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Everything posted by Mankcam

  1. I'll grab it once it is available at DrivethruRPG. Sounds good. Hopefully I can also get the hard copy from DrivethruRPG as well, or via Amazon. Simply costys too much international postage from Chaosium...
  2. Some Power Points house rules: Player characters cannot initiate a Luck Roll unless they expend a Power Point. I have read about GMs only allowing the other attribute rolls with Power Point expenditure as well, such as Stamina and Effort. Seems reasonable actually, and if the player character is unwilling to expend the Power Point then their roll is reduced to the Characteristic x 1% instead of x5%. I also only allow skill re-rolls if the player character expends Power Points every time they want a re-roll. For my Fantasy setting the cost is 1d4 PP, whereas for my Pulp Era 1920s/1930s Adventure setting the cost is only 1PP for a re-roll. I don't allow re-rolling Fumbles. Sometimes I also allow a Success to be upgraded to a Special Success at the cost of PP expenditure, similar rate as above. (Never allow upgrading to Criticals or cancelling Fumbles however). Alternatively the chance itself can be upgraded to a Easy Roll for the cost of 1D6 PP perhaps. Both of these options work best if it is limited to a particular skill or cluster of skills associated with the character concept, so in some way it can can take the place of a 'Feat/Advantage' system. Basically Power Points can be used to demonstrate Conviction or Luck, kinda like Hero Points. Usually works well. BRP BGB briefly skirts some of these ideas with their Fate Points option. Seems odd that more pages were not devoted to the Fate Points option in the BGB, as it really makes Power Points quite useful to non-spellcasting characters.
  3. I would say they are about 85% - 95% compatible (if not more). Enough to be almost considered the same system. You can easily generate characters with one system, and play scenarios from the other. Go for it!
  4. I second Loz's advice and urge not to tinker with the armour system in RQ6. If that mechanic appeals to you then the BRP MagicWorld book offers the best set of current rules with that uses the variable AP roll. It is a little counter-intuitive if you are using hit locations however. RQ6 has a much more tactile flavour to combat, and if you alter the AP mechanics I think it will undoubtedly mess things around too much. Best advice is to run it as it is, it plays very well, and I don't think it falls into the same issues as RQ3 in regards to 'armour-tanking' due to the other features inherent within the RQ6 combat system. Yep, give it a go as it is, I doubt you and your players will be disappointed
  5. I once ran a fantasy game which had a Gadgeteer instead of a Magician, and I just replaced the spell foci with an invention, and the PP cost came from a supply of Power Crystals used to fuel the devices. Instead of a casting skill we just called it Operate, and he had Knowledge: Weird Science as a Knowledge skill. It worked okay, and for fumbles I just rolled the usual Fumble Table and adjusted it on the fly to suit the situation. It worked okay but if I was to do it again I would look at a Mishap table from other games which have Steampunk inventions and adjust it to use with BRP. I like the idea of renaming spells as Innovations, that has a good feel to it. Not sure how you get around the 'one-off invention' vs 'manufacturing' issue. In my game I just ruled that there wasn't enough technological resources at that stage to move into manufacturing. I will follow your ideas here with interest, as my troupe wants to return to that game one day and I may want to tweak the whole weird science thing a bit better. It is very likely that Clockwork & Chivalry can be useful here. I have the pdf of it but haven't had time to peruse it to any great length, so that's reminded me to do so. I would like to be more or less consistent with a published set of BRP rules next time I use steampunk inventions, but I need to see if C&C clockwork inventions etc could be ported over to my previous setting or not. From memory there was a whole chapter devoted to creation of Clockwork inventions and operation of such, including Mishap Tables and effects. I think I will definitely peruse that to good extent before I return to my setting, as in my experience it is better sticking to published rules. The good thing with BRP is that you can often port rules between the game settings and they work fine. However I will watch your thread with interest in any case, as you seem to have developed rules that were very similar to mine, and I'ld like to see how it goes
  6. Hmm they are both good alternatives to the standard BRP/CoC Sanity rules. I think perhaps the GORE rules are a bit more pulpy and would suit LEGEND better, whereas the rules from Uncounted Worlds 2 are an alternative for core BRP. Thanks for pointing these out SDLeary! Cthulhufnord, have a look at the GORE Stress rules - perhaps you can adapt these rules for LEGEND quite easily by replacing the 'Maximum Stress' roll with a Persistence roll. It has rules for what 'Sanity damage' to inflict, based upon the genre type. It could be the kind of thing you are after. But in answer to your last post, yes the Wrack spell scope is probably quite reasonable.
  7. Heh heh its funny to see the controversy of Ducks in Glorantha is alive and well in 2014
  8. I do like the idea of some POW expenditure for any permanent form of magic (not necessarily always the caster's personal supply - hence draining items which contain POW or sacrifice of others etc). However that is a valid point about weighing the balance of skeleton & zombie creation vs summoning and bidding elementals & demons, I will need to have a closer look at the rules again before I throw in any more comments here...
  9. I like what you have done, but you might find that you are almost re-inventing the wheel, as the BRP Renaissance system has a version which is kinda a cross between this and the Sanity system from BRP/CoC. I think if I were to not use one of the published Fear systems then I would just simply rule a Persistence check, and assign a difficulty modifier according to the intensity of the situation. I would just narrate the outcome accordingly. If you are creating outcome tables and such then its kinda along the lines of the published versions. I would direct my efforts elsewhere, but not to say you can't come up with an improvement on the published fear/sanity rules :-)
  10. In my humble opinion the POW cost is valid, it is like giving up a part of your soul to pay for the cost of creating a zombie. There are ways around using your own POW, such as using sacrifice etc I think LEGEND's Blood Magic rules could be useful to assist here perhaps. But I agree that the best route is to start with the BRP MW Advanced Sorcery rules and go from there.
  11. Excellent news! The monographs are far too expensive to buy and get shipped international directly from Chaosium, so many non-US customers will only have the pdf versions. Drive-Thru PoD has been reasonably priced in the past, so hopefully this will also be the case with these monographs. I'm off to check them out!
  12. If you were going to grab the Vikings and Land Of The Samurai books then I would get the LEGEND hardcopies, but if you are just after pdfs then buy the MRQ2 versions from DrivethruRPG for only a$1 each. There are minimal changes to the books in terms of content and mechanics (almost identical), for that price its hard not to pick them up out of interest's sake. I also heartily recommend the Gloranthan Classics if you want to get into Glorantha, although Design Mechanism is bringing out a RQ6 Adventures in Glorantha setting later this year. I'm a big fan of Glorantha, so I would be bias here. However I think you indicated earlier in the thread that you would rather steer clear from Glorantha. If you wanted to play a Tolkienesque/generic high fantasy setting then also grab the free pdf of Age Of Shadow from DrivethruRPG. Baron also suggested this previously, so I'ld like to second that notion. It uses OpenQuest but all rules are contained in the core rulebook. For $3-$4 you can pick up the pdf campaign setting from DriveThruRPG as well. Its very straight forward but good for running a Middle Earth like setting, and with minimal adaption you could use it for Middle Earth. Lots of choices for you. But to keep things simple you should probably pick up RQ6 and start from there
  13. Ok, to answer your question in a nutshell: Choice of rule set: RuneQuest 6th Edition Setting choice: RQ6 Shores of Korantia. (You can also look for MRQ2 Age Of Treason:The Iron Simulacrum to compliment this) Setting choice if wanting a ready-made campaign: RQ6 The Book Of Quests or LEGEND's The Spider Gods Bride That's my advice, for all the reasons already suggested in the preceding posts. You won't be disappointed!
  14. No, it is split between them. You would have to choose which effects you wanted to split the extra MP over. The base chance for Sorcery is equal to the character's INT. This does not mean you cannot put additional skill points into it during character generation, and if you creating a character specialising in spell casting then it would clearly be advantageous to do so.
  15. Mankcam

    Culture (Own)

    Yes, I thought that was odd as well. I'ld probably go Culture (Own) INT+30 or so, and allow one neighboring culture to be Culture (Other) INT+CHA perhaps...
  16. Ordered hardcover + pdf. Waiting on hardcover, but after checking through the pdf I'm happy to say I really like what I see. Totally love the ancient world flavour, very 'classical', you can really get the bronze age feel for the setting. I would love to see this setting supported, it has great potential. I'm itching to see more of it, and also itching to see what Design Mechanism rolls out with Adventures in Glorantha. The two settings have similarities, and the ancient flavour really is the 'sweet spot' for RQ6. By the way, does anyone have a release date for AiG? I'm hopefully expecting The Guide For Glorantha to be released via Kickstarter within the next few months, and I know that the HeroQuest Glorantha book will follow, so I'll be really hanging out for the RQ6 AiG version. Especially want to see a focus on various Malkioni cultures, considering they are much less medieval in portrayal now, so I want to get them right Back to topic, 'Shores of Korantia' is an excellent ancient world setting, highly recommended, it really makes me want to ditch my ongoing Cthulhu campaign and run RQ6 quite soon...
  17. Mankcam

    Pulp Edges

    Great stuff, A pdf version would be advantageous. I have a similar system in use for my Pulp Era Adventures setting, and these could port over quite nicely. Thanks for posting!
  18. Wow, for a free download, this is brilliant. Could have easily been a monograph that many would have paid for. I certainly would have paid for it. I also feel that The Green could have been a great opportunity for Chaosium to have an immersive fantasy setting. Thank you for putting it here for general use, I really love the setting and how BRP works within in. Great stuff!
  19. There are no rules for changing occupations or even rules for encouraging you remain in a given occupation. It's actually designed to have starting characters from a wide range of professions, many of them mundane, and seeing where the character ends up. In many hoary old RQ campaigns we would find characters who were farmers and crafters who, by the end of a campaign, ended up becoming heroic warriors, mystic priests, and somewhere in between. Quite unlike D&D, Rolemaster, etc where you remained in one class unless you chose to multiclass at specific intervals. So that is why I would consider restricting it to Skill Categories as opposed to Occupational Skills, as it will allow greater flexibility for the PC to choose where they want to have Arete abilites, which would likely be in keeping with how their character has progressed through game play. Still allows for PCs to have 100%+ skills in anything they have advanced in (I would go with the old 100%+Skill Cat for maximum skills), but it allows for a specific category of skills to advance to truly spectacular levels and streamlines what Masters would look like under this system. All interesting ideas so far!
  20. Mankcam

    Sword & Planet

    I think Interplanetary may be on hold...the initial ETA has lapsed six years ago...not sure I would hold out for this title. It was for BRP rather than OQ I think. Sounded pretty interesting at the time. If you are after pulp Sword & Planet, then the BRP monograph Swords of Cydoria probably hits the spot: http://catalog.chaosium.com/product_info.php?products_id=6719 Well worth checking out
  21. I'm unsure if I would restrict it to occupational skills, as some characters sometimes organically change their concepts through gameplay, ending up quite different to their original professional background. I would prob allow the PC to choose which category, although perhaps another option could be to only allow the Skill Cat to be determined according to membership in a cult, order, or other organisation. You could almost emulate D&D's Prestige Classes this way
  22. Yes, I reckon you could add in an extra tier or two if playing a Pulp Genre game. I have ported over variable magic into a Heroic Abilities system for my own Pulp Era setting and it seems to work fine. I use Power Points (retitled 'Pulp Points') for use though, so that might balance it out. If you were using these solely as Heroic Abilities like in LEGEND then I see no reason for not having a second or third tier. It could work for LEGEND, but may not be a good fit for MW/BRP I reckon. If you are using the Arete system from MW, and it is for a standard gritty BRP setting, then I totally agree. I considered this when I read the Arete rules a few weeks ago, and if I use them I think I may houserule that you can only gain Arete in skills from a particular Skill Category. That way it does not limit characters having other 100%+ skills at all, but it forces the 'mastery' perks to be in a particular skill category. I may also rule that perhaps skills from outside that skill category can only go to 100+Skill Cat bonus%, as in RQ3 (I cannot remember if the BGB returned to that rule or not - it was obviously absent in Elric/Stormbringer and thus MagicWorld). I do agree that although you can have very highly skilled characters in a wide range of abilities, perhaps it is more 'realistic' if the masters still specialise in a particular field.
  23. They are excellent for Pulp Genre Heroic Abilities. If using LEGEND then I would recommend that the skill requirement be raised to 70% or 80% during game play, that's if some are able to be chosen later in play, as many may not be appropriate to do so. If using Magic World then I would make the skill requirement to be 100% to be consistent with the Arete rules. I would allow them to be chosen at 50% during character generation however. Anyway, some great ideas here!
  24. Hmmm now I see his name clearly in the RQ6 Core Rules, I don't know how I missed that the first time around. Anyway, these are a great set of ship rules, its a pity they weren't included in the RQ6 Core Rules, at least the collectors edition or the new hardcover edition. Maybe an idea for the next edition perhpas. Can't complain about the price of this pdf though, its certainly good value, it looks quite usable
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