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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Neither do I. But I also refuse to accept that something should be difficult or nerfed just because it's powerful or good. From a purely world-building perspective, there's no good reason that there shouldn't be a mobile version of this spell. Just as there's going to be Enhance POW.
  2. Other than... it's an Active spell! So, you'd need to make your concentration roll for each, and then you're limited in what you can do after (taking the max movement rate of 4m as a guide to the limitations). So, yes, you're right in that it doesn't say that, and therefore 'no reason' other than the above... but it would be sensible. Also, why would one wander around with multiple Lores?? (BTW - BoKT is Passive, so completely different argument! As well as being on different weapons)
  3. I took that to mean that they can't get their spells from within the cult structure. There's no reason they couldn't get spells from a different source (eg, some shaman somewhere). And, if so, then not only through devouring... (Granted, this does presume they'd have the knowledge/INT to figure this out.... or even that the spells exist.)
  4. How many do you have in your units??? If they're huddled together, then maybe. And I don't think you really want them huddling up. Also, Speedart is cast upon the missile, not the person. So, RAW, wouldn't work (just as Bladesharp or Bludgeon shoudn't).
  5. Strength spirit magic spell would be quite nasty here, often giving a +3D6 DB (if not even higher!) While true, that Special or Crit can still be nasty... and when you've got a dozen slingers firing, there's a reasonable chance to get a Special every round.
  6. Firstly, re: Initiates... I'd give them a higher POW and thus chance of Chaotic Feature - as per Natural Selection. Maybe even slightly higher stats. This is working on the idea that in order to get initiated, they'd need to have survived for a while first, and the stats would be important here. Secondly, the definition of 'initiate' is one who has Rune spells, as part of the Initiation ceremony and the sacrifice of POW. For the Lay Members, I'd give them all Speedart, as one of their major roles is slinging. Bludgeon also makes sense (for everyone). Both spells are listed in Bestiary as being typical. Any RL is likely to have armour scavenged from their victims, so increase the torso AP by a good light scale and above. There's not really a good reason they shouldn't also be skilled with shields. Or other weapons (although, metal ones would be less likely - except scavenged). While I like the thinking, the 'platoon' idea is problematic with a species with an average INT of only 7 (although, as per my thoughts on initiates, RLs should probably have a higher INT - again, natural selection). With that INT, I can only imagine that they'd immediately just do whatever is most pro-survival for each individual, and to blindly rush in to attack. There wouldn't be any tactics. Combine this with the Chaoticness of their existence, and there's no way you'd form a coherent platoon or organised formation. (I have an image of young kids, about grade 3 or 4, as having an INT of about 7... have you ever tried organising a class of them?) ETA: I'd also up the % for the Initiates. You say "over 50%", but I'd clarify that to the 70's and higher. Also, they should probably have their Ironhand cast on their stingers - especially if a more intelligent RL or Initiate. Combined with Venom Boosting, this can really make them challenging! (and then add in the Carapace!!)
  7. I just had a thought, which I put in Munchkinnery thread. "Now, how to find a way to make this Circle mobile... <snip> (actually, this is a non-question, because sorcerers can create their own spells, and so could just make a mobile version of it! One simple change would be to make it Active instead of its current Passive.)
  8. Impede Chaos. Now, how to find a way to make this Circle mobile... And walk through the Footprint... (actually, this is a non-question, because sorcerers can create their own spells, and so could just make a mobile version of it! One simple change would be to make it Active instead of its current Passive.)
  9. While you do have to take them into account, I don't think it's worth bothering about as a pro/con for this spell, as those spells were likely to be cast anyway... except now they're affecting a much larger number of people.
  10. So, in this week's edition.. .the new kid didn't show! Great!!! However, my 3 other Y6 kids are annoying me, cos they're not really focussed on what's going on. Granted, their warrior-type characters haven't been drawn into this type of situation, although the one playing Vasana most certainly could have... if he actually was interested enough. I think I'll kick them out after next week. (I've already been advised by 2 teachers that they aren't great kids to have around). The CA tried to Sleep the Great Troll - but failed the roll casting 😞 (I am still doing basics so that they get used to the system, so no fudging) However, no weapons were drawn, no fighting, and I allowed the guards to let the CA, Ernaldan and LMs to sleep it off in their own temples, but the fighters and Vishi were in the cells with the trolls (Vishi because I said he was an unknown in this town). They were given the opportunity to talk to the trolls, which they flatly refused. So, now we're in the next day's trial...
  11. Maybe Arachne Solara has a way to remove the taint?
  12. Noooo..... Powerful? yes. Broken? No. Utterly broken? Not at all. Sure, it seems good at first sight, but then you just need to do the maths... This is one spell that really needs to have all 3 Manipulations to work. Without the Intensity, it's not going to be very strong, and thus nor will any other spells cast upon it. So, just there, minimum of 6 point to be even vaguely useful (for a Shield 3, for example), and you probably want another 2-4 points on top of that. Next, you need to increase the size of it, or again, not much is going to happen with it. This is calculated as 1/10th its Range... so, no manipulation gets you only 1m radius. Realistically, you want at least a 5m radius (4 points), maybe more depending on who you want in it. Next, the spell is immobile, unless you've got something that allows a 5m+ radius circle to move. (Unless GM rules that only the initial caster needs to be on the vehicle.. which I would doubt). So, great, you'll have a powerful defensive circle that can't be moved - while enemy forces in a battle can move away from... Which leads us to real range - of other spells. Spirit magic spells only go 50m, and Rune magic to 160m... Which is reasonable for most battles, but if the enemy is mobile, and you're not, does become problematic. Sure, you have your other Sorcery spells (or do you?), but they'll take more range to cast ... 160m is already 7 points of your manipulations... How long do you want it to last? If you're looking at large-scale pitched battles, you want 6 hours (7 pts). Ok, if it's only for a short skirmish, then you might only want 1 or 2 points in it (up to 20mins) - but it's still points taken away from the others. So, calculating all of that - 8 (Strength) + 4 (radius) + 2 minimum (duration) = 14 MPs for a basic Protective Circle to allow any spells up to 8mps equivalent to be cast on it, for everyone within a 5m radius (15-20 people with arm space, none lying down) for 20 mins... who can't move out of the Circle without losing the protections on it. Which also means all those people within it make for a great target! Alternatively, if you are only looking at a quick skirmish, then casting time becomes a HUGE factor. Realistically, it's going to be a good 30 seconds or more just to get this Circle in place... and that's assuming those attacking you haven't noticed you standing there alone chanting like made for all that time, and left you alone. Like all sorcery, it's a huge time sink to fail (and it's going to take a LONG time to get this spell's skill level high enough to be very certain it's going to take*. That's pretty risky in any battle! (*ok, you could maybe get a fairly high starting percentage if you chose that one and only** at character creation - 30% Occupation + 25% Personal Bonus + maybe another 15 from Stats = 70%, plus maybe a attuned item for 10-20% if you're very lucky. And if you're doing this, are you going to then put up other other spells yourself, or are you expecting... nay, requiring... other people to provide those spells? If it's yourself, then what are the chances of being able to cast them onto it? Cos, again, that skill percentage isn't going to be great, and you've just spent a while casting your Circle, and just done yourself out of a pile of MPs.) (**Otherwise, it's only +10% for Occupational skill) So, my reading of this spell - very handy in keeping your command post, healers, or mages safe (probably), but that's about all. It's not a reliable game changer. (I could definitely see its use in something like the Cradle scenario - but that's quite a difference scenario compared to most others, and the players would need to have some idea about what's coming. The armies of the Western lands would use it regularly and effectively, but again, not the thing that wins their battles.
  13. Rubbish! Any decent Sword Trance is going to take a round or 2 before it takes effect, and that's more than enough time to get in a hit, especially if you allow spells cast by spirits. Even a simple Befuddle is going to make that Sword Trance obsolete. And, as @PhilHibbssaid, Dismiss works wonders! (Can you Dismiss a Rune spell while it's still charging up??) A 1-pt Disrupt is much more likely to go off well before a Sword Trance, and and even a Shield (with a few points... and you're not putting up a 2-pt Shield for this sort of duel). Even a thrown dagger is a quick way to end a duel. (I agree with banning Sever Spirit, but I would presume that's almost always banned anyway... except for those rare duels to the death because the opponent is really evil)
  14. I don't get this... especially since most duels aren't to the death. There would be nothing wrong with a non-public duel.
  15. Precisely! Sorcery is great - if you're patient and a plan ahead type of person. It totally sucks if you want great power in the thick of things. Not only due to casting time, but also because you're most likely to have quite low chances of casting... the majority of PCs aren't going to have even onespell that can be cast at the same percentage as the lowest of Spirit or Rune magic spells. OTOH, once you've gone on a HQ to get your new, fandangled "Inspiration" Rune Spell*, that doubles your INT for 2 POW (basically, the INT version of Charisma, Bear's Strength, etc), you're rocking! (once or twice a season :p) Add to that the Inscriptions, and the POW-Enhancing crystal (that can be increased through further HQs), and you're well on your way to taking over a small section of the lozenge! (I think I'll start a new thread about this...)
  16. I wouldn't stress too much about that. It should be relatively common and easy to acquire. The spell, however, is a vastly different story, and there's not really a good reason to make that easily available... and even if they tried to come up with it themselves, there's not really a good explanation for how a character would even think of it - unless they've seen one in use.
  17. I just got informed about 2 hours ago... another Y6 kid wants to join... ai ai ai .......
  18. I presume you're including the new Sorcerer's Shield in that list... otherwise, it's only 1 Technique (Summon (or Command)), and perhaps 3 Runes (Death, and 2 Elements (the third is Inferred). Even with SS, it's only an extra 2 Runes (assuming Movement is required). Sure, it's really going to hit on the the MPs, but it's do-able.
  19. So, today... I'm now up to 8 players, with a couple who are having difficulties with the English (but we have translators). Half are girls! (Awesome!!!) Because one of the girls may be in and out with other activities, I've given her a half-character. Added to the above 5, we now also have: Vasana (played by a boy). Makarios the Chalana Arroy healer (played by a girl.. or 2) So, I'm glad that their selections haven't been gender-based! So, I added the others to the scenario by telling the new-comers that they were in the market when the trolls started to ravage, and the others then came down the road. Not too surprising, the boys wanted to fight (anything... anyone!) So, I told them they can do a fight amongst themselves later to get it out of their system. I may make the Stormbull actually fight (but, since ZZ is an associate cult,.... hmmmmm. I also got him to roll Honour, which he passed easily, so I did say that he probably wouldn't do that). Unfortunately, Vasana wanted to fight to (until I said the same thing!) Vishi ran to get the guards, Makarios looked for people to heal, and Sorala and Yanioth wanted to try to talk to the trolls - which worked to an extent (with my best (but hardly good) troll impersonations). Session ended just as Hungry comes down the road - which almost everyone noticed with some good rolls... Players seem excited and eager for more! (BTW, the Runequest QuickStart is available in China.... for 129RMB (or about $20 US). https://item.jd.com/23640556011.html )
  20. Perhaps a slight rephrasing - could they Hallucinate that they'd been Teleported there, and then be there?
  21. I'm still wondering why you'd go this path, especially as the stroke has to actually hit the person somewhere to have an effect, and RL lightning does damage to that body part. Now, if you're talking just electricity, that's a different matter (slightly...). Don't use Range here. That's purely for the distance a spell can be cast at. Change this to be part of the Intensity/Strength - so she'll have to choose between HP and Hit Locations. Or, with a different spell selection, she could have some very powerful melee magics prepared... Boon of Kargan Tor on the sword, Ward Against Weapons for defence, your Sorcerer's Shield above, Mend Flesh (using Fertility as an Inferred Rune from Death), Enhance (STR, CON, DEX), and Master Manipulator (the Manipulation variant of Logician... affects 1 Manipulation skill (including weapons) for roughly the same benefits). Ummm, that would require Illusory Sight to around 10 points or so, so Summon, Illusion & Fire (or, obviously, just learn Call Light and don't need the Illusion rune).
  22. Firstly, welcome, and I'm glad ppl are posting sorcery spell ideas! 😄 For Lightning, I'd look to MoonFire for your main idea, although I get why Create Wall of Flame is similar too. Although Moonfire is from the sky, the general Runes and Techniques are the same, and there's nothing to actually stipulate where the damaging element should come from. Also, as said above, if it's a physical attack doing physical damage, then physical armours should stop it. (but I'd also agree that metal armours shouldn't be as effective as normal, and that it needs to hit a location.) Re: Mage Shield - if it's an orb that orbits and directed by the mind, it should be Dex x5%. If it's a solid object that's basically being held and controlled by the sorcerer, then shield parry %. Re: Magic Missi..... Mote - how do you dodge something invisible??? I'm also failing to see the need to have a certain spell in mind, especially since it's not directly a part of the spells you're casting, and once the spell is cast, what's in your mind is irrelevant.
  23. Well, there you see, I'd go the exact opposite, because the power of a Rune Spell is from the deity itself, and each deity has its own unique powers (even though we all use the same terminology, and they all seem to do the same thing - eg, Extension). So, a Shield from Orlanth may actually manifest as a swirling wind, while one from Humakt may appear as a couple of swords surrounding the caster, while one from Stormbull may be different again (eg, a hot breath). Could an Orlanth Extension work on a Humakti Shield? I don't think so, because it's not the same power. And, Rune Spells are a temporary embodiment or manifestation of the deity. To drop an Extension on a different deity's spell would mean you're literally trying to invoke an avatar of two deities at once. (granted, if it's an associated cult spell, this could be argued against it). I disagree with your terminology here. When you learn a Rune Spell, you are taught how to access the power of the god. It's not merely a "Oh, give us your POW and you just automatically know how to channel the power and force and magics of the god now". Some specific training is required. But, yes, even for common Rune spells... it's just that they're common, and so it's generally easier not to write them all out. Doesn't mean they don't need to be learned. I think you're reading that far too literally and pedantically. I think you're trying to apply the 'any' tag to every spell, rather than to any temporal spell provided by the god.
  24. Well of course! That would simply be MGF 😆
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