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Everything posted by Shiningbrow

  1. This is a bit confusing - especially the first part. (not that the RQG makes it especially clear). Can you be in Orlanth and not a part of one of the listed sub-cults? Especially if you're female!\ And, if you've initiated into Barntar in one part of the world, as a separate deity in their own right, are you also automatically an initiate of Orlanth in the rest of the world?
  2. If the above responses haven't helped (enough) to clarify, then perhaps consider it from the following perspective: Remove the word 'cult', and replace it with 'entity'. (the word 'cult' merely means 'a group of people have decided to worship an entity'.... and some people will worship anything!) Now, is the entity very big and powerful, perhaps even to the extent of being the personification of an elemental force? If so, then it's a deity (aka, 'god' (leaving aside genders here)). Such deities have stories from the Godtime, and for various reasons, people worship them. Those deities had relationships with other deities... friends, lovers, children, etc. Some of those deities are also worshipped. Some of those friends have their own cults (eg, Yinkin to Orlanth, the various Earth deities, Orlanth and Ernalda). Sometimes a deity will have a story where they are not being typically themselves, and sort of playing (eg, one interpretation of Vinga, or the various aspects of Yelmalio/Elmal/etc). IF they're big enough to have their own direct worship, then they're associated. If they only get worshipped as a friend of the main deity, or when the deity is 'in disguise', then it's a sub-cult - because it makes absolutely no sense to have them worshipped otherwise... well, usually. There's always exceptions, especially when the other stories are completely unknown in a region). Some mortals are heroes. Some heroes apotheosize,. and become gods. Most heroes do so by emulating the deeds of their god, and thus would be a sub-cult . Other heroes do heroic deeds outside of the boundaries of the cult (if they even belonged to one). And so, they'd get worshipped as a deity all on their own (eg, Arkat). Unfortunately, the ambiguity (fickleness?) of the deities means that some of their deeds get lost, or confused with others, or... whatever. And so trying to fit one deity's deeds to fit another's doesn't always nice straight lines... Which, in a world like Glorantha, I find a bit confusing.... surely a simple Divination to ask the question "Hey my god, did you actually do this yourself, or was it someone else?" should sort it out... but, apparently not!) TL;DR (or don't like mansplaining) - ignore the cult aspect, focus on the entity and its place in the universe)
  3. What's the explanation for SIZ? Part of the aspect of the SIZ characteristic is obviously height, but it's very clearly also related to mass.. and mass is definitely something someone can (and do) lose to disease (amongst other ways), and which can be restored over time. (yes, I do get that such a situation tends to not only lose the SIZ, but also the STR and CON). One can certainly have a high STR & CON whilst also having a large SIZ (mass). (and, if at all possible, can we not do the "YGMV" response...???? It effectively means "I'm not giving you an answer/explanation")
  4. I think you don't understand the meaning of the word "unplayable". I completely disagree! Granted, I probably have a different definition for the word 'fun' than you (and, let's face it, that's the central point that needs clarification to this 'argument'). I don't like D&D. And so having auto & instant spells for everyone, with no drawbacks or difficulties annoys me... and I'm writing this because I sense that many people prefer a D&D model for their magic. RQG sorcery is realistic to me (in many ways), whilst retaining the fantasy element (of magic). I like the technical side of the RQG sorcery - including its limitations of Free INT - into a system that can be very powerful. What I also like (and bold because it's a major part of my liking) is that I can have fun coming up with new spells, and the rules are provided to do that! While you can do that with both Spirit and Rune magic, sorcery is where it's at for achieving the impossible - quickly!
  5. I'm confused... these are Rune spells, and at least in theory, wouldn't be subject to any bonuses for components (unless you're houseruling them in).
  6. I don't get this bit - unless it's something like Sense Assassin or Sense Chaos, which are god imbued, and more like a power. A skill is something that someone can teach, so I don't see why it should have any effect on limiting what magic is available. Could you give an example of what you are referring to here?
  7. Personally, I think executioner is the perfect job for a Humakti. if someone warrants the death penalty (rather than exile or working off a debt), then they've done something very serious (kinstrife?). While it's not "honourable", it certainly wouldn't be dishonourable.
  8. Perhaps because they look a lot less like formalised religion, thus allowing for a lot more possibilities (ie, less restrictions) than the big cults. Or is that just me?
  9. Since Bronze is the Storm-god's metal, surely adding his rival's (Yelm) element (Fire) would weaken it?? Especially so for true Gods-bone.
  10. Except, you still need to store your sorcerous spells in its INT. While INT isn't used for spirit magic, it still does for sorcery... So, unfortunately, your familiar (if we ever get them back) needs both INT and CHA 😒
  11. Oh, my comment had nothing to do with their being able to summon Fire Elementals. It was all about joining Seven Mothers.... what a silly idea 😛 That's just as bad as joining the Crimson Bat priesthood...
  12. I hope this was sarcasm. This thing about lemmings suiciding off cliffs was a TV documentary stunt! So, there's no truth to it whatsoever. However, when some beasts rampage or stampede, they can go over cliffs.. hopefully, that's cos they are oblivious to it on the run...
  13. I think... while the shaman and fetch are 'together', then both POW and CHA should be added for these purposes (which will basically be when the shaman is wandering around on the material plane). When the shaman goes discorporate, then they separate, and thus the POW & CHA are no longer added.
  14. Apparently, that would be a 'dam'... while a male is a 'sire'. However, this is purely on a binary categorisation.... and the baby llama is called a cria (Spanish for 'baby'). As to the OP, I see no reason why this spirit couldn't be cap tured and bound, as a standard animal spirit ... other than it would take up space later. It's POW is only 13, and it doesn't have any spells. Cousin Monkey, OTOH, ..... 😁 I think we're all overlooking the important question here... Is Vishi's mount a "Lama", or a "YYama"?? (following the Spanish pronunciation??)
  15. Firstly apologies for the very late reply... Secondly, the Fetch will hold knowledge of spells, that the shaman can access. Not overly dissimilar to allied or bound spirits (whose spell knowledge you can gain and use)... and you wouldn't be adding the CHA of those to the holder of the binding. Like a bound spirit, one can access the MPs (and spells) of the Fetch as well - and again, it doesn't add to the character's base POW (although, the relationship is different, and thus so are the uses). And you wouldn't add the Fetch's CHA to the shaman for social skills, because the CHA can't be perceived by others on the material world.
  16. That's funny Jaja.... You've gone from fairly rare to the exceptionally rare.... I'm not sure that really helps. And now you're just being silly..... 😛
  17. Do elementals have a sense of self-preservation? And able to ascertain danger?
  18. I think he might need to go to the Great Herd or Great High Llama spirit on the Spirit Plane for this... Maybe undertake an atonement quest?? Be aware that Vishi's Herd is only 50%. He could (should??) have a passion for his high llama, and even that would be higher at 60%. Ride is 65%... This would be something that I think many people would like to know,m as we're talking about the funerary customs of Praxians. Has this been published somewhere? If he's with the rest of the pre-gens, then he's not likely to be the only one walking. But, if he's a tried and true Praxian, then getting on a horse is right out!
  19. Except... Duncan just took out a stack of them, and when he had the perfect opportunity to Sneak Attack (as any sane person would have), he yells to get their attention... so while I get the Sardaukar displaying this Humakti "I can die and it's ok" mentality, Duncan displays the "I will die with honour" (and the appropriate sword skills) of the Humakti.
  20. IMG... I mostly sort of agree, except... The spirit cult could gain access to more Rune spells, but it would require effort on the part of the shamans (assuming more than one). Perhaps even a geas (ie, taboo) would be laid for each (extra?) spell? I would also make it fairly clear that those not initiated into the cult of the god (ie, normal theistic worship) wouldn't even know about what Rune spells (or others) are actually available (although, some may guess). This is because they wouldn't have the Cult Lore to know the myths, and thus not the specifics of what the deity is actually capable of. One could certainly presume some wind spells for Orlanth, but are unlikely to know Shield, and certainly not know of the existence of Darkwalk. As a corollary, Associated spells would of course be out - again, no understanding of the myths involved. Other spells? well, since we don't have a mechanic for how spirit magic is actually taught in theistic cults, that's easy to get around. Not that it would matter much, because the new spirit cult's shamans can just get those spells anyway from the spirits.... Skills? Depends - who's going to teach them? If you have someone who can - great! If you don't, then too bad. I think the bigger question is - how would these entities take to having opposed allegiances within the spirit cult? (if they could even sense them)
  21. Sounds a bit like an Undead version of Counter Chaos... in a way. As an ability, it would be good. As a Rune Spell, even better (especially if you can cast it on others as well)
  22. Personally, I'd go for a new Rune spell... or an ability that can be used as a spell. Because - it gives it to you personally, and then becomes available to the rest of the cult. Which in turn would usually mean hero status, and being worshipped as a new hero sub-cult.
  23. True, but I was thinking it wasn't as a possession situation, or at best covert, so that the person gets a shapechange as and when they want, not because they've been taken over by the spirit. And, thus, the change ends when the person wants it to end. Legend has a nice (better) write-up on this category...
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