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Everything posted by drohem

  1. Chill out and be a cool little Fonzie. :cool: Give it some time. These things take time. Ok, I downloaded it and am going to check it out. Hopefully, tomorrow I'll get a chance during the day if the wife naps with the baby
  2. I am in agreement that the RQ3 rules on skills are one of the most elegant in any RPG I've seen.
  3. Yeah, if you are using the Major Wound rules, then ignoring locations for minor wounds should be no issue. Minor Wounds would be descriptive only and for flavor and dramatic narration.
  4. Well, if you are married, then it's an invaluable skill to have and develop. Get those boxes check quickly!
  5. Well, I think that the skill cap of characteristic x 5% is reasonable only at character creation. However, I disagree with the skill cap after character creation. This is severely limiting on character development; especially for average or slightly below average characters.
  6. Sounds cool. I really like that you are making Morale a major factor, and highlighting the importance of a good leader.
  7. It definitely looks interesting and useful. Good luck with the project and congratulations on its acceptance.
  8. Cool and thank you. I am not a big fan of GM and Players edition books, unless absolutely necessary because of volume of content. This doesn't seem necessary to me with HarnMaster from this overview of changes. I feel like they are trying to milk the cash cow (i.e. me, and Drohem doesn't like to be milked!) with two or more books which could've easily been done in one book.
  9. In my mind, players characters are heroes by definition no matter the game system or setting. I am rather fond of the grim-and-gritty style and settings myself and I can identify with your point of view. However, I still like the concept and have no problem with using this mechanic in conjuction with a grim-and-gritty setting. It just has to be mananged properly, and the benefits of the mechanic have to be carefully balanced so that it doesn't drastically alter the flow of events (i.e. spending a point mystically heals all wounds, etc.).
  10. Yes please, that would be cool. Just a brief overview is necessary; nothing to in depth at this moment. I was thinking about adding HM3 to my collection, but with the purchase of BRP pre-production version and the issues, this is on the way, way back burner.
  11. Well, I don't necessarily see a conflict between this type of mechanic and grim settings. After all, there are heroes in grim settings as well.
  12. I have the 1st and 2nd editions. Ah...so the HarnMaster Gold edition is basically Crossby's version of what the 2nd edition should be instead of what Columbia Games published. The last time I played HarnMaster was years ago, and it was the 1st edition. I just recently stumbled across the CGI forums and saw these huge threads about the problem and legal status. I guess the contractual agreement between both parties is still in question, which affects future publications by both parties.
  13. Ok, I was thinking about HarnMaster and went to the Columbia Games website. I was interested to find out that a 3rd edition was published. I then went to the forums and found a nasty mess. It appears that the creator N. Robin Crossby is in some kind of messy fall-out with Columbia Games. The legality of materials published by both parties is in question. There are many threads dedicated to this issue. I then went to N. Robin Crossby's Harnic website and found out that there is a HarnMaster Gold edition and products. Anyway, does anyone own this edition and earlier editions? Are there any significant changes to the previous editions? What is the HarnMaster Gold edition? Is this significantly different that the standard 3rd edition by Columbia Games?
  14. hehe...darn history buffs. In my mind when I wrote 'Roman Empire' it was all inclusive from inception to demise.
  15. Ok, since Badcat has posted about Solomon Kane and Savage Worlds, I checked out their free quickstart rules. It's interesting. The use of different die sizes has been around for a while. Sovereign Stone and Serenity are a couple off the top of my head that use this as well. I can live with that approach. Savage Worlds also uses a deck of cards in play, and has some mechanics that are named off of card terms. There are several systems that utilize cards in the game mechanics. Torg, Lace & Steel, Masterbook, etc. I like West End's Masterbook approach where it is an optional rule. I am not a fan of cards or any other play aid that is not a die or dice. I guess I am just colored by my first experiences of roleplaying, and see these additions as extraneous. What do others think of using cards as a game mechanic in a RPG system?
  16. hehe...well, that's what happened to Ned Kelly and his gang. They couldn't run away due to the bulky improvised armor, and they were wounded many times in the arms and legs.
  17. I think that eliminating the impale rule against vehicles/objects is viable. I think that the impale rule should only be used on living targets.
  18. I like the Elfquest method which also grants a pool of percentage points to distrbute on top of the intial skill base. I like the idea of adding the category modifier/5 to improvement rolls.
  19. Ned Kelly was the Australian outlaw. Ned Kelly I read about the Comanche as well, but I don't remember many details at the moment either.
  20. This looks cool. I love anything dealing with the Roman Empire in its varying stages. I like alternate histories based upon the Roman Empire and its influences.:thumb:
  21. In my experience, a mechanic of this nature (Fate, Hero, Action, etc.) doesn't alter game play significantly. I have come to enjoy their use in the game systems that utilize them.
  22. It looks cool. I love militaristic games and campaigns. Since your creation point total is static, then there is no real need for the EDU characteristic. I like the combination of skills being derived from characteristics and then have a pool of percentage points to spend (it reminds me of Elfquest). How are you going to handle the skills Leadership and Tactics? What mechanical benefits will a successful skill test provide for these skills? I am interested to see how you are going to handle these skills. Of course, they are vital skills for a campaign of this nature. I like the French Foreign Legion feel because it allows you to have widely varying characters of all types and dispositions. :thumb::cool:
  23. It's a universal RPG like GURPS. Here is link to their website. You can dowload free copies. Also, I think that I saw it on Lulu.com if you want a print copy as well. Jags RPG :: Jags - Not Just Another Gaming System
  24. That would be cool. I really liked the show when it aired. The effects weren't that great, but with a little imagination, it was cool.
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