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Everything posted by PhilHibbs

  1. Yes, I'm clear that per-6-or-fraction has never been a rule, but it's what I and my friends always decided on.
  2. I might have a go and see if I can switch over the calculations on my sheet so that it can work either way. The easy way actually would be to ignore the spell check boxes and just put the bonus numbers into the temp adds that are there for other spells and effects.
  3. I've always used +1 per +6 or fraction thereof, so 3D6, 2D6+6, and 1D6+12 would all have max 21. By the book, 1D6+12 has max 20.
  4. I think I agree. If you want it discorporate, take a shamanic power.
  5. I don't think so. Yinkin is not a subcult of Orlanth, so you have a separate rune pool that you can use for any Yinkin spells, including Shield which Yinkin gets from Orlanth. Think of the separate initiations and rune pools as if they were separate characters, you can do whatever an initiate with only that rune pool could do.
  6. I'd allow ritual prep to augment any magic skill like Peaceful Cut, Worship, or Prepare Corpse.
  7. You have a separate pool for each initiation into a cult. So an Orlanth can cast spells from all the associated cults with his Orlanth rune pool - Charisma, Lock, Identify Scent, etc. If he initiated into Yinkin, then he starts a separate Yinkin rune pool. He can then cast Identify Scent with either rune pool.
  8. You roll over 60, or 100+ when adding category modifier. Oh, another way of doing it is just use my Google Sheet which does it all for you including spell bonuses. Bear in mind that the spirit spell bonuses to characteristics do not increase your category modifiers, the spells have separate explicit effects on the modifiers. (My spreadsheet does that correctly too)
  9. Include or Exclude has always been a vigorous debate among RuneQuest players in my experience. Personally I go for Exclude, and I add the category modifier as I roll. The advantage is that you don't have to rewrite a bunch of your skill chances when your stats (mostly, POW) change. This is less often an issue with breakpoint category modifiers though.
  10. I'd allow it, although a strict reading does not say it. I'd also allow passions, and appropriate runes. Moon could be used for any magic, other runes for spells cast with that rune. Some spirit spells may have appropriate runes also, like Death or Disorder for Disruption.
  11. His role is restricted to going to conventions and being sacrificed by cosplayers in ritual re-enactments.
  12. You don't have a rune point pool in an associated cult.
  13. "Party leader"? I don't think I've heard that phrase for 30 years!
  14. I think they always have been separate. I think the typo is that you have separate rune pools for subcults.
  15. Sort of, except they have a skill of 70, not 60. The additional benefit of a category modifier is for skills over 100; without a modifier you have no chance to improve, whereas with it you only need to get over 100.
  16. That would be... occasionally awkward... but not unheard-of. There is a skeleton dance troupe encounter in King of Dragon Pass. So long as they are careful to avoid Humakt, then any problems should be surmountable.
  17. I'd say that was too broad. Ogre, Broo, Dragonsnail, each fine, but not all chaos.
  18. It would suck if you failed 3 of the 4 points of Shield, but 1 point plus the 5 Extension still went off ok.
  19. It worked in RQ2 and RQ3 but I don't think it works in RQG. Could you use your Beast Rune to cast Orlanth's Shield spell? I'd say not. But the main difference is in RQ3 you might have 2 points of Shield from Orlanth, and 1 from Storm Bull, so adding them up to get 3 points is not over the top. But in RQG you might have 4 Orlanth RP and 3 with Storm Bull, so you can easily cast Shield 3 with either; pooling would let you cast Shield 9, or Shield 4 for a year.
  20. That could be a Petersen Principle - like the Quad Damage powerup in Quake. A game can either go for lots of small bonuses that add up, or a few really substantial ones. I think RQ suits the latter, but the game is flexible enough to work either way.
  21. Rune Points change the dynamics a lot though. I don't think you should be able to stack across rune pools. What rune would you use for "common" spells if the two cults had no runes in common, for example? You should not be able to use Humakt rune points with the Air rune.
  22. So you can be in both, and have up to your CHA rune point limit in both? That's a neat way around the limit!
  23. Easier to just say you killed it, and use a Lie spell to back it up. Say you did it three times for extra effect.
  24. So you would not stack the effects? Fair enough, you are probably right that they don't stack. Oh, just saw your last post. Hm. I still think they should be separate.
  25. I would say no, not deliberately like this, but if they already had an augment in place and then decided to use that skill to augment another, then I would not disallow it.
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