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Glorantha Miniatures


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A few more pics.

The most joked about match up of the day, the Lasadag Lions versus the Pavis Survivors.  Literally the lions versus the zebras....



The Yelmalian Pike were unstoppable.  For as much grief that they get on the adventuring circuit, this was a welcome change of pace, and I think very much in line with what was envisioned by the lore, based on Dragon Pass/White Bear & Red Moon.


More llama action...



The fight for the Highlands was uneven. The Red Cow and other Jonstown Tribes were empowered by the Eleven Lights, while the Tarsh militia were low morale, with no special supporting magic, and they ultimately crumpled as soon as the Tarsh Furthest Foot gave way.


Speaking of, this is the Tarsh Furthest putting up a valiant effort on behalf of Lunar Tarsh.  They were ultimately swept from the field by the Power of Orlanth (with a little help from some Humakti Death Magic delivered via Two Pine), but our after analysis of the game showed that the Lunar wings, which had definite disadvantages in terms of magic and manpower, had enough moxie to but time for the center to grind straight through the middle of the field.  Their tough fights ultimately won the day, even as they gave their lives for Empire.  Such an analysis was necessary because with 12 foot tables, one side had no idea what was going on anywhere else!


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1 hour ago, Duff said:

My Glorantha miniatures. Click on the image to go to the collection.



I am in AWE. I saw the studs on the lamellar or whatever that was, holy crap. 

And your non-metallic metallics are fantastic.

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On 2/25/2024 at 12:19 PM, Diadochoi said:

Lunar army occupying Prax, sable lancers.  Sables by fenris games, lancers by Aventine miniatures with Pendraken miniatures wire spears.

Sable lancers.jpg

This is great to know: Mad Knight (via Rapier) finally came out with Sable Riders, but extra sources are always great. And I like the miniatures you choose.

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And, Sir Godspeed, awesome work! You are a far better painter than I and I find your work very inspiring. I'm really glad to see other folks putting up pictures.

May I know the source of your various miniatures?

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... and because I am an incorrigible show-off (even though many people are much better painters than me), I present a baboon troop:

These are Armorcast baboons (Lance & Laser line, page 10). A couple of notes for painters: The baboons look really good, but they are rather large; human sized or a little bigger. This makes them larger than standard for Gloranthan baboons. On a more technical note, the miniatures had quite a bit of flash; be prepared to work with an X-acto knife or small rotary tool to clean flash. Also, as is my habit, I mounted them on plastic bases (which have magnets in them). 20mm bases for most, 25mm for crouching baboons with spears.

Baboon Troop miniatures.jpg

Baboon close up.jpg

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  • 2 months later...

And my latest project: Infinity Miniatures Dragon Snails. This was one of my first forays with an airbrush and let me say it makes many aspects of painting much easier. I was also chagrined to notice that the paint scheme I selected was the same as the paint scheme on the store display image of the single-head snail. Oh well, I always knew that originality was my dump stat. 

A couple of technical notes: I did Zenithal Priming (I.e. primed in black then did a light spray of white from the top down. I used Reaper paints, thinned with a 90% distilled water, 10% isopropyl alcohol mix (I read that that is what the Reaper printshop uses). I think I had the airbrush mixture too thick, as the shading from the priming did not come out very well. Also, my airbrush clogged and spattered a few times, so I had to stop and clean it. Even so, what you're looking at here is only about 4-5 hours of work. 

A couple of notes for those of you thinking about getting these miniatures: They are resin. They are big! You will need a sanding sponge or some method of sanding on a curve to remove mold lines. That being said these are great models. My group is likely to go to Sog's Ruins soon, and when that happens - guess what will be waiting!

Three dragonsnails.jpg

One head dragonsnail.jpg

Two head dragonsnail.jpg

Three head dragonsnail.jpg

Edited by pachristian
Resized the images to be more efficient. Corrected "Son's Ruins" to "Son's Ruins".
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It's been a busy time for miniatures. Finally finished some Walktapi from Armorcast. (Lance and Laser "Cthulhukin" miniature: https://armorcast.com/miniatures/lance-laser/fantasy-monsters/?page=7)

I'm not real happy with the base, I tried a new system using some basing gel to produce a swamp water effect. I don't think I did a very good job. But they're okay for now. I'll rebase them someday.

Two Walktapus.jpg


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