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  • RPG Biography
    MERP, Stormbringer, RM, GURPS, etc
  • Current games
    RQG Heroes of ??
  • Location
    Helsinki, Finland, EU, Terra, Sol System
  • Blurb
    I roll with d100 now!

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  1. In my table, this is how I treat the augments for resistance rolls. Runic inspiration - Yes if applicable runes Passion - Yes, if the passion is applicable Skills - Probably no, unless it's been prepared beforehand somehow, like when entering the scene the character is constantly doing the activity like praying while walking in the valley of the darkness, or something. And yes, I also let the player roll all the resistance rolls where their character is involved in, unless exceptional circumstances. Addendum: Typically I wouldn't bother having my monsters or NPC's try augmenting resistances, but I wonder how it would work if they did try to do that, as there's only one roll at the resistance table. Any ideas?
  2. This is so true, The Guide is an awesome piece of art, but almost completely impossible to use unless you happen to have a proper reading desk.
  3. So we might get to see more than just the announced books later this year or in 2024? What would be the Gloranthan equivalent to keeping one's fingers crossed?
  4. Stormbulls Sense Chaos will only tell if there is chaos *present*, not pinpoint it to any individual or item (unless a lot of time is spent with individual tests, which may or may not be possible in a given situation). Also, I read the sentence as ogres joining cults when possible, and not it giving them the power to do so and to avoid detections.
  5. And here I thought we would be talking about torches and lanterns and stuff...
  6. Oh my, I might have to dust the dust from my Swedish skills when this comes out.
  7. Rune Augments are a thing. We use those for the "chanting spells for mundane things" - feelall the time.
  8. While I can wait until Starter Set is released, let me tell you that it's been quite a wait as I decided to try to save on postal charges by ordering RBoM and Starter Set at the same time... But, yeah, hope all goes well and it's released soon. 🙂
  9. You are aware of such things as nights? (Joking, read below for more) And seriously, as a GM I wouldn't make a darkness elemental run away from mere torches and such, instead, I would play them as embodying the fears of the darkness, there's a reason why you don't want to get out of the torchlight or campfire light, and then there might be other things that mean you have to get out of that (like missile fire from the opposition).
  10. Simply put, if you rolled with your bonus, you're known for something related to that bonus, so eg. if you have reputation of 25% and roll with +25% for the same clan, the other guy knows you for being from the same clan, having met you in some clan function, or something. I like this idea, though it will break down when your reputation goes above 100%
  11. In our Glorantha, we call Duck Point Duckburg, and therein lives the world's richest duck...
  12. For cult tithe purposes I price all looted magic items at 200 lunars per point of POW spent making it. Haven't had any items being bought or sold yet.
  13. As a GM I would rule it to be random, unless the Players are happy with the idea of getting their characters heads blasted off...
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