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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. Also confusing is that it's bi-directional. Which I think makes it worse as far as logic is concerned. Let's take the almost hero Mello-yello. he would have a very high Loyalty (Yelmalio Temple), and probably one to the local priest (and others) too. Yet, they clearly didn't share that loyalty. So, it would make no sense to assume that Mello's 90% loyalty should translate into 90% chance of getting help or equipment. Same with Harrek - I'm sure many of the Wolf Pirates would have a high loyalty to him... but would that ever get reciprocated? And to anywhere near the same extent if it was? So, I think Passions shouldn't not go below 60%, and that they really need to be on both sheets to be effective/meaningful. The official releases have the PCs doing things for Leika, and so the PCs will develop their Loyalty to her. Surely, since she is trusting them so much, she should also have a Loyalty (PCs), albeit at a lower rating?? Low Passion ratings would indicate (to me) contempt, but tolerance. If to a clan or tribe, then different feelings amongst and between the different members
  2. Yes. You'll steal from the clan, be rude to its members, get regularly kicked out or beaten up.. but when push comes to shove, they're still your kin, and you'll defend them from Chaos - not that you'll be thanked for it!
  3. I did that a few days ago, thanks....
  4. It surprises me that more don't gravitate towards Stormbull! (although, it could be because there's a mammal that really shouldn't be allowed to fly, and yet does - and that really pisses them off!)
  5. How about.... next time they're (the players) shopping for something, have the player who made the 'sacrifice' happen upon just the right merchant for that one unique thing... or everyone has run out, except for.... Or a merchant just happens to remember some bauble that they've picked up and forgotten about until now... Or, a lesser Pathwatch, in which the character has a strong feeling of 'get off the road'... once, and once only.
  6. For a few coins in a run-down shrine - keep it small, almost negligible. Or you risk having them try it regularly and expect greater rewards. Besides which, if there was a greater reward, then everyone everywhere would be doing it. - and that's not how worship works. To me the question is actually - do you make it clearly known to the players, or keep it a secret until something occurs? And, once you play the bonus, do you let them know what it was for - or maintain the mystery?
  7. No. Consider that the POW of the Fetch is in the spirit world, and therefore doesn't affect the physical world. Just as the Fetch's CHA doesn't affect skills either.
  8. Nice, except Logician is Active, and only affects 1 Knowledge skill at a time. I'd rule that any future casting over-rides the current (unless it doesn't have the points)
  9. Ummm... why would you do that? Just figure out what the bonus to INT will be at max, then you know how much Free INT you have for your other castings. I really do honestly think you're trying to make it sound a lot more difficult or complicated than it actually is. Besides which, as you've said, some people would be ok with it (I certainly would be!) It really isn't all that hard! Besides, for things like the Enhance INT, a lot of handwavium would be used, by assuming that at some point in the downtime, a successful casting of the spell at maximum has been done, as per my line above.
  10. Possibly, but... There's an officially published scenario in which this is part of the plot point - there's a murdered person and one can talk to their spirit days later, because they it hangs around for a week.
  11. Apologies for lateness... @Darius West mentioned it very briefly, but I'll expand upon it. The solution was extremely simple - the priestess hasn't learned the spell! End of story. End of that problem!! To be a priest/ess, one requires only 5 Rune Points. Each RP is going to grant 1 specialised spell. CA cultists have: Comfort Song, Cure All Disease, Cure Chaos Wound, Cure Poison, Harmony, Heal Body,Healing Trance, Regrow Limb, Restore Health, Resurrect, Summon Cult Spirit (Healing Spirit). They also get, from asscoiated cults, wonderful spells such as Bless Pregnancy, and Fight Disease. While Resurrect is obviously a very good spell, I'm not so sure that it's going to be gained terribly quickly... and besides, you need to have at least 3RPs in order to learn it anyway, so it most definitely can't be one of the first 2. So, I'd presume that those I've bolded above in the list would be more likely in her repertoire than a Resurrect, with a couple of the others possibly also having priority.
  12. Certainly nothing super-fish-al. But, I was going to say... water!
  13. I agree with the proposition, but i think you numbers are somewhat high... 1 in 20 people have a visible magically derived colouration??? Not unless the community has a particularly strong cult affiliation of some import, and the majority of those with the colouring are initiates in the cult (or going to be). But, yes, YGMV....
  14. Sorcerous illusions with Movement make for wonderful advertising... especially if you've got a lot of Free INT to drop into the lighting side of things. Have your Sun temple have a permanent rising sun motif on the top for all to see.
  15. I have no idea how you think these could be considered relevant analogies to what I wrote... I'm talking about looking at ONE calendar to see the bonuses applicable... and you somehow want to turn that into meaning the player needs to actually be a fully trained sorcerer... Talk about exaggeration! Besides, to actually address your "analogies" (ha!), if someone wants to play a merchant, they could it all your way, which would probably be: GM: How much money do you want to invest? Player: 500L GM: ok, roll the Bargain. Player: (rolls success) GM: Ok, you now have 550L. The end. Alternatively, one could play a merchant that uses Evaluate to determine what goods are available in an area, and what they might be worth in a different area. This could incorporate different types of goods. Then, they roll the Bargain, and take a note.. .(eg, 500L spent has potentially acquired 550L in goods, at standard local rates). Then, they travel (hire guards, pay tolls, pay for other expenses), and then try to offload the goods at another place (roll dice). Similarly, if one is playing a fighter, the Davecake way would be not to worry about silly little things like armour, weapon stats or hit points... just roll the dice and make a decision. Lots of games out there that are like that, and people are free to play them... I prefer a bit more verisimilitude in my games! And for the player to expend a bit of effort occasionally. (@philhibbs - hit me with your off-topic stick.. hit me, hit me hit me with your off-topic stick hiiiiittt.... mmmeeeee!!!!)
  16. This is a gross over-simplification of sorcery, and does not - by itself - indicate that non-"fire sorcerers" (as you keep using the term) don't use the Fire rune... In fact, this post suggests you think that someone who is a 'water sorcerer' would not have the Fire rune at all, nor the Earth sorcerers, nor any other... Do you have any actual Gloranthan lore to suggest that any of those you just wrote about don't use the Fire rune in any way? After all, Ive already given one example of how Fire combined with Water has played a significant part in Gloranthan lore.
  17. This interpretation implies that the Fetch and the shaman are different entities - they're not. The Fetch is the awakened spiritual side of the shaman which is always on the spirit plane (but can manifest on the physical). The shaman uses 'the Fetch's' MPs because they are the shaman's MP - just an extended amount. Same with the CHA for spell knowledge storage. Since the shaman and the Fetch are the same entity, the POW used up in a DI is the Shaman's anyway.... It can be Commanded to leave the binding to do something, so the form may not matter.
  18. Oh, true. I was referencing them not because those top-down games are D&D games, but because D&D games use the top-down approach (to easier handle a party formation). I t6hink it may well do so... but I have the feeling that the loyal fans of Runequest for over 40 years is not the target audience for this game... it's for the teens and tweens who have never heard of RQ, but know all about LoL and the like. Personally, I think a Glorantha overhaul mod for Oblivion is the best way to go (or something very similar). I totally agree with all you wrote! And ducks!
  19. Well, it took me a bit to finally see what this was about, cos I kept getting a "error in line end" or something, so I just searched for Irish Tax Breaks... And, I'd like to offer my 2 bolgs worth (which I expect to be completely ignored by anyone who has any say in things...). Firstly, I notice that while this seems to be a great thing for us RQ lovers, I'd also like to point out that Black Shamrock still can't be bothered to include this game on 'in development' section of their site.... This doesn't make me feel really confident... (things that make you go "hmmmmm"). Secondly, about the game play... and I have to obviously caveat that it's only a few brief seconds that we've seen, and obviously if this is part of the RQ game that's been promised, it may not be indicative of the whole game, and may just be a small section of how the game would be played. But, as I was watching it, I was getting memories of something.... and it turned out it was League of Legends... And I certainly don't want to play LoL as an RQ game. I would turn me completely off. Later, I realised it's because it's a top-down game (which I - personally - really dislike most of the time). Which then reminded me of... Diablo, Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights... and as we may know, those last two are Dungeons and Dragons games! Great!!! A Runequest game that's a copy of the best-selling D&D computer games.... Personally, if I want to play D&D, then I'll play a D&D game (yes, I am actually awaiting the full release of BG2). But, I want to play a RQ RPG where I feel very involved in making lots of choices of skills to improve used in a variety of ways... not a vague tarnish of Glorantha shoved into a League of Legends mod. I want an RPG where I feel that I'm the character i'm building - say, in first person. Something along the lines of the two best series of such RPGs ever made - The Witcher (granted, without skilltrees), and Elder Scrolls. That latter in particular being III: Morrowind - Thanks very much to Ken Rolston of RQIII fame, along with some of the amazing titles that came out at that time. Morrowind I prefer over it's following, Oblivion and Skyrim, because of the greater number of skills (although, I didn't like the graphics or the setting... but that's just me. I am eagerly awaiting the finalisation and release of the Skywind project!) And, I suspect I'm not alone in thinking that a Witcher/Elder Scrolls type RPG is what most RQ players want in their RQ RPG... i want a game where I initially start out as a complete newb, and then later get offered a chance to initiate into a cult of my choice. I am part of a community, and the community leaders (who tend to be heads of the local cults - of the various factions that I can choose to start in) send me on quests which help me build my character and gain me favours. I can take companions (of other cults). At somet point in the future, I'll end up as a Rune Lord-Priest of my cult (yes, that would mean having to alter the RQG idea that not all cults have them), or maybe Rune Mastery of a couple of cults. I want an RPG that's not merely running around killing things (or simply grinding). And for the choices my character makes to have significant meaning in the gameworld (unlike Skyrim). And, although Prax is an interesting place, I really hope that it's only a small part of the world, and that, like in the PnP version, there's a much larger map out there to adventure through. So, at this moment in time, with the limited seconds we've seen... I'm actually disappointed (but not surprised!)
  20. No. You've cited only one example. And there are contrary examples. Unless you're choosing to define "high INT" as merely 13 or higher. Aeolians only require an INT of 14... True, but then you mentioned Gloranthan Lore, and that pretty much narrows down what you're looking for - and what's specifically been written about. I don't recall reading anything, anywhere, about what runes have been used in sorcery (other than the RQG book which you've just quoted above)... and the fire/water combination. yes. well... it's appropriate. If you want to play a sorcerer, then you can start to think like one as well 😄
  21. I've never seen the requirement for an Associate's spell as being based on the mythology of the receiving deity/cult - but always on the giving deity/cult. And I'd never require someone to take a geas from a cult they didn't actually join (unless on a HQ specifically for that god).
  22. Yes, I'm fully aware of the recasting. If your starting INT is 16, then you get a +4 boost to INT, taking it to 20 (no duration). You then recast at 20 INT, giving you +5, but only to your base 16 (as the higher spell over-rides the original casting). You're now at 21, and this extra 1 point does nothing for you (with regards to recasting this spell). If you start at 21 INT, then your first casting gets you +5, taking you to 26. Free INT of 26 gets you +6, taking you to 27. Inscriptions, however, add indefinitely... But... 5 mins of 27 INT ....????? hmmmmmmm
  23. Well, true, but I think that's more because we don't have a lot regarding the sp0ecifics of lands where sorcery is dominant. We do know that sorcery has been used to combine Fire and Water to great effect! I think the spell (and Rune) are much more common that you are thinking they are, but the effective powerfulness really depends on one's starting point. Very few in Glorantha are going to start with a high INT anyway, and so the extra points from the spell are only going to have minimal effect on the population. And then factor in that the INT may be enhanced by a few points - but not for very long. An above average INT (16) sorcerer has to use up an additional 4 MP/Strength just to get the spell 4working for an hour. That's already a quarter of their allotment of Free INT. Meaning, they're only going to go up to about 20 or 21*. Sure, handy, but hardly earth shattering. I'd put it on a par with the other Enhance spells - including POW. Inscriptions? Sure, but at the ratio of 4:1, it's not going to make a huge impact for a while. (*and that assumes that all Free INT is available... And if those other spells are being inscribed too, then the drag becomes more obvious) So, ultimately, it's a nice spell, but hot all that amazing in the long run, not so significant as to really derail a game, or the game world.
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