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Everything posted by clarence

  1. I’ve started reading it but got sidetracked. I really liked what I saw. The superpower section seems very versatile.
  2. clarence


    Cool project. Interesting idea to first run a Kickstarter and then release all illustrations as creative commons.
  3. Simple and elegant way to handle superpowers. I really like the power called Lucky, with some of its effect triggered when the player rolls doubles.
  4. Cool characters. I’m even more curious about the superpower rules now.
  5. I always considered my copy of the Ringworld game expensive. I was obviously wrong.
  6. clarence

    Genetic memory

    Interesting. How does genetic memories differ from other memories/skills? They are obviously shared between all members of an organisation, but so are other Background and Career skills. Perhaps the background Bene Gesserit could include 50 hard wired skill points from genetic memories? If it’s knowledge about the organisation and its secrets, I think a simple Lore/Knowledge skill works fine, like Lore (Bene Gesserit). But someone like Paul Atreides’ sister is more complex. She works more like a futuristic cyber-shell, downloading all knowledge as a fetus from her mother, being born with the mind and powers of an adult.
  7. Sweet. Keep it coming. Soon you’ll have a sourcebook on travel.
  8. Cool. I raised Maneuver to 10 and skipped the cargo hold to cram in another maneuvering module.
  9. Here’s a quite long discussion on Dune and shields: https://basicroleplaying.org/topic/4476-some-help-with-starting-a-dune-campaign/?tab=comments#comment-69450
  10. I cobbled together a thopter a while ago with the vehicle design rules in M-SPACE. I’ve based it on the stats in 'DUNE. Chronicles of the Imperium.’ The Maneuver value might be a little low though – I’m not sure how agile the thopters are in the books. Ornithopter Type: Medium-Sized Flyer Movement Class: Flight (Wings/Jets) Modules x2 SPEED 13 MANEUVER 10 SIZE 16 Hit Points 7 Armour Points – Cockpit 1 Passengers 3 Engine (TR 100) 2 Maneuvering Thruster (TR 80) 2 Cargo: Only personal gear Top Speed 300 km/h Just for fun, here’s a sandworm too: Sandworm STR 2500 CON 750 SIZ 2700 INT 35 POW 170 DEX 10 CHA – Hit Points 350 Armour Points 30 Damage Bonus: 64D6 Power Points: 35 Move: 15 Crawl/10 Burrow
  11. Here are the approximate travel times I use for Europe in my 1920s sci-fi game (with everyday technology similar to our own in the 1920s): Automobile: 20 km per hour Steamer: 30 km per hour Train: 40 km per hour Dirigible: 80-100 km per hour Aeroplane: 150-170 km per hour The numbers are based on real-world travel times in Sweden in the 1920s. To find out specific travel times, I usually cheat and measure the straight distance on a map (Gothenburg-Oslo 280 kilometres). By car it would take 14 hours. By train a leisurely 7 hours. If the PCs can get hold of an aeroplane, 2 hours.
  12. I’m on my iPhone, so it might not look the same on a computer, but there’s a ’Submit file’ button at the bottom of the Downloads screen. It’s been a while since I added something, but I think it’s an easy process. And thanks for the responses on paving materials. It’s safe to say that dirt or gravel were most common I assume? I mentioned cobblestones upthread, but I think paving stone was the term I was looking for. 8-10 centimeter cubes of granite covered some streets and roads here in Sweden in the 1920s. I live in an old shipyard and huge areas of perfectly laid paving stones remain intact - despite being neglected for 50+ years. But gravel dominated on the countryside.
  13. This would make a perfect PDF to add to the download folder here at BRP Central! What paving material did they use? Here in Sweden gravel was often upgraded first to cobblestones, then tarmac much later.
  14. I’m sorry to hear that, but nice to get a digital version. Keep up the good work.
  15. Yes, I'm in Sweden. And, well, I've read Tales from the Loop and enjoyed it very much. It was one of my favourite games last year. Unfortunately, I haven't played it yet. The setting seems to appeal to a slightly different kind of people than most RPGs, which I like. I find the 'kids cannot die' rule interesting. Have you played it @ORtrail?
  16. M-SPACE has been very well received despite lacking a setting. Although I admit that space opera might count as a setting in the Star Wars/Star Trek cornucopia of today. Especially Star Wars works much the same way as LOTR works for fantasy - everyone knows about it and can start playing right away. And both FATE and Genesys seem to do well, despite being generic. It's a complex market. Oh, and I highly recommend Outpost 19.
  17. I read 'The Hero With A Thousand Faces' a few years ago. It's easy to see how it influenced Lucas. I found the book a bit too dense for casual reading though, but the basic monomyth idea is fascinating. While reading, I also read about the book - and that was almost as interesting. It turns out many found it an eye-opener regarding storytelling. And just as many considered it the worst thing that ever happened to Hollywood, blaming it for producing piles of crap (or larger piles of crap, depending on your viewpoint). If you're curious about the concept, avoid Campbell and read Christopher Vogler's 'The Writer's Journey' instead. It's much clearer and better adapted to contemporary storytelling. @Matt_E I'll check 'The Hidden Fortress'!
  18. Excellent. Looking forward to them. More C L Moore characters? I find the connection between Northwest Smith and Han Solo intriguing. And very obvious once you see it. So, George Lucas took equal parts mythological storytelling, pulp sci-fi and mysticism to craft Star Wars?
  19. I didn't catch it, but now I've read up on C L Moore. Is she worth reading today? I would like to see more!
  20. clarence


    You're probably right. It was surely the lack of detail that caused my troubles. And perhaps the lack of a map.
  21. clarence


    Regarding the 1 million Earth system, I remember the feeling I got when reading Ringworld for the first time. And then still being shocked when I saw the map of Earth overlayed in the RPG booklet. In many ways, Ringworld was too big to function as an RPG world. At least for the teenage version of me. Or perhaps it was just a lack of details?
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