 3 Sensors 1 Galley 6 kitchen 4 storeroom 3 Captains Quarters 5 Passengers Quarters 8 Engineers Quarters 5 Main cargo 50 Auxillary cargo 25 Hidden cargo spots (x3) 6 Shuttle bay 10 Laboratory 8 Machine Shop 10 Vault 4 1 Bridge 12 Recreational Room 23 External hatch to Shuttle 2 Sensor Console 13 Passenger Quarters 24 Shuttle Bay and Shuttle 3 Stairs to Crew Deck 14 Engineering Quarters 25 Machine Shop 4 Galley 15 Main Cargo Hold 26 Laboratory 5 Kitchen 16 Auxiliary Cargo bays 27 Armory Vault 6 Store Room 17 Engineering 7 Captains Quarters 18 Engine and FTL Drive 8 Crew Quarters 19 External Hatch Doors to Main Cargo Bay 9 Infirmary 20 External Hatch Doors to Auxiliary Cargo Bay 10 Stairs up to and down 21 Internal Hatch Doors to Auxiliary Cargo Bays 11 Airlock to Outside 22 Hidden Cargo Holds
  13. i apologize i didnt go back far enough in the posts i found this which explains the minor glitch in the write up.
  14. so im trying to stat out a starship and ive downloaded the guides from http://www.frostbytebooks.com/#downloads but looking at the examples in the starship combat pdf i cant figure out how the speed and handling was calculated. for example the gamma star is as follows speed of 8, handling of 5 and size of 110. to determine speed it is TR of 100 multiplied by engine of 6, and divided by total modules of 110. it equals 5.45. to determine the handling its TR of 100 multiplied by manuever of 5 and divided by 110. it equals 4.54. so am i missing something or have i figured it wrong? sorry im kind of struggling with the procedure. Bridge 5 Crew 50 (12 Crew members) Weapons 13 Engine 6 (Thrust Rating 100) Maneuver 5 (Thrust Rating 100) Sick Bay 20 Hyperspace 3 Open Space 8
  15. wow i dont know how i missed that on page 24. thanks that sounds much better than what i was attempting.
  16. ive been reading and watching the expanse and it got me thinking about cultures in M-Space. so you have planet born cultures rural and urban. than you have space born culture with orbit. what about a military born culture something kind of like the storm troopers from star wars or if you have seen the movie soldiers with kurt russell in it, about boys born and raised into the military. what would their cultural skills be and is it even feasable for play balance to have a military culture like that. also combat styles, it mentions adding traits for different styles. i cant find much mention of this in mythras imperative. is it something static that anytime it falls within the range of ones combat styles you use it 1 difficulty step easier? im sorry for all the questions ive searched a bit on the brp central forums and im afraid i dont understand how to create combat styles and what to do with them after you create them. perphaps you could give an example of creating a combat style and the whys and whats. i found the examples in mythras imperative on page 20 but was curios about more m-space themed ones. thanks so much for your time
  17. another quick question for those that are Mythras savvy and/or have ran M-Space. i wanted to add a sort of race for players when they create their alter ego. i decided that there were either those that grew up on a planet with gravity or those that grew up in outer space with face gravity or no gravity so i decided to go with the below choice when creating characters. what are your thoughts on it. im still new to the whole mythras thing but learning its a bit different from the BGB. Planet Born or Zero-G Born – Those born on a planet are usually stockier in their physique and are able to act normally in gravity. However because of their higher bone density and greater mass when doing anything physical in zero gravity they make all rolls at one step harder than normal. Those Born in Zero-G are born in outer space or on board a ship with gravity producers and are usually long of limb with bigger heads and usually a very thin build (think kind of a normal human being but stretched out to where they are thin and long of limb). They have trouble moving on planets with an actual gravity for any length of time. They have a harder time doing physical things while on a planet with gravity and must roll those skills at one step harder than normal.
  18. i enjoyed it immensly its the reason i bought mythras and became interested in d100 again i fell out of interest around CoC 4th edition and occasionally browsed the basic role playing forum here at brp central.
  19. @Belgath when you said you ran classic fantasy games at gen con last year, were you the one running the scenario about the rotted tree roots and the past (or future i dont remember) called "The broken tree inn" ? sorry for reviving this old thread it just caught my eye about the games at gen con and i was probably one of the guys in your groups there.
  20. i definitly am happy!!!!!! i bought the first "After the Vampire Wars" book at gen con and was told i would get a free pdf. never did but i couldnt find the receipt either so i bought a second copy of the book january or february of last year with the idea of scanning it to get a pdf because i dont usually carry physical books i carry a tablet with my gaming library on it. but never got around to it. so hopefully when it is published i can get a pdf of it because i still dont have one of it yet and cant find where to buy a pdf of it lol. im definitly new to mythras but an old player of d100 so looking forward to the direction that design mechanism is going in.
  21. so for those that have run this and or those that are Mythras savvy, has anyone came up with a way to track ammo for weapons in M-Space without actually tracking them. for example like a resource/ degradation type of roll where each weapon has a safe number of shots and than after that number a degradation roll is rolled if successful you still have ammo. next time you roll you add another number to that degradation roll making it harder to see if you still have ammo. i was thinking like for a 9mm glock. say it has a degradation chance of 10% starting out. so after 10 shots you add 10 percent to the 10 percent for 20%. as long as you get over it you still have ammo. if you rolled 15% you would be out of ammo and have to reload. i dont know a lot about the mythras system but it didnt look really geared towards modern/futuristic settings but it does do M-Space well. so i was looking for an easy way to do ammo and consumables. any thoughts or suggestions?
  22. so is there anything in the works for this? i read this article here https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?764091-necro-appropriately-After-The-Vampire-Wars-Is-HERE!/page4 where Loz and Mr Snead spoke briefly about something After the Vampire Wars porting over to Mythras. so any possibility for this happening? or a After the Vampire Wars serial numbers filed off for Mythras?
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