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Out now in PDF & PoD: Old Pavis (II) - The Good, the Bad & the Rowdy

Ian A. Thomson

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Vol. 04 of the Pavis & Big Rubble Companion (Director's Cut) is finally out, only a month later than hoped :)

Huge thanks to everyone involved!!

I know I keep saying it, but it remains true - without the help of all you collaborators this series would have failed some time back

The credit to Ian A. Thomson & friends should be & Champions!!


This book is titled Old Pavis (II) because major sections cover Old City landmarks, inhabitants & adventures that we would have included in Vol. 02 if there had been room.

Part One: Forts & Temples of the Big Rubble
All remaining civilized Old City locations where Adventurers can buy supplies or potentially take refuge. Including full maps with indexes and details on notable inhabitants for Zebra Fort, Mani’s Fort, the Yelorna Temple & the Old Mint.

Part Two: Friends & Allies of Old Pavis
Different groups that Adventurers may meet, including full details on the Dylfing Clan of Mani’s Fort, the Aldryami of the Big Rubble, and the Urban Orlanthi. Plus full RQG Stats on such personalities as Garrath Sharpsword, Enostar ‘Bad-Dream’, Bendrath the Priest, & Wolfhead the Bandit.

Part Three: Criminals & Enemies of Pavis
Expanded details on the Black Fang, Lunar Intelligence Agents, Sarken’s Gang at the Old Mint, and the most notable local Lunar Collaborators. (Full RQG Stats for various individuals, including Gim-gim the Grim, Jo-Tarran Longsword, Count Sor-Eel & Faltikus the Good.)

Part Four: Rebels & Independents
New pieces on The Rowdy Gang & Griselda developed in collaboration with Oliver Dickinson, Michael O’Brien’s wonderful ‘Beggars of Pavis’ article revisited, and the even a guest appearance from the Old Pavic heroband - the fabulous Grey Company. Plus more!

Part Five: For a Fistful of Lunars
Page after page of practical details for running scenarios in the Big Rubble as the Adventurers seek to make a living. Including details on their’ first steps into the mysterious levels of loyalty within the Cult of Pavis, and a brand-new species of dangerous Rubble-dwellers!

Part Five: Once Upon a Time in Pavis
A substantial original investigative New Pavis mystery (‘The Curse of the Copper Condor’); the Lunar plans announcement of the Wedding of Pavis to the Red Goddess; a major scenario exploring Kakstan’s Art Museum [significantly revised & expanded from the original series]; and the opportunity to ‘evict’ Sarken’s Bandit Gang from the Old Pavis Royal Mint!


** Bonus Soundtrack Clip here by putting this link together: you ... tube.com/watch?v=J9EZGHcu3E8



Edited by Ian A. Thomson
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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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Excellent series that does a great job of slowly…perhaps a bit too slowly….delving deeply into the mysteries that are Pavis the old city and Pavis the god. Given all the rich depth of the city and cults, my only criticism is that the scenarios could be a bit more politically and theologically sophisticated. But I am really nit picking, and I can and do add my own depth in this regard because there is so much richness in this material. Although it sets itself several years before RQG start timeline of 2025, I found it easy to translate this to a post Argrath invasion of Pavis. The most complex bit being how to balance the White Bull incarnation and nomad alliances with a ‘friendly’ orlanthi style booting out of the lunars. How does this all reconcile post the successful battle. Luckily Argrath does not hang around, taking the majority of the Praxians with him to Dragon Pass. Allowing the Pavics the time honoured opportunity to re establish their effective running of Pavis. But it leaves a mess behind, lots of opportunity to need heroes to set a new order in place.

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5 hours ago, Geoff R Evil said:

my only criticism is that the scenarios could be a bit more politically and theologically sophisticated. But I am really nit picking, and I can and do add my own depth in this regard because there is so much richness in this material.

Leans a bit more into the politics in Vol. 04 at at last and this trend will continue.

Edited by Ian A. Thomson
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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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Although I was part of the editing and proofing and contributed a small part, I was focused on individual words, sentence structure and being consistent and coherent in the text and it is only now when I see the whole document that I recognise the entirety and magnitude of the project. It's massive.. just like trying to traverse the Rubble.. it's a bit bigger than you thought and just as dangerous.

If you are interested in running a campaign in Pavis, in my opinion, this is essential. It may not be canonical, or maybe it is for YGMV. For those worrying about the mythology, consider it as the path of the initiate.. as things progress, more of the truth will be revealed and become clear in later volumes. Be patient little one, good things come to those that wait. 

There is so much information in this volume and it brings the New and Old Cities together. It is how the Rubble locations augment and join these population centres to create interesting stories for Adventurers to explore, make a narrative and perhaps die in, maybe on the end of that diseased broo spear or beginning a new existence as part of an expanding and imperialistically-minded gorp.This is the kind of history you want to make, either as a GM or a player.

The scenarios are interesting and thoughtful and will challenge and possibly confuse Adventurers as they travel along the road of the true path for Pavis. The GMCs are well thought out and brought to life, ready to aid or thwart the Adventurers and all have Stat Blocks to aid harassed GMs.

Some of the GMCs are quirky, some are useful and a few are deadly. Who wouldn't want to be killed by Hargran the Dirty? It's not everyday that a King of Pavis can be bothered to get out of bed to kill some upstart Adventurers. Perhaps you want to mint your own coins to fulfil that childhood ambition of seeing your face on some money. It's in this volume and it's a possibility, if you can manage to take control of the Pavis Mint for a few hours. Or perhaps you self-identify as an Aldryami? Well you're in luck, it's in this volume too, as well as lots more. A bit like Chhotomai's Spice Kitchen.. it's hot and spicy.. unless you're an Uz, in which case it could do with more seasoning and some of those self-identifying Aldryami.

Don't hesitate.

Buy it.

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Halfway through the book, how nice it is to finally have all this collected in one place, and filled out and updated and with new things I've never read before! 💚 (Also love this Enostar take)

Edited by Malin
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☀️Sun County Apologist☀️

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Posted (edited)

Thanks guys for your generous words

I'm glad others are enjoying the material as much as I enjoyed writing it originally and now

Its also great that its not just me and my two groups of Players who are able to follow the unfolding path of the Grand Plan :)

Edited by Ian A. Thomson
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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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On 1/1/2024 at 6:55 AM, Nozbat said:

it is only now when I see the whole document that I recognise the entirety and magnitude of the project. It's massive.. just like trying to traverse the Rubble.. it's a bit bigger than you thought and just as dangerous.

Oh yes indeed :)

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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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Thanks for all the great feedback on Vol. 04 :)

Those of you who said you think it is brilliant and have a moment, giving it a top star rating on Drivethru would be much appreciated. It makes a big difference when other people look at the book and are considering whether to buy

Also, there will be another update at some point in the next few weeks, so don't by shy in letting me know about any errors or other clunks you have spotted

That would be much appreciated too, as I am flat out now with Vols 4A (the special edition) and 5, plus as the main author, my eye is not the best for spotting mistakes


Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, SleepyNick said:

What kind of write up? Like Stat block or history? Interested in both! Lol

Stat block and some history. The write-up is for ”Garrath Sharpsword”. The alter-ego Argrath used as a swashbuckling Wind Lord in Pavis before the rescuing of the Cradle. He is powerful Wind Lord at the time but not as powerful as he will be when he returns some years later.

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Expressing gratitude to a couple of proofers who are pouring over Vol. 04 as we speak, prior to handing it over to Nick Brooke in a couple of weeks for his generous offer once again to do the POD-ification. (At which point we will of course update the pdf as well.)

Numerous (extremely numerous) small errors, a handful of middling errors, one small but very significant omission, and a couple of huge gaffs!!

Thank Lhankor Mhy for the existence of editors and proofers!!!

Edited by Ian A. Thomson
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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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5 hours ago, Soccercalle said:

Stat block and some history. The write-up is for ”Garrath Sharpsword”. The alter-ego Argrath used as a swashbuckling Wind Lord in Pavis before the rescuing of the Cradle. He is powerful Wind Lord at the time but not as powerful as he will be when he returns some years later.

I realised today that I will need to write in some rumors and reports about what the Oasis People are up to at this time.

Back in the day I was involved in the fan-project of the Greatlands Campaign arc, which I don't think ever got beyond the basic structure, but there was a timeline and some main key events created which I have the files of

Most importantly these two separate campaigns feed into a crucial element of the Grand Plan

So rather than having two major events happen out of the blue at the Finale of this campaign, there must be hints & tales of, and at least a handful of encounters with, those two epic groups. Maybe the Adventurers will end up being part of what means they all come together relatively harmoniously at the end. As representatives of Pavis that makes sense

They will also know Garrath from their shared time in Pavis before the Cradle episode

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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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oh yes...

Strange lights illuminating the night sky

People setting off into the wastelands that never went there before 

Creatures never seen before making an appearance

Mystery, confusion, wonder... all happening off-screen

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34 minutes ago, Nozbat said:

Mystery, confusion, wonder... all happening off-screen

Oh definitely not all offscreen:)

I will weave in a few coincidences of the Adventurers being in the right place and time to be a part of a few different elements of all of this :)

I will be imagining as if those other two books had been completed, and interweaving the Pavis Grand Plan arc with them (which was the original idea when it was mooted as an official project)

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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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6 hours ago, Soccercalle said:

Stat block and some history. The write-up is for ”Garrath Sharpsword”. The alter-ego Argrath used as a swashbuckling Wind Lord in Pavis before the rescuing of the Cradle. He is powerful Wind Lord at the time but not as powerful as he will be when he returns some years later.

Wow! So cool! I didn't know that! Thank you! 

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The revised PDF of Vol. 04 (The Good, the Bad & the Rowdy) has just gone up on Drivethru

Gratitude once again to the several proofers for the first and second rounds. (Plus all the other volunteers/collaborators). I'll keep on saying this until the project is done: There's no way I could create this series without your help. "Thank you so much!"

Here's the change notes:

"Updated cover, very many small corrections made, several middling level errors fixed, and three doozie mistakes rewritten."

Yes, there were a few big 'Doh!" moments there, including a couple of scenario bits that made no sense

I'm glad I included the note in the front of the first version for people to wait until the update.

I imagine there's probably still a bunch or minor errors in there, but yes, hopefully not so many and not major

Edited by Ian A. Thomson
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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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  • 1 month later...


Just spotted that the pdf of Vol. 04 (Old Pavis II: The Good, the Bad, & the Rowdy) has been marked down on Drivethru as part of a GM's Day sale

Don't know how or why, when none of the others are, but anyway if you were poised or considering...


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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

VOL. 04 (Old Pavis II: 'The Good, the Bad & the Rowdy') is ALMOST out in POD!! :)

The one time that a review copy was horrendously delayed and we just went for it (since all previous volumes were perfect), there's an error

Tiny, and almost insignificant, but the '4' was missed off the spine, and none of us spotted it

The rest of the book is great, all super-duper, so those who already have a POD ordered will just need to carefully use a permanent marker or some manner of transfer to draw it neatly on the side

Apologies for any inconvenience. Consider it a collector's item, and let us know if you got one of these and we'll tee you up with some kind of bonus item for your trouble!

Best estimate is 3 weeks from now (second week of April) for the POD version of Vol. 04 with the '4' restored to its rightful place on the spine



Edited by Ian A. Thomson
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Former Issaries Inc. 'Pavis Expert'

Some of my creations and co-creations: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=Ian Thomson 

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Do you have a list of the books in the series? I'm not sure if I have them all yet or not.

I don't like DTRPG's new website, it makes it harder to tell right away if I have a book from the product page.

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