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Everything posted by clarence

  1. The ultra-greedy Ferengi have no direct counterpart in Elevation. But interstellar trade is controlled by a fiercely competitive species. And the worst sides of human greed - often mentioned as the inspiration for the Ferengi - is alive and kicking.
  2. Elevation is a separate setting. But the campaign is easy to use in The Weaver as well. The other way around - using REFLUX in Elevation - might require a bit more work though.
  3. What would happen if the Federation in Star Trek was broke? That’s the basis for two new M-SPACE titles written by Mike Larrimore (author of last years excellent Agony & Ecstasy for Mythras). Instead of a prosperous mega-government, as in Star Trek, the focus in Elevation is a tiny NGO - aptly named Elevation - running solely on the devotion of its members. Its goal is to find new life and new civilisations. The problem is, it only succeeded once and now funds are running out. They are in desperate need of new heroic recruits. But competition from greedy corporations, pirates, aggressive aliens and convoluted bureacracy is literally deadly. The race for new discoveries is on. Elevation will be released on July 8. Free Scenario To give you a feeling for the setting, you can download the introductory scenario for free on DriveThruRPG. The Triton Incident, 36 page scenario, is a freestanding murder mystery that introduces the players to Elevation. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/280146/The-Triton-Incident
  4. Hi Teophilus, I’m happy you enjoy Odd Soot! I haven’t got any reports of typos or mistakes. Yet.
  5. Thanks g33k! I’m happy you like it.
  6. Thanks! It took a long time to write but I’m very happy with it. And Åsa Roos is a meticulous reviewer.
  7. Fenix RPG Magazine just released a new issue (3/2019). Along with the gaming material - a new Mythras article by Pete Nash, for example - there’s also a solid review of Odd Soot. The reviewer is truly enthusiastic and I can’t resist sharing a few quotes (my translation): ’Odd Soot sets the tone on the first page with a confidence that feels magical. It’s been a long time since I read a roleplaying game in a single sitting. That’s what I want to do with Odd Soot.’ ’You can't talk about Odd Soot without mentioning the illustrations. They are beautiful - sometimes disturbing - and so perfect for the game that it’s almost ridiculous.’ ‘I'm glad Odd Soot doesn't try to create a unique system that takes forever to learn. The game is strange enough anyway - sprinkled among the rules, character creation and game world - to make Odd Soot completely unique.‘ ‘In short, I like Odd Soot. It’s like an extraordinary cabinet of curiosities. It’s like visiting a Museum of Natural History to look at specimen preserved in formalin. It’s like looking at stuffed, hazy things in glass jars, causing either nightmares or a longing for more knowledge - or why not both?’ Åsa Roos, RPG writer, computer game designer and honorary doctorate in information technology at Skövde University
  8. A bit of trivia from Wikipedia: 'Chlorodyne was one of the best known patent medicines sold in the British Isles. It was invented in the 19th century by a Dr. John Collis Browne, a doctor in the British Indian Army; its original purpose was in the treatment of cholera. Browne sold his formula to the pharmacist John Thistlewood Davenport, who advertised it widely, as a treatment for cholera, diarrhea, insomnia, neuralgia, migraines, etc. As its principal ingredients were a mixture of laudanum (an alcoholic solution of opium), tincture of cannabis, and chloroform, it readily lived up to its claims of relieving pain, as a sedative, and for the treatment of diarrhea.’ The recipe is quite alarming (from Materia Medica by William Hale-White & A.H. Douthwaite (1932): 'Mix chloroform 75, tincture of capsicum 25, tincture of Indian hemp 100, oil of peppermint 2 and glycerin 250 with alcohol (20 per cent) 450. Dissolve morphine hydrochloride 10 in the mixture. Add to it diluted hydrocyanic acid 50 and enough alcohol (90 per cent) to make 1000. Strength. 1 millilitre contains chloroform 7.5 centimils; morphine hydrochloride 1 centigram; acidum hydrocyanicum dilutum 5 centimils. Dose 5 to 15 minims - 0.2 to 1ml’ Finally, a word of caution from Wikipedia: 'Though the drug was effective in many ways, its high opiate content also made it very addictive, and deaths from overdoses, either accidental or deliberate, became a frequent occurrence.’
  9. Yes, precision gears were probably easy to find. Difference engine construction rely on them. I also assume the movies were quite short (a couple of minutes?), so a flywheel could be used to ‘automate’ the actual cranking. That way, 60 fps might be achievable - or even more?
  10. Cool. How fast could a human make it go? 15 fps? Would a handy PC be able to develop a high-speed film technique to capture strange phenomena in even greater detail?
  11. I wonder, could you adjust the speed of film by turning the crank faster/slower?
  12. Here is a quite lovely ad for Kodak’s ‘revolutionary motion photography.’ The PCs might not want to film their kids but they might try to capture any weird or magical experiences to use as evidence in their cases. For simplicity, I would use the skill Art (Photography) for this type of camera too.
  13. Good to see Lyonesse is taking shape!
  14. Today, I have some European 1920s fashion advice, mostly for a gentleman. Interestingly, pictures of female leisure clothing are hard to find. There is an abundance of exclusive dresses and impractical shoes, but not much for adventuring PCs.
  15. These look excellent. Where do I start - aside the free 'quickstart' - if I want to get into Thennla?
  16. While writing Odd Soot, I spent a lot of time reading news clippings from the 1920s. Most of the material never made it into the rulebook and now I would like to share some of best pieces. They give a nice feeling for daily life in Doggerland through the small everyday things that define the era. Most of them reflect life in any European country, not only Doggerland. First out, a couple of British car models.
  17. Thank you! And yes, the Odd Soot review is a good read as well.
  18. Runeblogger takes a detailed look at M-SPACE: https://elruneblog.blogspot.com/2019/03/review-of-m-space-d100-roleplaying-in.html?m=1 As always, Runeblogger presents a thorough and balanced review.
  19. Following the fantastic response of Odd Soot, I'm making some of the illustrations available as wall art. My first offer consists of six retro aliens in the style of 19th century scientific drawings. They are printed on heavy fine-art paper, perfect for framing. Print quality has been superb in my tests. The thick paper has a nice matte finish and a slight grain, as you would see in a real 19th century print. It truly looks as if these aliens come straight out of an old scientific folio. Regardless of your interior style - or lack of style - these prints will add a discreet weirdness to it. New Alien Species Devoured by Their Gods In addition to the five main species in Odd Soot, I have also added a new alien to the lineup: The Enn. They live on the hazy, unexplored world of Calia, with a small outlier on Sisymbrium. On Calia, the gods and spirits live among the Enn – some benign, some lethal gobblers while others are mindless spirit beasts. It turns out that living with testy gods can be quite dangerous. https://www.redbubble.com/people/clarence-redd?ref=artist_title_name I hope you enjoy the prints. Let me know what other motifs you would like to see! Clarence
  20. It’s not using the system from Drakar och Demoner. DoD have seven characteristics and 20+ skills. I don’t recognise the setting either. It looks like a completely new game - inspired by DoD though.
  21. Good idea. I think I will have to dig out my copy of Eldritch Skies too.
  22. John Snead and retro sci-fi - a perfect combination! This is a must-have for me.
  23. Ah, ok. Looking forward to more.
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