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Nochet: Queen of Cities - pdf and POD


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On 7/23/2023 at 5:21 PM, jajagappa said:

Now a Silver Seller! Thanks to all who've purchased!

Silver seller

What's the latest on a POD?
(I think it needs to hit Electrum, 1st; but maybe there's some wiggle-room if it's fast-tracking that way...?)


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10 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Is there a hippodrome in Nochet?

From TotRM 13 p.42.

No! There is definitely not a hippodrome. 🙃 (And that was a very explicit design discussion/decision.)

However, there is a wild annual horse race through the streets of the city where teams compete. 

Whether someone commissions a hippodrome in the future is something open to other campaigns, but not as of 1623-5.

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Nochet: Queen of Cities continues to receive strong Ratings/Reviews (17 5-star ratings, 8 full reviews)!

When it reaches 20 5-star ratings/10 reviews, I'll add in some additional bonus content

And if you've not yet had an opportunity to check it out, you can find it here: 

Nochet: Queen of Cities

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Finally finding the time to give this a read-through.

Is there a place for reporting typos or formatting problems?


I found a few lines to be missing from the Delargaraeo entry in the list of Enfranchised Houses, truncated after "Opposed the voyage of 
Dormal; was present at the return of Dormal and".


In the line above, another interesting find: Ancestress of the Desdelaeo is Desdel, the twin brother of Delargara, children of Kimantor and Norinel. Given the continued existence of House Norinel, we can assume that Norinel had other daughters before accepting Kimantor, too.


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Telling how it is excessive verbis


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7 hours ago, Joerg said:

Ancestress of the Desdelaeo is Desdel, the twin brother of Delargara, children of Kimantor and Norinel. Given the continued existence of House Norinel, we can assume that Norinel had other daughters before accepting Kimantor, too.

Desdel is all about Surprises! Something for the sages to debate or investigate.... 🙂 

And, yes, I think assuming Norinel had other daughters is a reasonable assumption. Likely most of the post-Dawn Houses have claims that go back to either Merngala or Norinel, or both.

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4 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

Please let us know when its reached POD status, I am waiting to read in in book format!

Even once it reaches POD approval, there will still be steps to complete before printed format would be available to order. For reference, Edge of Empire took somewhere between 2-3 months after approval (e.g. new high-res cover art, text adjustments for print, order/print/deliver proof copy, and complete setup).

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Thanks to those who've added Ratings/Reviews, the 20/10 targets have been reached!

For all who have purchased Nochet: Queen of Cities, there is now a GM Quick Reference pdf file available. :20-power-truth:😎

This file pulls together all the Sandbox setting tables into one convenient reference document (34 pages). It includes a few additions beyond the original document in the tables (e.g. Common Events by Season) and has lists of the prominent figures that can be randomly rolled (including page references to where their information is found in the Nochet: Queen of Cities). Also included is a quick guide to Places of Interest including: significant sites of worship for major deities (i.e. where you can replenish Rune points), places to trade (noting significant items sold in each market), some references on places for training and information (including some tables for finding information randomly, and its reliability), and some notes on other services available. And finally one additional map that highlights where the major markets, cisterns, Earth temples, Great Hospital, and Great Library are located.


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13 hours ago, Erol of Backford said:

I'm not from Wisconsin but I am pretty sure the Joe's Pasty Shop in Rhinelander, Wisconsin uses some old Roman recipes for their meat pies? (I actually have no idea but seems appropriate?)

I couldn't see it on their online menu, but maybe? I used to cook puls punica using a Latin recipe and boy howdy did I love it. There is a recipe here but I didn't make it exactly like this: my cookbook called for couscous because the raw materials were harder to come by. I think ricotta made a convenient cheese choice, but these days you probably can get anything you want. The use of a bay leaf during baking was pretty solid, the flavor was fantastic.


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18 minutes ago, AndreasDavour said:

While I don't want to annoy Harald, and I know there's less chance of a POD unless there are pdf sales before, I will add my voice to those who are waiting for a print version. I looks really interesting, but I really can't use game books in pdf.

Sales are going very well... 🙂 assuming a go-ahead on POD, expect ~3 months before such would be available.

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4 hours ago, AndreasDavour said:

I looks really interesting, but I really can't use game books in pdf.

If you buy your PDF copy it'll help push it to POD...

I bought mine (first PDF without POD) hoping it'll go to POD but didn't read it yet as an old fashion with an extra cherry while holding the book is good relaxing!

Fingers crossed it'll be POD before winter...

image.png.34d3984a3762d674c2d345b55ecff99b.png image.png.d03047542a170b6fc572abebfb419aed.png image.png.78e165856bf7af2571ac73e0b2b21a48.png

Edited by Erol of Backford
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1 hour ago, jajagappa said:

Sales are going very well... 🙂 assuming a go-ahead on POD, expect ~3 months before such would be available.

~3 months, TYVM; this is significant info for those of us with Nochet campaigns, & preferring print.

C'es ne pas un .sig

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Just did my first search in the Queen of Cities PDF.

Very happy that the Caprati's were included!

The main Vigan PC in our campaign is daughter to one of the early unnamed Caprati's in Nochet. She was married off to the Erol of Backford but kept her mother's name which was part of the arrangement.

The Caprati and du Tumerine families
These two families were created by MOB and first appeared in Tales of the Reaching Moon #13. Their background there did not fit with the development of Nochet as discussed by Jeff, MOB, and myself, but I still felt there was a natural place for them in Nochet.

We used the Caprati extensively and even had a sidekick halfling (yes they had them in RQ3) who was acting as known agent of the PC's sponsor, the Caprati...

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39 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

Very happy that the Caprati's were included!

Yes! 🙂 It was fun & interesting figuring out how and where to work them in. Just outside, tucked in against the Aeolians, makes for some interesting tensions and opportunities.

Of course, they are both "treaty" families, so they've had to marry into particular Nochet families with all the ramifications those entail.

43 minutes ago, Erol of Backford said:

The main Vigan PC in our campaign is daughter to one of the early unnamed Caprati's in Nochet.

Of course, in my Nochet the Caprati's are the relatively new arrivals (1619) compared to the du Tumerines (ca.1604). But that doesn't mean some Capratis weren't there earlier doing business as merchants. Lots of opportunity to develop for personal campaigns.

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