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How can a character gain new Elemental Runes?


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a characters Rune affiliations defines that character and forms the core of their being. But people change and, if in playing, a character exhibited traits of another Rune I'd see no reason for the GM to introduce it, however it would start with a decline in another. So if you begin with strong Water but consistently played a pragmatic individual your Water Rune would diminish and ultimately an Earth Rune would evolve. The time it takes is up to the GM and as Elemental Runes are not paired opposites, it might be difficult to define but some are naturally conflicting.

A quicker option may be a HeroQuest aimed at radically changing one's being. 

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RP and gamemaster/player consensus?

Arkat added and maximised his Darkness Rune for instance... The trolls have a handy way to do that. They will show you if you ask nicely.

Consorting frequently with that element may count. If you marry the river nymph, you might end up with some Water rune.

Joining a new cult also. If a troll initiates to Orlanth, he or she will gain (in) the Air rune, one would imagine. Though most likely they'd already have it as a secondary rune to even contemplate the idea.

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A rating of zero doesn't mean anything different than a rating of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. You still have a 5% chance to invoke any element, and you can build it up from there as long as you can cope with psychic turmoil 19 times out of 20.

I think it's unusual for characters to radically change their elemental runic associations. I would only do this if the character underwent some major developmental event, maybe if an element invocaton repeatedly failed. I'd talk to the player/GM (depending on whether I'm running or playing) about what would be a satisfying way to roleplay and ruleplay the character's changing runic influence, but other than what I describe above, there isn't really a good mechanic for it.

I'd be tempted to say that if an element rune rating is reduced for whatever reason, those points go on to another (lower?) element.

Edited by PhilHibbs
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Heroquest exposure is a good way to gain or alter one's runic association.

There is nothing inherently wrong about having a score in all elemental runes - the world is made of everything. Elemental runes can rise above 100%, too, so the primary and secondary element can still be distinguished even if the other runes have average ratings.


Telling how it is excessive verbis


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21 hours ago, Caras said:

There are three elemental runes a character starts with. But how can a character gain the starting skills on remaining runes? Or is it even possible?

First, you can start the game with more.

  • You get a bonus in a different element from your Homeland (RQG p.45)
  • You distribute some of your additional 50 points to those runes (RQG p.51)

Second, you can train or research a Rune at a temple. (RQG p.416 & 417).  You get +1d6-1 or +2% for the former; +1d6-2 or 1% for the latter.

Third, you get some magical boost.  A sorcerous Combine spell of Man with that Element.  An unusual Rune spell.

Fourth, you get possessed by an elemental spirit.

Fifth, you get a Rune during a HeroQuest.  Maybe it's Drinking from the Earth Witch's Cauldron.  Maybe its Joining with Sky River Titan's Flow.  Maybe it's Climbing the Celestial Stairs.  Etc.

Undoubtedly other options possible like Trickster magic, exposure to Elemental Power Spots...


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