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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. I've spelled out what I think is a fairly decent history for Tindale. Both in the distant past when settlers first dared the Reaches after the Mists faded in the Feys departure, up to more current events. I've mapped the economics using my Domicile to Domain supplement. Describing foods produced, a mine (tin, of course), imports & exports. Just now completed mapping out the different districts of the town proper, surrounding farmlands, and lumber mills near forests. Now working on mapping and populating individual districts and buildings, starting with the Nobles District I've named Wyngate. I'm using the 3D rendering program from Neverwinter Nights 2 so each building will have an image & map and the NPCs will have unique images as well. This is the time consuming part...
  2. These will make excellent additions and add flavor to my list of NPCs. Keep'em coming and thanks!
  3. Thats a great start. Way to jump start it!
  4. Simple example: Name:Henry Askins (The Prophet) STR: 12, DEX: 10, SIZ: 14, CON: 14, INT 7, POW 16, APP: 7 Descriptive features: Henry hasn't bathed in days. He stinks of the streets and perspiration. His hair is unkept and greasy. While his teeth are in good shape, his breath is rather foul. Occupation: Smith/tinker Skills: Fast Talk 35%, Oratory 40%, Craft (ironsmith) 45%, Hide 35% Background: Henry made a living as a travelling tinker until he had a apocalyptic vision that changed his life forever. He is unwed and has no family save for a son in Lashingport who is looking for him. Current Status: Homeless. Henry was so shaken by his visions that he appealed to religious leaders and even nobility. Everyone took him for a kook and he lost credibility. ..and his career suffered. He now spends his days trying to convince people on the streets that their prayers are in vain and all the power and sacrifice they give to the gods is actually helping a great white dragon become more powerful. He had a vision that showed him energy being sent up to the heavens to be devoured by The Lord of the Mists, though he doesn't know this dragon is the great duke of the fey. (Or is it?) Hook: Local temples become irritated by Henrys open blasphemy, or the nobility want to squash the possibility of unrest. Are Henrys vision REALLY prophetic and the Lord of the Mists is really gaining power from mortal worship of false deities? Are members of the Fey, deep undercover in the town, aware Henry is giving away a dark secret? Henrys son is searching for his beloved father (who he'd hardly recognize in his current state). Is there a reward?
  5. This is map so far but its growing. Thought it too small...
  6. I know I was talking about a religion book earlier but honestly RQ/Magic Book/ Legend has a most excellent system and while I did tweak it a bit it's almost entirely based on a mix of those so I'm gonna keep it for my own campaigns and not share. I highly recommend those mechanics and buying those books if you want another spell system for divine magic! That being said.... On to the next project! The Town of Tindale is located in the mid-northern section of the Southern Reaches, just west of the White River. There is absolutely no lore in the book for this town so it's a prime cut for my butchers block. I've already mapped nearly the whole town out (with just a bit of the town proper and surrounding communities left) and plan on populating it soon. This is going to be an entire campaign in itself and I will use it as a launching pad for many side-trek adventures. (And I hope others will do the same!) The plan is to give as much detail about Tindale as possible. Government, economics, laws, taxes, income, imports/exports, farms, smiths, merchants, temples, guilds, all the way down to the peasantry. Leaving just enough room open for Chroniclers to add their own goodness. Wanna help?
  7. My next big project is the creation of the Southern Reaches town of Tindale. I was hoping I could get some of you fine folk to share some of your favorite NPCs. People you've created or experienced in games that were maybe a bit more memorable than others. Or get your creative juices flowing and write up something new! Help me populate this town with interesting people. Now I know knee -jerk reaction is for nobility/town sorcerer/local hero, and those are fine, but I need fewer of those than merchants, farmers, miscreants, and peasants. Characteristics, personality, family (?), desires, dislikes, skills, ect. Try to spell them out a bit without getting too detailed. Just enough for a Chronicler to pick'em up and be inspired to use them in their game or perhaps make them an adventure hook. It doesn't have to be grandiose to be useful. The vagrant that stole a farmers daughters family ring can bring as much adventure as the kidnapped princess. I'll of course credit every tidbit you toss me. I'm really hoping this campaign might also inspire someone to write some adventure scenarios, once it's done, as well. So...what you got?
  8. I know I was talking about a religion book earlier but honestly RQ/Magic Book/ Legend has a most excellent system and while I did tweak it a bit it's almost entirely based on a mix of those so I'm gonna keep it for my own campaigns and not share. I highly recommend those mechanics and buying those books if you want another spell system for divine magic! That being said.... On to the next project! The Town of Tindale is located in the mid-northern section of the Southern Reaches, just west of the White River. There is absolutely no lore in the book for this town so it's a prime cut for my butchers block. I've already mapped nearly the whole town out (with just a bit of the town proper and surrounding communities left) and plan on populating it soon. This is going to be an entire campaign in itself and I will use it as a launching pad for many side-trek adventures. (And I hope others will do the same!) The plan is to give as much detail about Tindale as possible. Government, economics, laws, taxes, income, imports/exports, farms, smiths, merchants, temples, guilds, all the way down to the peasantry. Leaving just enough room open for Chroniclers to add their own goodness.
  9. So as I mentioned earlier I'm working on a book about religion in the Southern Reaches. I want to add a new divine magic system for priests, shaman, and the like. Leaning toward the Divine Magic presented in The Magic Book but with some tweaks...which apparently is similar to Legend & RQ 2? Was wondering if any of you good people thought another mechanic was better? I'm not familiar with a LOT of other systems represented in these forums and you've always been an inspirational bunch.
  10. No. I sent it PM here. ..but NOW sent at outlook address.
  11. Alright. Drop Boxed and link sent to Trif. 80 mb file. Over 400 pages of baddies.
  12. Almost there....... Wanted to add a table of contents per a users request and made the Treasure Tables more compatible with Magic Worlds monetary system. Noticed when I converted it to PDF it shifted a couple pics. As soon as I fix those issues I'll be drop boxing it and shooting a link to our good friend Trifletraxor!
  13. Is he a member here and what is his user name, please? I have some questions as well.
  14. Done with the pictures! Still gotta Proofread, make sure it's all pretty, convert to PDF, post! As alway, I'm pretty excited (but can't wait to be done) Kinda/sorta started working on a "Religions of the Southern Reaches" supplement (to break up the monotony of monster book) It's based on an idea the great Ben Monroe inspired in me awhile back. It will expand the priest /shaman occupations and include a divine magic system similar to the Magic Book as well as give the fey a greater role in the Reaches.
  15. I've moved my own D&D group to BRP using Rods original Classic Fantasy. It makes the transition SO much easier. It sounds like this new RQ version is going to be epic. Auto purchase for me as well.
  16. Big Damn Book of Monsters: Taking a LONG time to find/place pics from internet. I'm on the "M"s alphabetically and chugging along. There is some really great art work by various people and the book should be quite pretty once complete. I'm finding the Pathfinder representations incredibly well done! Wish I could draw 1/2 as good as these guys/gals.
  17. Oops. ReignDragonSMH just made some excellent points including one I seem to have copied.
  18. I've always had problems with players (and myself ) getting a character concept from a movie or book and wanting to incorporate it as best as possible. In his examples Riddick can do some great damage with non-weapons making use of the Inpromtu Weapons skill. Then Captain Thumb has obvious training in unarmed combat with probably a complimentary skill in pressure points. These aren't as hard to work out with a little thought. I'm sure there are some much tougher...like Superman zipping around the planet to reverse time. Mechanics are great for adding randomness to the story. Adding suspense. No one wants to succeed everytime.
  19. Big fan of all things ancient egypt and would love to see some material.
  20. I didn't even think about Rune Magic. Good call. I love this forum.
  21. I read, I think in The Magic Book, that temples can be protected by conditional spells that are triggered by certain actions. Such as if someone casts a spell at a door it fires a retribution spell at the caster. These spells must be refreshed by the priests every day. Can definitely see a king/prince/lord requiring or paying priests to do the same around a prison, the city gates, ect. Sorry. Not exactly on topic.
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