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Magazines with KAP articles


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Has anyone compiled a list of gaming magazine that have publish KAP articles over the years? I bet there is a wealth of resources out there. Assuming such a list doesn't exist (correct me if I'm wrong), I'll post one to start.

- White Wolf Magazine issue 37: "The Treasure of Galilee", an adventure for Chaosium's Pendragon by Paul Cockburn, p. 8

This is available as a PDF on Drivethrurpg. Is it appropriate to past a link? If so, I will edit the post to include it.
I will compile and keep a list from what everyone else contributes.

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9 hours ago, Dagonet said:

Has anyone compiled a list of gaming magazine that have publish KAP articles over the years? I bet there is a wealth of resources out there. Assuming such a list doesn't exist (correct me if I'm wrong), I'll post one to start.

- White Wolf Magazine issue 37: "The Treasure of Galilee", an adventure for Chaosium's Pendragon by Paul Cockburn, p. 8

This is available as a PDF on Drivethrurpg. Is it appropriate to past a link? If so, I will edit the post to include it.
I will compile and keep a list from what everyone else contributes.

No list here, but...

Dragons of Britain is one magazine. There were also a few issues of Tradetalk that had Pendragon articles.


Edited by SDLeary
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Item Number Country Medium Contents
Adventures Unlimited 5 US Print  
Australian Realms 27 AU Print "The Forester Knight" Adventure
Beaumains 1 UK Print "The Adventure of The Twice Trothed Knight"
"The Adventure of the Moonlight Boar"
"Alternative Arthurs"
"In Durance Vale"
"The Adventure of the Fey Mist"
Beaumains 2 UK Print  
Beaumains 3 UK Print "Revised Character Sheet"
"The Knightly Order of St Eustace"
"From Dubglas to Loch Lomond"
"The Adventure of the Mysterious Manor"
"The Adventure of the Blind Knight"
Beaumains 4 UK Print "The Unconquered Son"
"A Saint to Quest For"
"Pendragon Before Arthur"
"NPC Knights"
"Dogs & Hunting"
"The Adventure of the Five Ladies"
"The Adventure of the Castle of the Cursed Isle"
Beaumains 5 UK Print "New Knightly Orders"
"In the Beginning"
"Family History for Phase 1"
"The Adventure of the Saxon Knight"
Beaumains 6 UK Print  
Black Mole 1 UK Print  
Black Mole 2 UK Print  
Black Mole 3 UK Print  
Black Mole 4 UK Print  
Black Mole 5 UK Print "The Battle of Mount Badon"
Concepts 2 UK Print  
Different Worlds 20 US Print "Heraldry" by Robin Wood
Different Worlds 42 US Print KAP Review
"Facts of Life in the Middle Ages" by Paul Montgomery Crabaugh
Dragon 201 US Print "Rofocale of Hill Marlyprig"
Dragons of Britain 1 UK PDF  
Dragons of Britain 2 UK PDF  
Dragons of Britain 3 UK PDF  
Dragons of Britain 4 UK PDF  
Fantasy Chronicles 2 UK Print  
Knights of the Dinner Table 89 US Print "Adventure of the Mill Giant"
Last Province 1 UK Print "And Then There Were Nun…" Adventure
Pyramid 24 US Print "Advenure of the Knight Sinister"
Role Player Independent 10 UK Print  
Sword & Sorcery Insider V3-3   PDF  
Sword & Sorcery Insider V3-4   PDF  
Tradetalk 4 DE Print "Knights of Arthur"
Tradetalk 8 DE Print "Ghosts of Britain"
Tradetalk 12 DE Print "Villains of Logres"
Valkyrie 8 UK Print  
Valkyrie 9 UK Print  
Valkyrie 10 UK Print "Spear of Wyrds" adventure by Jonathan Rowe
Valkyrie 11 UK Print "Spear of Wyrds" adventure by Jonathan Rowe
Valkyrie 15 UK Print "Pendragon by Chaosium"
White Dwarf 81 UK Print "At the Crossroads" by Greg Stafford
White Dwarf 83 UK Print "The Black Knight" adventure by Brian Sturdy
White Dwarf 85 UK Print "The Magic Swords of Pendragon" by Greg Stafford
White Dwarf 91 UK Print "Arise Sir Knight" by Allan Miles
White Wolf 7 US Print Pendragon review by Stewart Wick
White Wolf 26 US Print "The King Beneath the Hill" by Graeme Davis
White Wolf 37 US Print "The Treasure of Galilee" by Paul Cockburn
Ye Booke of Tentacles 2 DE Print "The Adventure of the Reluctant Bride"
Ye Booke of Tentacles 4 DE Print "The Adventure of the Poisoned Lake"
Horsemen of the Apocolypse:  Essays in Roleplaying   US Print Why Malory used as source by Greg Stafford
The Unnamed 3   Print "Mists of the Fey"
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  • 5 weeks later...

Tatou also had some great articles and adventures

Item      Number    Year    Country    Medium    Contents
Tatou    #9            1992    FR             Print          Pendragon by Christophe Begey
Tatou    #10          1992    FR             Print          Chevalerie et Sorcellerie dans la Bretagne Légendaire by Christophe Begey
                                                                             Le Chevalier au Faucon by Christophe Begey
Tatou    #11           1993    FR             Print          Dans la Forêt de Morgane by Pierre Henri Pevel
Tatou    #12           1993    FR             Print          Fleur de Sang by Philippe Dohr
Tatou    #13           1993    FR             Print          La Guérison dans Pendragon by Pierre Henri Pevel
                                                                              Le Roi Toujours Mourant by Pierre Henri Pevel
Tatou    #14          1993    FR             Print           La Dernière Flèche by Pierre Henri Pevel
Tatou    #15          1993    FR             Print           Le Chevalier à la Teste Tranchée by Pierre Henri Pevel
Tatou    #16          1993    FR             Print           Les Cerfs Blancs by Thierry Arnould
                                                                               Les Animaux Mythiques by Thierry Arnould
Tatou    #17           1994    FR            Print            L'Héraldique by Pierre Léonard
                                                                              La Vengeance du Bâtard  by Pierre Léonard
Tatou    #20          1994    FR             Print           Les Ecuyers by Mark Morrison
                                                                              La Cour d'Oberon by Thierry Arnould
                                                                              Le Roi des Gnomes by Thierry Arnould
Tatou    #23          1995    FR            Print           Le Sorcier du Cheshire by Thierry Arnould
Tatou    #24          1995    FR            Print           Vengeances by Thierry Arnould

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On 12/22/2021 at 10:34 PM, Chuck said:
Item Number Country Medium Contents
Adventures Unlimited 5 US Print  

This issue had "The Adventure of the Knight Sinister" by Allen Varney and Dave Flora.


Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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This thread inspired me to put together a spreadsheet with articles for Pendragon from various sources. You can view it here. I don't have all of the periodicals listed, but put in what I've got. The "Type" column indicates what it is: Adventure and Review should be self-explanatory. Background is material relating to in-game things, like an article detailing the Arthurian Age city of Chester; some of the Background articles are basically just system neutral items. Reference is out-of-game things like music playlists for sessions. Elements refers to very short pieces with maybe an NPC, or a monster; not detailed enough to be an Adventure, not general enough to be Background.

Please put criticisms (and affirmations) in this thread so I can update and change it to suit. I wanted this so I could refer to it when I eventually run a game of Pendragon again, without having to reread all the articles.

Still To Do:

  • Pull out my copies of Ye Booke of Tentacles to check those for content.
  • Check old Dragon magazines, I could swear there was more than just two articles.
  • EDIT: Fluff out periodicals I don't have with information from rpggeek.com.
Edited by AlHazred
Checking off items done.
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Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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Hi AlHazred, a few more details for your list:

Fantasy Chronicles (UK) 2 should contain the Adventure: “Olloch’s Ring”
Maelstrom Magazine #1 - contains???
Tales of the Reaching Moon (UK) 6 - contains Pendragon in Glorantha, Pendragon Pass, Runedragon, character sheet
Arcane Magazine #8 - contains Review of KAP 4th ed.

Fench magazines:
Backstab 3 - Qui va a la chasse
Backstab 8 - Le roi se meurt

Casus Belli 1st series
CB #029 - Pendragon review
CB #040 - Anciens Mysteres
CB #073 - Pendragon en Français review
CB #074 - Premieres Armes
CB #099 - Le Loup dans la Bergerie
CB #103 - Gout de cendres
CB #112 - Enfant des fees
CB #114 - Quatre filles
CB Hors Séries 08 - Chasse au blanc cerf
CB Hors Séries 15 - Chant des loups
CB Hors Séries 24 - Meute doree de Saxemord

Eastenwest webzine
EW 20 - Le sanglier d'argent
EW Hors Séries 4 - Le serment de Banoch

Are you also interested in original scenarios published in official French editions of KAP?

I have a(n incomplete) list of a few Spanish & German magazine articles/scenarios as well, I'll post it ASAP.


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That's fantastic! Thanks!

RE: French edition original scenarios -- YES! I only speak English and a little German, but the European products for many games are excellent, in many cases superior in presentation to American and British versions. I'm thinking here of the Call of Cthulhu stuff from France and the Shadowrun stuff from Germany, both better than anything Anglophone.

Edited by AlHazred


Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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1 hour ago, Voord 99 said:

There was a short adventure for Pendragon (also other systems) called “The Black Knight” in White Dwarf #83.

That is in the list! I have that one, and it's not great for Pendragon. It's statted for the 1st editions of King Arthur Pendragon, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, but it's really more of a WFRP or AD&D scenario than Pendragon. It's workable, but needs modifications to fit Arthurian Britain. Maybe as an early Phase I scenario.


Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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Here's the list of the Spanish and German magazine articles I know of:

German magazines:

Trodox #37 - Die Schlafende Schöne
Trodox #40 - Winterballade


Spanish magazines:

Nivel 9 #10 - La dama misteriosa
Nivel 9 #12 - Do ut des

Dosdediez #7 - La aventura de la doncella sitiada

Sir Roger #5 - La dama picta

#20 - La daga de plata (Prince Valiant)
#26 - Alas en el mar (Prince Valiant)
#32 - Dossier Pendragon (El rey que fue y será; Pendragon, cabeza de dragón; El lenguaje de los blasones)
#39 - Aventura del ciervo blanco
#44 - Aventura de los dos hermanos
#52 - Dossier La caballería medieval

Troll #9 - Informe: Pendragon; Módulo: De cómo amor y desdicha se unieron para salvar la verdad
Troll #24 - Informe: Principe Valiente (Prince Valiant); Ayudas de juego: Torneo (Prince Valiant); Módulo: El torneo de Pentecostés (Prince Valiant / Pendragon)

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Thanks so much, @mandrill_one!

I've added a DATE and LOCATION column to the sheet, so you can sort adventures. Like I said, I want to avoid rereading a million books when I run Pendragon again!

Edited by AlHazred
Hotlink profile.


Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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Man, I wish I spoke Spanish. And had more than the tiniest smattering of French.

For our foreign friends who might not be aware, EasteNWest (FR) is freely available online, as is The Trodox Ars Arcana (DE) and The Dragons of Britain (UK). Nivel 9 (ES) is not free, but it's still available to download; if you're on the fence, get it now. They all look fantastic. Sword & Sorcery Insider (US) used to be free, but when the website was taken down they became unavailable. Some aren't even available on archive.org.

Edited by AlHazred
"all" not "both"
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Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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Thank you! I will add them once I'm home from work! I added a second tab, where I will probably put scenarios from book supplements; they're not exactly the same as magazine articles, but it would be nice to have one spot to search for these things.

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Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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On 6/18/2020 at 7:49 AM, Tizun Thane said:

For everyone fluent in french, the best Pendragon Adventures are IMO :

  • Premières Armes (Casus Belli 74). A very good first adventure for squires. I played it 4 times and it was always a success.
  • La Chasse au Blanc Cerf (Casus Belli HS 8). Maybe the best KAP adventure I ever read. It's like an old tale coming to life. I played it 4 times and it was always a success.
  • Fleur de Sang (in some Tatou magazine). An hilarious premise. Every woman in the county suddenly hates her husband (and all the men by the way), including all the wives and paramours of the players. A good adventure, but I never had the chance to play it. Maybe some day.
  • Le roi oublié (with the GM screen). A good adventure about the legendary city of Ys.

PS (in french, sorry ) . Je n'ai pas lu Chroniques de Pendragon saison 2, et c'est quasiment introuvable aujourd'hui. Cela va quelque chose? J'avais été un peu déçu de la saison 1. De même, pour les scénarios de l'édition d'Icare, cela vaut le coup de jeter un oeil?

Saw this post in another thread, and thought I'd put it here. I've got a friend with a bunch of Casus Belli magazines, and he was kind enough to photocopy the "Premières Armes," "Anciens Mystères," and "La Chasse au Blanc Cerf" scenarios for me. I'm going to see how I get along with my OCR scanner, my two years of high school French from 30+ years ago, and Google Translate! He's also got a few Tatou magazines, but he'll have to check storage to see if he's got the one with "Fleur de Sang" in it.

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Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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I've had the chance to start checking these out, and figure my reviews might be helpful to add to @Tizun Thane's. Of course, I started with the German ones.

Die schlafende Schöne (The Sleeping Beauty): From The Trodox - Ars Arcana, issue #37. As might be expected from the title, this is based on the story "Sleeping Beauty" from the Brothers Grimm, but there's a couple of twists. I have a few issues. I'll put them behind spoilers for people who haven't read it. Other than the quibbles I have below, I think this is a decent scenario, and works really well as a solo, perhaps for a knight who is still unwed after the rest of the party has started their families.

  • Sleeping Beauty is a vampire. Nowhere else in Arthurian literature are vampires mentioned. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't put them in there, and it might work out well with some groups who enjoy fresh ideas in their Arthuriana. But there are groups of purists, and I don't think it well necessarily go over will with those. For GMs with such a group, I recommend changing her to a werewolf, which is another Grimm Brothers creature, and doesn't do violence to Arthurian tradition. [EDIT: @Tizun Thane recommended a faerie creature, which is probably the best fit.]
  • The whole situation is said definitively in the module to be caused by Juno, the Roman goddess. In general, the books steer a fine line between placing the definitive causes of things on this God or that god, but this is easy enough to rectify. Roman Christian informants can provide the information that the curse was laid by Juno; Pagans claim it was laid by Rhiannon, or a fairy lady; Wotanic adherents lay the responsibility firmly on Freya; etc.

Next up, "Winterballade" from issue #40.

Edited by AlHazred
Long-delayed adding excellent recommendation for modifying the scenario.


Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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My german is rusty, but I will try anyway.  Thank you for the links.

19 hours ago, AlHazred said:

Saw this post in another thread, and thought I'd put it here. I've got a friend with a bunch of Casus Belli magazines, and he was kind enough to photocopy the "Premières Armes," "Anciens Mystères," and "La Chasse au Blanc Cerf" scenarios for me.

Casus Belli was a professionnal magazine whereas Tatou was more of a fanzine (uneven). Don't waste your time on Anciens Mystères. It looks like a D&d or a Warhammer Scenario. A solid 3/10.

"Premières Armes" and "La Chasse au Blanc Cerf" are hidden gems. If you have translation troubles, let me know. The language is beautiful, but quite poetic in french. It can be tricky to translate.

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I think I have "Premiere Armes" done, Google Translate did pretty well, and the few places where it didn't some thought made it clear. It's a good scenario, but difficult to implement prior to AD 531. I'm trying to figure out if it can be done with Uther.


Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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I lied about which one was next because this one didn't take long.

Anciens Mystères (Ancient Mysteries): From Casus Belli, issue #40. I agree with @Tizun Thane, this one feels like an AD&D scenario restatted and modified for Pendragon. It is also poorly laid-out: each encounter is introduced with a "narration," as from a player knight describing it briefly, and then has "notes" which are typically very brief and don't go into the sort of detail you would want. That makes it annoying to read and comprehend, but by itself isn't enough to give it a poor rating. Its other problems give it that rating.


The scenario involves a player knight being required to sacrifice themselves to a tree in a grove. That's sort of Arthurian, but the players encounter a group of Saxon warriors there who are trying to get the aid of the tree as well, and are also required to sacrifice one of their number. After all is said and done, the scenario arbitrarily decides the tree will not get involved, and it leaves behind one individual who is a combination of both the player knight and the NPC Saxon, with completely average stats. That seems like a missed opportunity to me.

I think you can use this as a real quest objective for a Religious knight with Pagan virtues. The tree needs a lot more character (it's given some background detail, but no real personality) and if you drop hints about this "Faerie Power" earlier it could be a nice mini-arc to reward persistence.

Secondly, the PK who is sacrificed is supposed to be the "most pure," but then it just says the players need to select one of their number. I think it's more Arthurian if they take the opportunity to test themselves with challenges. In fact, if the trip to the grove involved Pagan virtues being tested, it would work much, much better, and would make a lot of sense. In that case, there should be some sort of reward for the knight who volunteers. Something fitting with the Pagan virtues, but also fitting with the theme of Arthurian knights.

I think this scenario can be reworked to be good, maybe even great for the right PK, but it's going to take work on the part of the GM.


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Running: 1870s Mashup Hero System | Playing: nothing | Planning: D&D 5E/OSE/Fantasy Hero Home Game

D&D is an elf from Tolkien, a barbarian from Howard, and a mage from Vance fighting monsters from Lovecraft in a room that looks like it might have been designed by Wells and Giger. - TiaNadiezja

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