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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. So the PC's need to solve this birthling conundrum via Heroquest after researching giant birthing rituals, maybe Otra could help with that and then fine and unite gold wheel dancers with their spirits. As this thread has called out several (noncanonical) gold wheel dancers, they could be located and questioned as to other inanimate dancer bodies' locations... sounds like fun.
  2. Start being a smith apprentice and hone skills for several years while rising as a Humakti... we have played several campaigns where one of the PC's was an apprentice of sorts and they went to assist smiths in places they traveled to but were not always welcome of course...
  3. So they need simply for cultivate it on the fringes of the villages, etc. This is great, thanks! The caravan by Clubfoot is a nice add...
  4. Surprised it's not a counter for the game WBRM, assuming its not?
  5. I'd like the hard cover copy please! But where to find the lead cross?
  6. A shaman werebear of course. I suppose a werebear doesn't have to be cursed? Thanks everyone.
  7. Maybe it was killed? Why didn't papa or mama giant just walk down the river with them and kick some Godlearner butt? Think on it, little humans get walked to school, they don't normally get sacrificed to the psychopaths of society until closer to teenage years. Wonder who of this as cool back then, different yes? Smaller giants should just have mated with gold wheel dancers who had enhanced their size. My take is the gold wheel dancers didn't die out, they are simple inanimate objects (the ones not melted down into actual gold wheels, such an unfortunate act of greedy trades?) until reunited with their spirit. Discorporate spirits from expensive golden bodies... still hoping for a quest to be published reuniting a spirit with a body...
  8. LOL nobody wants Gold Wheel Dancers around anymore. This is interesting!
  9. So there could be descendants but likely noncanonical as it was in the HotHP... So Sillinhalia was nearly immortal as they would have lived at least 1500 year past the Dawn? Mr. Smith, you had a great article Glorantha Digest V1 #91 on the Dancers... 1995 it was. Mr. Martian wrote in 1998: And I have a hard time believing that the Gold Wheel Dancers, all extinct by the end of the First Age, were somehow still being used as guardians by the giants 300 or so years later. I just don't think there were ever enough Gold Wheel Dancers around to waste so many on a single form and/or task. All IMO. Some of this older stuff is really good. Also from 1995: He raised the golden key so that we, too, could unlock the transformations still held within our hearts. We were blessed for we heard and learned the Song of the Sixth Day. So what's this golden key? The one is painful, those Lunars: I also think that many of the gold wheel dancers were melted into lumps of gold which the Lokarnos merchants refashioned into Wheels, in honor of one specific Gold Wheel Dancer. Which one was that?
  10. So did Humakt simply put an apron on and do some smithing and Humakt made the Diamond Blade, Uz Cleaver, Mazta's Invisible Sword and the Wind Sword when he decided to hit the forge or is Ingnew his own cult separate from Humakt?
  11. Has anyone set a dwarven ruin in the stormwalk or skyreach mountains? Trying to position it either side of Dragon Pass but don't want to do so arbitrarily... Dwarf Run, Battle Valley, Clanking Ruins, Dwarf Cliff, Dwarf Knoll... are there other know spots? Maybe it's just an expansion of the Two-Face scenario or under Dwarf Cliff? Thoughts or suggestions.
  12. I have it but have been reading the Six Seasons and the others for the past 2 weeks, enjoying... will get to back on track with bad uncle Lodril after I finish. Never would have guessed Lodri was a womanizer (LOL) and seducer of the river babes... sounds weird but did the river cool his loins? They are the same. Mr. 101°. Sounds like a bad B movie...
  13. Dormant, not dead as we just need to bring the spirit back to a living but inanimate body... also, Pinchining, not dead... There is one group actually searching for them, from Masters of Luck & Death - Five Rune Ring - I had read that they are based not far from Battle Valley, Division Hills - other gold wheel dancers may surface and or be reunited with their bodies? I'd say more like long term discorporation than dead as their bodies become inanimate objects rather they a mass of putrid fertilizer pushing up daisies, whatever?
  14. I'd like to read more, only know a little about him, the Agimori and what's in the old Gloranthan Classics 3 - Cult Compendium...
  15. So since we are tracking several of them, previous notes, and they are able to have offspring with other races they may repopulate? Would they not be considered an eldar race since they have been around so long? (yes I have a fixation with Gold Wheel Dancers...)
  16. I figured and had earlier on assumed there was a Black Arkati HQ hidden in there somewhere... Troll Cults Book, p24. In Heortland there is supposed to be the House of Black Arkat, a temple of the cult which teaches sorcery to its human initiates... otherwise is like any other troll cult... or something like that. The Kitori... smells like trouble. Our PC's get a shapechange human to troll matrix from Uncle Erekanst (ToTRM 13, p37) who happens to be a member of the Kobakuruum, there's nothing stopping them from getting to the Dragon Pass championships! Backford Ballers sponsored by your local Yelmalio temple! OK, so Mt. Passant is Orta's half brother and is vertically challenged!? But you did say at the foot of...
  17. Black Arkati you can be sure... (or will be in our Glorantha!) I wonder if Mt. Passant isn't Orta's older brother? Night Temple (cave) at Right Foot... This is a good plot mechanism to insert All Quiet on the Eastern Front from the Green Covered TT issue? There was a note that many had prices on their head, can't recall where I read that or if it were the Nolos refugees or some of the Esvulari inon them!?
  18. Curious as to when the Gold Wheel Dancers came to be? One sat on the Unity Council, Speaking Wheel, I think but they were around before dawn for sure...
  19. Not a Judge's Guild scenario but from a similar time period. Has anyone placed Gruug's Cave (Heros V2 01) in near Sartar or the Heortland Plateau? Always loved the cover of the Old Gods of Glorantha box.
  20. I wonder what fun could be had taking the Lead Cross from Plunder to Vampire Town with lots of Sun Bright and Turn Undead spells... I like the idea, has anyone placed it there? Near Tobros' head possibly? Besides the Sword Wrath what other famous undead slaying weapons are there? I want to recall a vampire slaying sword but don't think there was one...
  21. What would be the Argan Argar draw to Esvularian region of the Heortland Plateau, trade? About how many AA's would be in the Esvularian region, Mount Passant area? Would that also indicate a higher than average troll population in or near Mt. Passant than in Sartar other than say the near Troll Woods? About how many trolls near Mt. Pass if this is true? The PC's we have would often view Darkness worshipers as antagonists even if it were constrained to the trollball pitch? Also what happened to the Esvularian population after Tigerheart? I am guessing it sort of stayed as is unless he persecuted Aeolians but are we wrong in assuming the Esvularians are Aeolians?! Lastly after the Wolf Pirates sack Noloswal in 1623 and then by 1625, Nolos falls to Seshnela the migration of refugees to Handra and Nochet from Nolos, Pithdaros, and Pasos. The Esvulari are outnumbered by the Seshnegi. Do the Esvulari up their mercenary guard to keep the Seshnegi at bay and or do a good number move to areas near or in say Mt. Passant? I finally acquired Mr. Montgomery's work, quite nicely done, much of it will be integrated.
  22. So Terasarin dies: Would dignitaries not have gone to a funeral or something? Would say the Feathered Horse Queen or the Queen of Nochet? Would they, more likely send a representative?
  23. If a werebear (yes we have them from RQ1-2) casts say iron hands on their human form and they metamorphosize to bear form the spell would stay active for the 15 minute duration? If you don't feel so please explain why the transformation would cancel the spell in your mind... Additionally when seeing the spell The Stag's Crown (Six Seasons in Sartar) for the first time I thought wow, now the broo with horn/headbutt attacks get it back: a werebear with The Stag's Crown could gain an extra attack. If a highly intelligent 18 INT werecreature (think Dr. Jekyll) would have 2/3 INT and so couldn't they just cast the spells in were-form with an INT of 12? Does anyone allow PC's - NPC's with lycanthropy to use iron hands, Stag's Crown, etc while in animal form? What about Toothsharp? The werebear we have is working to be a shaman so it doesn't bother the group but I am skeptical to give the bear powers even they cannot attack with weapons... Thanks for the input.
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