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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. From Masters of Luck & Death, there is a good bit more... p.14-15
  2. Was Duck Tower settled on as to likely location in Glorantha and I missed it and if not did anyone suggest Odd Tower for Duck Tower? Reading in Wyrms Footnotes 15: Odd Tower - During Starbrow’s rebellion part of the Lunar army made a feint across the River at Two Sisters and constructed a number of towers by the Marsh. This tower is the only one to have survived from that time. It is still used by the Lunars as an observation post. This doesn't fit with the Duck Tower having been there for 100 years or more and so possibly the remains of an old fort was there and the Lunars added to it (not likely) or maybe the name was actually Old Tower and the map authors copied the name wrong somehow? If not then maybe Alric's Fort is Duck Tower as its not on the Wyrms Footnotes 15 map, Alric isn't in the GtG nor is the name in the Well of Daliath?
  3. from Masters of Luck and Death. So the leader is basically a little old lady sitting in a cabin. Quite strange to come upon a stead with an old lady, a troll, a gold dwarf, newtling, elf and a duck. I suppose it'd more than a single dwelling? None of them want to try to sleep in the same building as a snoring duck all night long?! Seems easy enough to develop into something. I'd imaging it as a walled stead with even a small inn integrated, a small trade post and even some livestock, maybe a stop over before heading out into Prax? And they are looking for a Gold Wheel Dancer... Any ideas?
  4. Is this still being looked at or did it get kicked down the road? I think the notice was from August 2020. "Chaosium is pleased to announce that The Dragon’s Eye, a new sourcebook for RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, is in development." Also curious if there are any sketch maps of Dragon's Eye or High Wyrm floating around... There is talk of trade with dragonewts in Mr. Montgomery's works and a trade post being set up with High Wyrm...
  5. Anyone able to guess the size of the dragon skull? I assume you pass under it as you pass on the trail as it looks like its wedged between larger rock(?) formations.
  6. from Masters of Luck & Death Why would a dwarf not being a "mortal" descendant have made the Grand Council magic fail? What about Gold Wheel Dancers? Are they not somewhat immortal like the dwarves or do I need to say Mostali?
  7. Another tid-bit from Masters of Luck & Death - Five Rune Ring - anyone know where Dvision Hills is in Sartar:
  8. Exactly. seems right but the Lunars might be right there with them, I have not read enough or seem references to this but they leads itself to boasting and then sending someone else to fight, LOL. How would the nobility be differentiated? Sort of like Matsudaira versus Tokugawa? Do they get some sort of name over or beyond any clan name then? When in Rome. Thanks Mr. Yelm.
  9. OK, air elemental, flight spell, when you are talking +/- 10-100m over 20-30km you still doing pretty well. So they take a few measurements and average them? I suppose what I was getting at was there would be many more resources to assist with map making then some illiterate dirt farmer scratching marks in clay with a stick. The dwarves as well would be insulted to know they are being discounted when it is suggested they cannot calculate the amount of energy needed for an underground tram to run from Alone to Pavis, as an example. The distance would be known and they'd have nice maps or no one would, I am guessing... They surely had something better than this (beautiful and time tested) 3rd age stick picker map.
  10. Seems like should be near Sartar, just sayin. White and Gold make sense but maybe Windwhistler is actually a dream dragon of sorts? Yellow or orange... or start with silver, copper... Likely there is a cave up there with a dream dragon in it waiting to be discovered?
  11. T These guys are called perfumed princes in modern times, especially by one Retired Army Col David Hackworth. He'd say about 1/3 the Lunar army is protecting the officer's tents... Not many of the Orlanthi would see these opulences I imagine. I wonder what Wideread's encampment would look like? Better take a look at the Armies book...
  12. The reality is that in a place where persons can fly (anywhere Orlanthi are, people have flying mounts, etc.) and anywhere they have mathematics, most of Glorantha, the first trigonometric table was likely compiled in Seliset, an important center of learning and its wizards are famed for their mathematical lore... Gloranthian maps should be very detailed indeed. Simply fly up to a certain height, measure an angle with any plummet, square level, groma, etc. translate distances and elevations to a plan. Then again maybe the Orlanthi are to thick headed to use the tools at hand saying they are outlander ways but based on the 2nd Age architecture Glorantha surely had advanced mathematics and cartography. Irrigation for farming also lends itself to good cartography as Mr. Barbarian stated. Detailed urban planning with scale models would be the norm in any town or city in the civilized east, grid system streets, cisterns, proper drainage, though maybe not indoor plumbing yet... Detailed maps indeed.
  13. It'd be nice to see the guest list, thank you Mr. Divad. Where is the White Dragon?
  14. I'll run with them being with the Lunar Army when it invaded Sartar and going to Prx/Pavis, works really well with what we are planning. I have not looked at Armies yet but will. Thanks Jaja.
  15. Would the Silver Shields not have been part of the Main Lunar Army rather than The Tarsh or another Provincial Army? Just curious as other than them being stationed mostly in Prax/Pavis 1608-1612 (just the way we like it) they would have been part of Lunar forces in Sartar or the Heortland. If this makes sense it sort of makes them a go-to PC nemesis, always showing up to harass, attack, steal from, flee from, etc. etc.
  16. The only thing Gloranthians learn from history is they don't learn anything from history. hehehe. Please include scenarios that could be run from 1605 - 1625. I love scenarios over background as we have more background than we could ever game in our lifetime, really! The more scenario material the better or so I say. When will it be out as being in a battle where Ralzakark (or his double) gets killed would be something really interesting for a group of higher level PC's!?
  17. I like this but see it as more Gloranthian Western than something the Orlanthi would do, hillsmen, like to ambush, raid rather than being honorable, just my take on Orlanthi barbarians... makes me laugh a little. I do like the challenge aspect and will probably use it for the Heortland Campaign we are slowly working up. Yes indeed the Orlanthi will be! But as the majority of the PC's are foreigners (not from Sartar or the Holy Country) they'll need to stick together to survive. Just yesterday I was trying to decide on a name for a female Kralorian. I was going to go with Guo Jingjing, 郭晶晶 a diver as I was lacking any creativity but now maybe I'll have to refigure as you've inspired me?! In real world life the grandparents are often consulted as to names in some East Asian countries. I know this firsthand though I am Western European personally. In lieu of using Bob Jr. or Bob the III they take a portion of the name, one or more of the characters and use them to make the descendant's name. I suppose the typical Bob form Pittsburg could easily have a last name added for more game depth. Easy enough and recommended in Glorantha from the character development information. I am not sure as to travellers in another region expecting persons to grovel at their feet as unless you have a sizable retinue or are a Zatoichi swordsman you'd end up dead in Glorantha? Thanks for the input Mr. Yelm.
  18. Maybe if they had destroyed their head there would have been no need to kill them a 2nd time? Maybe they should punish themselves for not doing the job right to begin with.
  19. There is a little write up about the Servants of the Almighty Dragons in the Sartar Companion. p.16 Were these possibly the Orlanthi Draconic Mystics for Argrath? Full members can learn Auld Wyrmish, the language of dragons. Are there current 1600-1630 Gloranthians that speak Auld Wyrmish? Ormelius Dragonchide only spoke Auld Wyrmish at 20%... The Servants of the Almighty Dragon are aware of Forang Forash and view him with a combination of reverence and fear. The few members who know of Laughing Singer hold him in awe. Then the Laughing Singer told Forang Farosh the meaning of the marks on his body that no one else could see. What are these? We also have the Red Dragon Servant in Karse and to a lessor degree other locations, a large monastery in Karse, Heortland; Smaller temple in Tarsh and shrine outside Furthest, many far overseas. Devotional martial arts and part of the Draconic orders. Possibly the Scholar Wyrm, Windwhistler, Eyes-Shut and Forang Forash are all interested in seeing the EWF be rejuvenated? Any thoughts on both the Red Dragon School in Ormsgone Valley and the Long Mountain Dragon School? Are there other sources for groups of secret or hidden dragon friends in Sartar or the Holy Country. The Dragon of Jarn, Two Face, Tink, Dragon's Eye, Yerezum Storn are a few detailed encounters, are there others that are obvious to add to this list? What Empire of the Wyrms Friends location or ruins are active in Rune Quest beyond what is mentioned above?
  20. Do we have these characters in print, is there more in print on the Chaosium House Campaign, is it called something else in printed-semi printed format? I didn't find her in The Stafford House Campaign... I do like the larger scorpion body with the smaller gorilla... even there aren't any recognizable flamingo parts.
  21. Mr. West very interested in that another tale. We are long-windedly developing a campaign beginning in 1600, we are really interested in bullet points of your 1595 campaign. If any details are handy and you are not hesitant to share them? These PC's are based in Backford, Heortland Plateau but are from diverse backgrounds.
  22. So there you have it, from Land of Doom, you can get parts of the Unbreakable Sword and that of Nysalor's body. A twofer. Speaking Wheel knows where the rest of the parts are and if you bring them all to the Dwarves they will reassemble him without the egg shell and vines. Nysalorankenstein
  23. I like this as it would have any PC's from Kralorela speaking in some foreign tongue and arousing suspicions as to that PC's motives... mumbling under their breath, insulting those near them indirectly, the typical xenophobia which the Orlanthi and especially the Yelmelians would surely cry foul if anyone suggested they were so...
  24. What about Flame Strike or its equivalent, I suppose it'd be like a large fire elemental... there's a certain retired, really really old Yelmalio priest who has some pet salamanders that would be the same or nearly the same effect. Quiet inspirational no?
  25. They were basically eliminated as slaves, peasants, serfs, etc. and are just farmers, not prisoners of the war(s) fought with the Trolls? Maybe a PC from our Backford campaign will end up being that said equivalent or maybe the female counter part to Belvani, worldly and well traveled...
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