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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. The authors to these works are active members on these forums and always answering questions about their fine products. My point of a private thread for Chaosium was to add a bit of obligation to them since they'll have "a stronger presence" here now.
  2. It is definitely glitchy on my Galaxy and gets annoying as it tries to guess what you want to do instead of doing what you tell it to. Prefer the old style editor.
  3. Good call Nick! That suggestion would also help guard against the same questions being asked multiple times. (Although this will still happen )
  4. Lets play nice with our new friends. Yes, BRPcentral is home for a vast network of systems based loosly or strongly on the backbone of BRP. There are some systems here barely related at all. And yes, Steve, it does feel invasive, especially after all the recent changes. BUT hopefully the veterans here will recognize having new faces, perspectives, possible writers, and stimulating conversations is a fine step forward. Things will need tweaked/added/possibly removed and that is what Rick seems to be asking advice for. I for one welcome you and your fellow Gloranthians. If for nothing else than to introduce you to the sweet gooey goodness that is Magic World.
  5. He told me to email it to him. I just dropped a bunch of dropbox links.
  6. The current (and honestly previous) format is almost optimal IMO. An "Ask the Great Old Ones" thread that Chaosium representatives respond to questions would be a nice addition. Even if it's just to say "We can't comment on that currently." I know a lot of people here would be comforted just knowing someone is listening. Ben was a great source of anxiety control here doing just that. (Miss you Mr. Monroe!)
  7. Please Nick. There's a very good reasons I put all this out there for free. One, it's unedited (professionally) Two, it's a lot of copy/paste from other peoples work. All I do is try to convert it. Three, the illustrations are almost all borrowed from much more creative people than me. My work pales in comparison to yours and many others here, that I won't name for fear of forgetting some gem of a writer. I bow to your greatness.
  8. I think it really says a lot that the greater powers have looked down from their heavenly perches and smiled on this fan site. Thanks to Sverre (Trifletraxor) for all your hard work through various upgrades, bug fixes, and files section nightmares.
  9. If the egypt supplement is good and you translate it...I'll happily buy you a gift card for online store of your choice. Not for translation but because you're such a swell guy! I'm an egypt fanatic.Egypty supplement would go nicely with Rome IMO.
  10. Cool smiorgan! Translate that Egypt Supplement for me?
  11. Oooh. More things that go bump in the night! There are guys here that do some good illustrations and love critters. Just FYI.Can't wait to see it!
  12. Oooh. More things that go bump in the night! There are guys here that do some good illustrations and love critters. Just FYI.Can't wait to see it!
  13. what's this egypt supplement? English version?
  14. Speaking of Sanity rolls I'm experiencing Monstrous Conversion Burn Out. (It is to a real disorder!) So I've been going back and forth between Fiend Folio conversion and a couple other little side projects I've been working on. It'll come, I promise. Just need a break. On bright side Im likely to release 2 or 3 seperate books around the same time...
  15. I'll send ya a bunch of dropbox links later and you can upload till hearts content. I've also got 3 more books in the works.
  16. Noticed there's no Magic World cover on the tiles...et tu, Trifletraxor?
  17. Hear Hear! I was very impressed (and whole heartedly agree) with Paos post.Well said!
  18. This would be a pretty tall order, of course, but would make a nice box set. And people might be more willing to put out the money if it includes a full fledged campaign setting. Also a tall order, but appealing.
  19. Good lord, man! Pace yourself! That much disappointment in one day can be DEVISTATING!
  20. Good luck with new campaign! Out of curiosity are you using The Southern Reaches? If you use any of my submitted material I'd sure like to know how it went. Likes, dislikes, changes to make it better, ect.
  21. Should be here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vlf4jaehamz7wg2/Ark Map Book.pdf?dl=0 I haven't touched it but know dropbox CAN be glitchy sometimes... lemme know if further problems.
  22. Ben hasn't posted on any of the boards I frequent, nor my MW FB page. He was so stoked about all these changes over the past few months...I hope he finds something good from this mess. One door closes...
  23. Sorry to quote myself here, but: "A system is only as dead as its fan base." I for one will continue to support MW, as I have for the past couple years, with free materials I create for my own campaigns. I'll continue to push BRP and MW as Top-Gun systems. I know it won't make a difference in the grand scheme but, hey, I'm doing the stuff anyway...someone else might find a use. Maybe someday it'll be like Firefly TV show. Cancelled by big-wigs but fan base is so strong they make a motion picture out of it AFTER it's cancelled. Shiney. Lets be heroes.
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