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Lloyd Dupont

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Everything posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. I am not talking about bullet (those are pretty small) but grenade with a big radius!..... Anyway, yeah I can imagine that hitting an inconvenient obstacle is a real possibility though! ^^
  2. Ha yeah, thanks for reminding me about grenade launcher, I totally forgot! 😮 I am in the process of making an equipment list indexed by tech level (our current earth tech level is 4, the chart goes to level 20...) so, obviously I will need to put those in! I need it so I have a chart where the player can get their equipment, but hyper advanced alien could also get their much better one!
  3. No I haven't thrown real grenade.. but from my own experience throwing rock.. I can't believe one can miss by more than 10 meters.... 😮 In fact, come to think of it, it might be hard to throw beyond 15 meters to start with... so unless one drop the ball (which happens hey) it's almost unmissable (where a miss is more than 10 meter away from a target which is 15m away) To illustrate my disbelief on how hard it is to miss... The big circle is a 20m circle around the thrower (the max throw range), the medium circle is the the target area (that some say is easy to miss, ahem... personally I refuse to go any lower than 75% chance to hit), the small circle is the thrower... the line define an roughly 90 degree quadrant you have to vaguely aim for when throwing (totally doable with no less than 98% chance) Now, the one thing I might get very wrong. is the range (which would change a lot of things).. some say "a rock" can be throw at 20 meters... (where a rock is a little bit of a fuzzy item) Some other have much bigger distance... At any rate BRP says 20 meter too... (I was thinking to go with STR meters... or maybe STRx1.5 meters)
  4. Thanks yall, I am starting to have a pretty good idea so far from all the answers... But just to emphasize what I perhaps do intentionally quite different from some other people here, a fail doesn't mean the target take no damage, it just mean that the grenade fall way off.. but way off might still be close enough to damage the target (and the thrower?) After all, how hard could it be to throw a 2kg rocks 20m away with a 10m radius error tolerance.... So either I make it easy (skillx2), or skill fail still need be considered. I like the later (skill fail still do something) because I like lost bullets and arrows to hit an unintended target occasionally instead of disappearing in the pit of failed skill roll... It's not all bad, one can hide before it explodes.. depends on your initiative , speed and dodge skill
  5. I mean you need not much precision at all... so if I inflict no damage on failure... I should always make the throw an easy skill hey? At any rate my question is how to determine where it lands on the maps (I use very simplified 2d map on a white board), from there I damage anyone in the area, friends, foes, passer-by, priceless crystal vase! The skill no longer matter once it land on the map.... (that's how I do it) Same as shooting in a melee group is an easy skill while hitting the target is hard!
  6. I mean... You might miss the target.. but the grenade will still be around there... And even if one succeed the grenade doesn't explode on contact and bounce around a bit... Fumble is easy, you drop it on the ground and.. kaboom (one could save, I'd say). But when you throw at enemy and do a normal fail.. how close/far its is... For that matter on a success, how close it is? And what's the max throwing range? So many questions! 😮
  7. So... How do I know where the grenade falls? Even a failure can be devastating... But I only fudged it so far... But I'd like to know an easy, fair, predictable procedure...
  8. My eyes! My eyes! It's so bright! 😮
  9. I made my own simplified list.. but I will check it out tonight against yours! ^^
  10. I am not.. but after playing Assassin Creed Odyssey (in the Atlantis DLC one learn all Greek world's monster are Isu creation, and they keep on hacking... one can see inspirational statue all over the place 😮), I have been inspired to use blood magic unholy creations (chimera like creatures) and practitioners as the main antagonists in my next fantasy campaign!
  11. Thanks for that in-depth explanation. Interesting ideas...
  12. is it like the usual check mark BRP improvement + session XP like Mythras, both together? (As well as training and research as usual)
  13. mmm.... I forgot about this funny issue since I used XP like Mythras for improvement... Yeah it looks like it would be a bad idea to risk it in combat... However, as well as game experience (p182) one could improve with training (p184) and research (p185)! In fact this make me think.. I should give XP check mar another go perhaps.. since XP mark, training and research, all 3 together might be more to my liking, come to think of it.... (currently using XP as in Mythras)
  14. Just to explain as I thought.. (thought when I reflect some more, I might have thought wrong)... if you don't have this combat style you can't use the shield wall.. and I was assuming without that style being part of you starting package.. if one would start using spear, one one would develop a skill% for spear without the ability... But I guess the better way to look at it is.. it is how you fight with spear! Learning spear is learning the style / ability associated with it! My problem here, all my other RPG player friend are D&D addict... And they are ok to mg GM another game.. but they are not really wholly adopting it so... I might go the wrong way sometimes
  15. And also... BRP humour... There is a new limit to Magic Point?! 😮 (that was my first though on seeing the title! )_
  16. Hey Lawrence! Thanks for your answer.... To nitpick about the combat style trait... while it's a very good valid point, it annoys me because it introduce a combat that is manoeuvre that you have to learn (fair enough) but... having just 1 such is impractical... Though, now come to think about it.. maybe I should take a second (or more like 5th ) look at the Mythras combat style after all hey... As for the rest, yes I can see what you say... - there are some weapon reach rule in the BGB too! but not as stringent than in Mythras... but I guess since I ask... Maybe I should be inspired again by Mythras hey? - Passive Blocking and Ward Location is problematic since I decided to go general HP, but they good concept indeed... I guess I have to think about it some more... but I do think you did gave some good idea and food for thoughts...
  17. As I am watching Lindybeige explaining the fine art of spear fighting... I keep wondering to myself... Could I model all of that with BRP? To how much depth? Care to share your personal approach of tactical combat? (It's not my string point, I want to improve! )
  18. Hey Good point Atgxtg! The idea that is emotional and not rational crossed my mind.. but I scratched it out with the personal belief the subconscious (hence emotions) does (roughly) the same calculation... But one can argue it's slightly different indeed...
  19. By skirmish I mean a few (1,2,3?6?) vs a few.... (like often happen when it's player party vs a bunch of enemies) Clearly if there are lots of yous.... you might not die in vain, might be "worth" it.... And you might have no choice as well... (deserter are not liked much, to say the least...)
  20. I didn't carefully read all the messages here... But just picking on the "moral as skill"... In skirmishes, clearly, there is little to gain in staying in a lost fight, if you gonna die, retreating is the most sensible option! So I wouldn't make that sort of morale go higher as your skill increase hey? Morale is a complicated thing, it has has self-preservation (which might be the smart thing to do), arrogance (which might be warranted or not), awareness (see how the combat is going), peer pressure (some sergeant have the duty to shoot deserters, and one often will do anything for their brother in arms), opportunity (is fleeing obviously doomed or feasible).... Which leads me to: most of my NPC flee or beg for their lives when they see the battle going very badly against them... No need to roll anything.... mmm.. that way, come to think of it, oversimplifying morale could be modelled as a resistance roll (if needed) perceived personal power vs perceived enemy power and you could approximate each size by counting the number of protagonist, each one counting as 2 (full health) or 1 (wounded) Although.. machine and undead would never retreat unless ordered...
  21. It's also in the original, long forgotten, D&D, played with 2D6. At any rate, I haven't played original D&D in a while, nor have I ever played wargames.
  22. I usually retreat or stay in a rather predictable fashion depending in the creature and circumstance... The thought never occurred to me to make that a game stat 😮
  23. Having fun at myself here. Reading that I thought, hey this guy is so old! 😮 But then I reflected I am (almost) 49 meself... hahahah Me too!
  24. Typically consecutive attack have a -5 rank malus. I.e. first attack is done at DEX rank. and then DEX-5 and DEX-10. An alternative home rule could be to split the DEX rank into the numbers of attack, in your case that would be DEX, 2/3DEX 1/3DEX. Which is how attack rank is modified after moving MOVx1~2
  25. well 1/2 is 3 characters, but ½ is only 1! 😮
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