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trollball ?


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So this famous Uz pastime is apparently coming to a fine mini's game near you (and more importantly, near ME!).

Can I entice the fine folks at Chaosium to reveal more about it, particularly about any release-date or KS project?

I have some particularly fine cricket salsa I can offer...


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I remember partnering with Andrew Wood at the Trollball competition at Tentacles a few years back and had a real blast.

The rules we used are somewhere in my documents, they worked really well and were even better than the rules from Trollpak.

It would be good to see Trollball making a comeback.

Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


Jonstown Compendium author. Find my contributions here

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I would hope that Chaosium focus on their remaining Kickstarters they are involved with before embarking on anything else, even though I am very keen to see a Trollball game.

No update since April 3rd for the RQ2 Kickstarter despite it being "one of the priority items" and have the "stretch goal items done by the end of June 2017". Hopefully this will be completed along with Khan of Khans,13th Age in Glorantha rulebook, and the Glorantha Sourcebook by end of August 2017. 

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7 hours ago, jongjom said:

I would hope that Chaosium focus on their remaining Kickstarters they are involved with before embarking on anything else, even though I am very keen to see a Trollball game.

No update since April 3rd for the RQ2 Kickstarter despite it being "one of the priority items" and have the "stretch goal items done by the end of June 2017". Hopefully this will be completed along with Khan of Khans,13th Age in Glorantha rulebook, and the Glorantha Sourcebook by end of August 2017. 

Rick noted a "Comment" on May 15 (announcing release of "Runemasters); but I agree that the KS backers seem entitled to a bit more info.  Still, I think we can take the Apr.3 Update as their planned order, and just figure the schedule has slipped.

HOWEVER... 13G & GS aren't Chaosium products, and 13G isn't a KS of theirs!

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2 hours ago, g33k said:

HOWEVER... 13G & GS aren't Chaosium products, and 13G isn't a KS of theirs!

Agreed. However as the March 3rd 13th Age Glorantha update:

"Hi everyone, it's Michael O'Brien (MOB) from Chaosium here—as Rob mentioned in an earlier comment I'm now helping complete the project, and I'm delighted to be on board!" 

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My home campaign is basically a Trollball team touring, getting into mayhem and killing Lunars.


EDIT: ...and actual Trollball is still a work in progress, mostly based on d20 era WOTC miniatures games. It's not perfect, but it works pretty well.

Edited by tedopon
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My suggestion for a trollball simulation, is to base it on Boule, with rocks representing the trolls, the small ball being the trollkin (or badger, or whriling bug beetle). Players throw their rocks (trolls) at the sandy pitch marked out and try to get the trollkin into the scoring zone. 

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18 hours ago, jongjom said:

Agreed. However as the March 3rd 13th Age Glorantha update:

"Hi everyone, it's Michael O'Brien (MOB) from Chaosium here—as Rob mentioned in an earlier comment I'm now helping complete the project, and I'm delighted to be on board!" 

That is correct. Since early this year we have striven to keep the Kickstarter backers informed about progress, with several updates each month. This information has also been relayed on the Chaosium news page, and here.

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1 hour ago, MOB said:

That is correct. Since early this year we have striven to keep the Kickstarter backers informed about progress, with several updates each month. This information has also been relayed on the Chaosium news page, and here.

Yes, but ...  why did CHAOSIUM's slave-drivers rent you out to labor in the PELGRANE salt-mines ???!?

We have salt to be mined here!  Vast pits of RQClassic, deep shafts of RQG to be delved, the flats of KoK cards...  :D

And TROLLBALL !   Dammit, you guys teased it and then... nuthin.  Silence.  Where's our Trollball then, eh?


Edited by g33k

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4 hours ago, g33k said:

 Where's our Trollball then, eh?

The lack of Trollball updates is largely my fault - i've been neglecting it a bit, sadly. Fortunately, I'll be meeting with Jeff a few  times over the next couple of weeks, and that should get the wee trollkin of inspiration running around in my head again.

I will have a playable version with me at GenCon, and will be glad to demo for folks able to attend, schedule permitting. How polished/complete/official it is will depend a lot on my personal ability to focus on it between now and then.

There really is quite a bit of uzly goodnis taking form in the shadows, preparing to burst forth into the world of light and pain... it's just that, well, trolls (and troll authors) make poor Mostali, so the schedule is not all it could be.

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