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And Starring Pancho Villa As Himself

Guy Hoyle

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It's popular to think of famous people when you play NPCs (or PCs for that matter). But I often have a hard time coming up with celebrities. So I thought I'd solicit a little crowdsourcing. I'm running through the GM's pack, and I thought I'd cast Clint Eastwood (rest in peace) as Argrath, Christopher Lloyd as Dunorl Brandgorsson, as  a examples. A few more I'm looking for:

Leika Blackspear

Asborn Thriceborn

Kallyr Starbrow

Tarndisi the Dryad

What celebrities do you generally use for NPCs? 

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57 minutes ago, Guy Hoyle said:

It's popular to think of ......

What celebrities do you generally use for NPCs? 

None.  And I don't confuse movie actors with their roles either.

Now here is a quiz back to you:  which actor is the more formidable American fighting man: Jimmy Stewart or Ohn Wayne?

Edited by Squaredeal Sten
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11 minutes ago, Guy Hoyle said:

I know Jimmy Stewart was a fighter pilot in WWII.


Actually a bomber pilot.  And eventually executive officer of a bomber wing.  While John Wayne made war flicks in California.

So if you were an enemy of the US,

* John Wayne would talk tough and pose.  Well away from you.

* Jimmy Stewart would lead several hundred friends to your city. Fly straight and level despite the antiaircraft fire (he actually led raids)  and bomb your worklplace and/ or house flat.


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16 hours ago, Squaredeal Sten said:


None.  And I don't confuse movie actors with their roles either.

Now here is a quiz back to you:  which actor is the more formidable American fighting man: Jimmy Stewart or Ohn Wayne?

Noted. But I was asking to help me bring a little life to my NPCs. What do you use to breathe some life into the stats of your NPCs, since you don't base them on real or fictional characters?

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2 hours ago, Guy Hoyle said:

Noted. But I was asking to help me bring a little life to my NPCs. What do you use to breathe some life into the stats of your NPCs, since you don't base them on real or fictional characters?

Sometimes I think of people I know. Both thise I like and dislike snd not necessarily tjose I know well.  Sometimes I think of fictional characters, like my recent discussion of Long John Silver as a Eurmali.  Sometimes I just work from the needs of the scenario to their runes to implications of those runes.


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4 hours ago, Guy Hoyle said:

What do you use to breathe some life into the stats of your NPCs, since you don't base them on real or fictional characters?

Often some stereotypes.  Pick genres you love.

"Spoiled rich kid".  "Fat disreputable merchant" (maybe Sidney Greenstreet from Casablanca). 

"Scheming political Machiavellian matron" (pick your favorite soap, GoT, etc.) might work for Leika.

Or loosely base on historical characters.  For example, I think Amelia Earhart works, as a rough guide, for Kallyr.  

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6 hours ago, Rodney Dangerduck said:

Often some stereotypes.  Pick genres you love.

"Spoiled rich kid".  "Fat disreputable merchant" (maybe Sidney Greenstreet from Casablanca). 

"Scheming political Machiavellian matron" (pick your favorite soap, GoT, etc.) might work for Leika.

Or loosely base on historical characters.  For example, I think Amelia Earhart works, as a rough guide, for Kallyr.  

I almost never have any real-life characters in mind, but definitely use standard archetypes (e.g. Harlequin or Pantalone from commedia dell'arte).

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  • 2 weeks later...

You need to give some additional reference to the age of the celebrity in question, and in case of (good) actors the roles they were impersonating. A younger Sean Connery as in Time Bandits could be a good candidate for Argrath, but not when he played King Arthur alongside Richard Gere's Lancelot.

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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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I have a number of favourite actors that I use as templates for NPCs ... sometimes as a combination of all of them.. 

Marlene Dietrich (in anything)

Alan Rickman (in any of his many roles)

Greta Garbo (in anything)

Audrey Hepburn (in anything)

Chief Dan George (in Little Bigman)

Richard Harris (in Man called Horse, or anything else he was in actually)

Jeremy Irons (the Patrician in Terry Pratchett movies)

David Bradley (Cohen the Barbarian)

Ralph Fiennes (in anything)


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