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Announcing the new licensee for RUNEQUEST in French and Spanish


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Chaosium Inc is pleased to announce a new partnership with EDGE Entertainment. In a comprehensive new licensing deal, EDGE will publish Chaosium’s roleplaying games Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest in both French and Spanish.

Founded in 1999, EDGE Entertainment is based in Seville, Spain and Toulouse, France. A long-standing partner of the Asmodee Group studio Fantasy Flight Games, in early 2017 EDGE formally became part of the Asmodee Group. EDGE is the current licensee for Call of Cthulhu in Spanish.

Call of Cthulhu is widely regarded as the definitive investigative horror roleplaying game, and is popular world-wide. It is currently available in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish translations, and with editions in Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Swedish also in the works.

RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha (RQG) is an all-new edition of one of the world’s most influential and acclaimed fantasy roleplaying games. Chaosium released the core rules of the game to critical and popular acclaim in 2018. A German edition of RQG has been announced, with other languages soon to follow.

“All of us here at Edge Entertainment are so excited to be working with Chaosium to make the premier editions of Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest for our French and Spanish fans.” said Stephane Bogard, studio coordinator at EDGE.

“We were blown away by the distinctive and spectacular edition of Call of Cthulhu EDGE has produced in Spanish, and we can’t wait to see what they can do for the game in French, and for RuneQuest in both languages.” said Chaosium Vice President and Head of Licensing, Michael O’Brien.

Montpellier-based design house Studio Deadcrows will be designing and publishing the French edition of RuneQuest for EDGE.

EDGE takes over the Call of Cthulhu license from Éditions Sans-Détour in France. Under the terms of its now-concluded license, ESD is permitted to sell its existing Call of Cthulhu stock until March 31st 2019. Chaosium has also extended special permission to ESD so it can fulfil its obligations to Ulule crowdfunding backers of Les Masques de Nyarlahotep et Le Jour de la Béte, and for those who pre-ordered it up to January 2nd 2019. 


Edited by MOB
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1 hour ago, MOB said:


Chaosium Inc is pleased to announce a new partnership with EDGE Entertainment. In a comprehensive new licensing deal, EDGE will publish Chaosium’s roleplaying games Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest in both French and Spanish.

I heard a rumour (which may have contained a substantially false component) and met some people at Dragonmeet to do with a French translation of RuneQuest - did that not come to pass, or are they still involved under a new umbrella?

*Edit* Ah, now I see Deadcrows mentioned, that's who I met. I think "Studio Deadcrows" and "Sans Detour" got crossed over in my brain.

Edited by PhilHibbs
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A great news Spanish runequesters ...! But maybe not good at all. Edge Entertainment has published an amazing edition of CoC, one of the best in the world in the visual aspect probably. But the problem is that they have concentrated on taking only these luxury editions, and in the 8 years that we have been since the manual appeared (from the 6th edition, the 2004 edition of Chaosium) they have only released this one and four books more (1920s Investigator's Companion, Masions of Madness, Masks of Nyarlathotep, and a few months ago Tatters of the King). All in the same line of quality, which is the cause of these years (years, I reiterate!) Since they announce and the time goes by very slowly... In Spain any new book of the english language world can take six months (or less), a year, two years is already excessive ... But not five years. Ok, as I say, these editions are wonderful, but they are a collection edition rather than playing games, and it seems that the publisher is the only thing that does, promote "beautiful books" before "books to play". And there aren't alternatives. Edge E. has also announced (for years, two or three at least), that he will release the 7th of CoC, perhaps this year, but Chaosium published it a lot of years ago. Spanish fans do not understand much. You might think they do not sell enough, but the reality is the opposite: all the issues they take out are sold out. The books are resold in the internet for two, three or times their value (which is already expensive, although understandable they are). But then do not make more runs. Last year just the only one they have done, from the rulebook, and again sold out in weeks. Now you can't find a new one anymore, another time! Right now it is easier to find old copies of the 5th edition (by La factoría de las ideas), an edition not so good, not far, but still circulating.

Edge E. has also published D&D 5th, and these books have been published more or less quickly, but it is that much of the issue of layout and translation was already made (imposed) by Gale Force Nine.

Will they do with Runequest with the same as with Call of Cthulhu? Will they take out a RiG collector's edition ... when Chaosium is preparing a revision or a new one, half a decade later? Will we have to wait even longer to see the other books? As I say, in principle it sounds very good ... but I think that the hopes in the game of the Spanish players are going to need willpower and many points of sanity because of this unexplained editorial policy...

I hope I'm wrong, and for once keep in mind that players want these books for their gaming tables, not to worship them on the shelves when we are already very old people!

Edited by Ahti2
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Sans Détour had a huge CoC line, and I think it will be difficult for EDGE to propose as many books as they did. I'm quite confident we'll see better production values, nevertheless, as ESD books were in black & white.

Concerning RuneQuest, no Gloranthan game has really been successful in France. First french edition was a translation of RuneQuest 3, but contrarily to AH edition it was sold as a purely Gloranthan game. The only Fantasy Earth supplement published was Land of Ninja (under the name "La Voie du Sabre" - it seems L5R opened a "Japan" trend in France, as GURPS Japan had been translated the same year).

Oriflam put a lot of efforts in the game, and published a gorgeous (for the time...) line of books including Gods of Glorantha, Glorantha: Genertela Crucible of the HeroWars, Elder Secrets, Sun County, Trollpak and Dorastor. But the result was the game setting seemed very intimidating, with no "beginner-friendly" entry point. I can tell by my own experience it's very difficult to do anything out of Genertela alone... The very complex nature of RQ3 didn't help.

It seems Multisim's translation of HeroWars line was a complete failure, as only 6 books were published (including the two core books). Once again, I think the lack of focus on one area of Glorantha was  a mistake.

Mongoose did translations of their Glorantha 2nd Age line, but was horribly expensive. It didn't help their translations were done by a french Mongoose employee, and not by a professional translator...

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Just a question for @Rick Meints or @Jeff: Does the agreement with Edge include any condition on when and how many books need to be published on a certain period of time? I.e. Could Edge for example only publish the RQG rulebook and the bestiary in the next 6 years if they wanted to?


Read my Runeblog about RuneQuest and Glorantha at: http://elruneblog.blogspot.com.es/

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4 hours ago, Runeblogger said:

Just a question for @Rick Meints or @Jeff: Does the agreement with Edge include any condition on when and how many books need to be published on a certain period of time? I.e. Could Edge for example only publish the RQG rulebook and the bestiary in the next 6 years if they wanted to?


We don't publicly discuss the specifics of contracts with outside parties. I am replying mainly so you do not feel we are ignoring your question, and merely not answering it.

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Hope that Helps,
Rick Meints - Chaosium, Inc.

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