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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. DINOSAURS... Ugh! I intentionally left these out of my conversions so far but doing the new book I decided to go ahead and add them. However, using the conversion formula these creatures tend to have a lot of hit dice making their bite attacks fairly high in the percent range. Now looking at dragons in MW core, you can see dragons typically have a 25% chance to bite/ claw you. Should I go with this type of % based on the dinosaurs being of very low INT, or should they be more dangerous than even a dragon? Opinions needed please.
  2. Please share what you come up with! Would like to see a Drow city for Stormy.
  3. Isn't there some pretty neat french stuff needs translating to english? ;)
  4. Lol. Sorry. Been awhile since I did a cover to cover read. I mostly use it for spells, reference , and inspiration. CF is almost essential for converting people from D&D to BRP.
  5. If you're looking for a more D&D style feel using the simpler BRP mechanics, I'd also highly recommend threedeesix (Rods) most excellent Classic Fantasy. I'm not into "classes" so much anymore (they're too restricrive once you're use to Magic World) but there's still great old school stuff in there such as spells and class abilities . You can get the PDF here: http://www.chaosium.com/classic-fantasy-pdf/ (Edited to avoid litigation )
  6. Welcome Zantom! Always good to see a new convert! I've likewise not seen any play videos but can assure you, you'll have a much easier time running Magic World than most other systems.
  7. Finally getting a chance to play test my Mega Dungeon Ark of the Apocalypse. Its on a Play by Post game over at The Unseen Servant, so it'll be slow going, but it's something since my face to face game switched from fantasy to a modern The Walking Dead campaign. Am excited to see how it plays out.
  8. I'd suggest looking at Deep Magic in Advanced Sorcery. It's an all encompassing magic system that relies on Spheres and Glyphs. The spell caster concentrates on the appropriate Sphere and Glyph for the desired affect. example : 1.Marcus wants to shoot fire at an opponent. He concentrates on the fire sphere and the creation glyph. Success means fire appears on target. 2. Marcus wants to disintegrate a door. He uses flora sphere and dismissal glyph. 3. Marcus wants to become invisible . He concentrates on flesh sphere and alteration glyph. Using these the possibilities are endless and totally unrestrictive, while not filling your book up with dozens of spells. There may be other sources something similar to Deep Magic is used. There is an alternative system in the downloads section here.
  9. Thanks for everything you share, Nick! Markus hasn't added 1/4th of the material I've sent him. He must be pretty busy. Gonna be awhile before I post another file. Its a bear redoing the Manual of Monsters. ..
  10. Really? A little more than a tease, please?
  11. Glorantha, Glorantha, Glorantha. .. All I see in forums anymore. Where are my Magic World peeps?
  12. This thread took a turn from topic. Lol
  13. Oh no! I LOVE The Walking Dead characters, especially Merle and the Gov. Don't care about Fear of Walking Dead characters
  14. Got bored of it quick. Problem is I don't care about any of the characters. They could all die and I wouldn't care.
  15. Catching up on the Walking Dead takes piortity IMO. Fear of the Walking Dead you can do without. :)
  16. No lie. It's not hard but not user friendly either. Took me some playing around to figure out but if you're just using it as is you should be fine. If I were a software genius I'd make it a stand alone .exe file but....
  17. Fixed (I hope) https://www.dropbox.com/s/znacvmnu3g8ybbc/Magic World NPCs.ipt?dl=0
  18. Crap. It's openening the file instead of allowing access. I'll fix it shortly. Friggin dropbox....
  19. Otherwise download the file, find it in destination (usually myfiles/downloads, move it from there to the proper NBOS folder as in directions.
  20. You meant "select, COPY, paste"...correct? If you don't push copy first, paste won't appear as option.
  21. Alright. I'm making some changes based on these suggestions. Keeping this in mind: But not making it easy or someone else would have already done so. Gotta crunch some more numbers...
  22. Good write up. Thats was a fun read.
  23. Welcome! Youve broken the shackles of gaming restrictions and given them one less lemming. Breath the free air! Magic World was my first experience escaping from Wizards of the Coast as well. May your experience be as rewarding as mine! It can be a little confusing at first (because its so easy) so feel free to ask any questions you might have and check errata.
  24. I always make charisma rolls against a different species a difficult roll as well as social skills if the races are opposed.
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