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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Skills over 100% Sorcery rules
  2. This weeks update... We fiiiiinnnnaaaallllllyyyyyyy got to actually playing... albeit, only for about 10 mins, after getting the characters sorted and printed, and new players informed, etc. Currently at 5 players (not sure what the other 3 on the list are doing). So, we have: Sorala, the LM Scribe with sorcery. Vishi, the soon-to-be shaman (after we've done Menyr's landing, I think I'll give him the opportunity to do that - maybe off screen, maybe at the table so the others get some understanding of it). Yanioth, the soon-to-be Ernalda priestess. Aranda, a Babeester Gorite from a noble family. Mago, Stormbull initiate from Wilmskirk. At the end of the 10mins, they had entered the North Gate of Jonstown, and entered the North Market, to a lot of noise.... My Vishi player has bought his own dice... a hollowed out set of metal dice (basically this set... https://www.amazon.com/AncientDeer-Polyhedral-Explorers-Dungeons-Dragons/dp/B091XPJFJS/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=coc%2Bdice&qid=1678184146&sr=8-8&th=1 )
  3. Thanks all. I always thought Sartar was more hilly/mountainous, and significantly greener.
  4. Now, I'm quite sure no-one has yet been able to photograph anywhere in Glorantha, but IIRC, there was a thread from a few years back that had photos of the general lands of Genertela, to make it easier to put into our imaginations (it's simple to just name a land formation or geography - but if you're not used to that type of land, it's much harder to imagine). Obviously, I' referring to real world versions... Does anyone recall the thread? Or should a new one be started??
  5. I wonder if any join Babeester Gor...
  6. So, the covers say that the books will include new spells and skills unique to each cult. Who will that be 'new' to? Will there actually be anything really new to us who have been playing and buying for decades? Or will the spells be what's in RBoM, and the skills the standard Sense Assassin/Chaos/Undead etc?
  7. Sorry, would you say that again?
  8. I'm sure... for someone who understands the game system, the world, and the concept. But for a complete noob, I'm passing on that.
  9. What surprises you about the post? Rather coincidental about the character choices... I do hope one of the others chooses the Stormbull, for Meryn's Landing. Since Sorala has Uz Lore at 30%, I think I'll also give Darktongue at 1D6 +Comm (or - is it more fun when no-one can really understand each other??) Are your players experienced in RQ/RPG? Yeah, I really hope so, and that I don't completely stuff it up, and give a really bad impression.
  10. This week's update... Looks like I've lost 2 permanently (the Koreans, as expected). Unfortunately, today I was also down a few others for various reasons... apparently, watching the football match was more important than gaming! Can you believe this generation of kids??? So, I was left with the 2 most interested, and after showing them Heroforge and my other KS minis being painted, we looked over character sheets - the Starter Set folio. One has chosen Vishi, cos he likes the idea of going into the spirit world (yes, I told him he isn't a full shaman yet). And My girl Isis wanted to play Narres Runepainter, the Eurmali. While I had explained that he's sort of like Loki - no-one really trusts him and all, but sometimes he's useful (and can say things that others are too conservative to say), I hadn't pointed out that if anything ever goes wrong, he gets the blame... So, she's changed her mind, and will probably take Sorala, the Lhankor Mhy scribe (and I'm giving her the sorcerous version!) Next week, we should start at the northern gates of Jonstown, and encounter some drunk trolls... finally!
  11. I certainly agree that the name of the spell has virtually no bearing (or, at maximum, only 50%) on the description of the spell. I, too, would think that all spells cast on it must be protective in nature, although the bit about attack spells working when crossing the boundary do confuse that. Resurrection is a huge leap over to another continent... Personally, I wouldn't allow it, especially since it requires going into spirit combat with deceased's spirit. Next question - does this spell over-ride the incompatibility issue?
  12. So, I'm in China, and the school I work at has After School Activities, and I've offered up TTRPG, naturally using RQG. (unfortunately, only 1 hour per week... and that's not a full hour, only 50mins*). There was an ASA fair to showcase our offerings, and so I showed a few of the pics available, and my dice collection, and had a few sign up then and there. I had 10 students in the first trial day... including a few girls who were quite interested! I've also been told that at least 1 of the students has been telling classmates about it, and perhaps others might want to join... perhaps next semester, where we can have a few different games going at once...??? Unfortunately, the oldest is only in Grade 9 (so, about 14 years old) going down to Grade 6., and I expect to lose a few (especially the Koreans who don't have a grasp on my English... oddly, cos they're usually better)... which is good for the numbers! Only one of them has played any TTRPG before, so this could be fun... I'll run the Starter pack, and probably have 2 players per character (unless a few drop out). Next week I'll introduce them to the possible characters, and get them to choose (before I print the full-colour sheets). I also invested in Andrew Taylor's minis Kickstarter including the pre-gens and Skybull heroes (and a couple of trolls, and ducks...), so hopefully my mate will have finished painting them soon, so they can use them as well. I've also bought a few of Dario's counters... Naturally, within a few weeks, I expect the hangers-on to buy their own dice (very easy to get here! Although, I doubt they'll be paying the 1000RMB ($200) sets 😛 They can also buy their own minis here as well. (China really has the online shopping market sorted!!! I've just bought my veggies and eggs, and delivered in about 30 mins from a local shop). I'm hoping that towards the end of the semester, I can get one or two of them to GM their own game, and also hopefully they can introduce us to other systems (perhaps FFG Star Wars, or Vampire). So, I'll keep you updated as things progress! (*I suppose I could offer it for 3 days per week, but I'm already doing another one on Mindfullness and meditation... and I'm not sure how it would go down, cos normally they want students trying out different things.)
  13. "...for a price." How's 2 clacks sound?? 🙃
  14. We're a little OT, but hopefully one will be able to augment the Passion or Rune with a skill. Eg, one should be able to augment Death with a sword skill, or Harmony with one of your communication skills.
  15. Does anyone allow for this? I can see it having an in-game effect, as someone may feel something so much that it reduces other passions in their life when they come into conflict. Obviously, this should mean that the person is obsessed with the object of the passion... how that plays out - who knows??
  16. No. I still don't get why you wrote ... You might. I wouldn't (and nor are they 'removed' in the pre-gens). Especially since a) not every player is going to remember they have them, and b) some cults don't give access to all Common Rune Spells... I'd go with number of points sacrificed for, as that's the clearer amount of POW that has been sacrificed. Sure, it's pretty big, but then as suggested, I'd have him in another Seven Mothers cult - probably either Danfive or Yanafal given his background (the latter slightly more appropriate) - although this means adding more special Runespells. Alternatively, spend some POW on enchantments. Eg, Spirit Armour, or maybe a Magic Point ... (or even put some of his Runespells into enchantments). Sounds big, mean and scary? They should! That's the whole point!
  17. @Scotty in W&E, p120 under "Binding a Spirit", it says "Once a spirit has been bound within such a crystal, the POW of the spirit is available for the use of the binder... If the bound spirit’s POW is reduced to 0, the spirit is destroyed." Should this be MPs? Or, should the first be MPs, and the second POW? Or, is it actually possible to command a spirit in a binding to sacrifice its POW? Or is it just a random line in a "What if...?" situation? (and, therefore, it could also say "If its CHA goes to zero", etc??) Q&A doesn't clarify this.
  18. Yes, I get this. Perhaps we are interpreting the phrase "lose the common magic" differently?? I'm taking it sort of literally (obviously not 'lose', but 'remove'). I think you guys are reading it as "don't bother to write them down, but know that they're still there". And, yes, I know some spells have disappeared. That's sort of beside the point.
  19. Exactly! Which is why I think the Myths should be separate.
  20. One aspect that hasn't been discussed is when a Binding Enchantment is carried out by more than one person, and a number of people are supplying the Power (including for the conditions). I think this form of ritual could allow for a situation where every time one of the original Enchanters dies, a new person is 'initiated' into the circle, and their lifeforce is then sort of added to the enchantment (even if POW is not sacrificed). I'd expect this to be a Condition. And, it works thematically with the group of Chosen who must safeguard the holy relic lest it fall into the wrong hands and release the evil it contains onto the world.... I'm still yet to be convinced that a spirit (bound or otherwise) can't cast a Bind Spirit spirit magic spell to force a spirit into a spirit binding enchantment (spirit spirit... just cos I didn't use the word enough times in that sentence).
  21. Sorry, but you're mixing the rules for crystals here. Powered crystals require attuning. Unpowered (dead) crystals can only be used to either put a spirit into or use its magic points. (and, yes, I know you did clarify that later) Meaning, there is no attunement required for putting a spirit into a dead, unpowered crystal, and thus the 'lifetime of the 'binder'' doesn't really make sense here. Especially since it seems to merely be a 'just because' ruling. However, I would suggest that the blood of Daka Fal (and perhaps a few other great spirits/gods) would be a living crystal that could trap a spirit permanently... although, ironically, the fact that the crystal would need to be attuned to work would have it make more sense that spirits are freed once the new holder dies... (not necessarily, but I can see greater reasoning).
  22. This doesn't really make sense. Most cults give everyone access to the Common spells, and each RP grants a cult special spell. So, from that list, anyone who has sacrificed 8 POW would have all of those, plus all Common.
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