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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Completely, the Red Emperor is the emperor of Dara Happa, he is the highest authority in the land. They are all Pelorians. Half of pelorians are Dara Happan. If you have the Guide this is all covered in the Pelorian section. Very. Everyone is part of the Lunar religion, the Red Emperor is the son of yelm. You can but there Is Great scope for solar worshippers. Very. Pelorian society is very right on. An equal opportunity employer. Any and all. Have a look at strangers in Prax and the Lunar coders for examples if you have access to it. The Gloranthan sourcebook has the redline history of the empire which covers the evolution of the empire and its parts.
  2. If read you back, there is a link to a posting by one of the authors saying that ties are not about rolling exact numbers but comparing levels of success. Because of this it’s now likely that the text in current PDF will be changed to reflect that when an update appears. If I’d thought about it I’d of checked the printers proof when I had it in my hands on Sunday.
  3. Why would this disadvantage them, we have their runes in the rulebook.
  4. Aside from law not being part of RQG adventurers, If they learn sorcery they are breaking cult rules and will suffer the consequences, spirit of reprisal etc. The only clear way is to be illuminated or an esvularing:
  5. One of my players has done exactly what you are trying to do. He’s a philosopher and I based it on LM and game him six spells. No spirit magic, no rune magic. He warped the spells to fit around the creepy lunar death cult he wanted. We altered a few of the requirements of the spells needed to make it more Death and moon than LM. I’ll look out his character sheet and post it if you if you like. We basically just made it up. And it’s great fun...
  6. It’s a research tool. It doesn’t contain copyright material, it always refers to product in or out of print. Personally I find it very useful, but it’s certainly not an intro to roleplaying in Glorantha (nor was it intended to be so) I’d always direct my players to the RQG pdf or Glorantha.com As with all public wikis, you can join in or even make your own. Glorantha / RQ is small IP as a result the number of people curating such resources is low. Groups for the IPs you mentioned have in some cases 10s of 1000s of members on Facebook
  7. Considering that in 6 weeks of playing RQG at our club. Opposed rolls haven't produced any result that falls into the disputed tie section. I think all of our opposed rolls have been straight success/failures. So overall this is a tiny storm in a large teacup. Our group has been much more concerned about etiquette at the Paps, fumbling tradetalk rolls and trying not to set up a betting tab with the Respected Elders (and failing) at a ritual fight. Combat has been brutal with the Paps Khan loosing his arm to a well placed spear thrust from a sorcerer who succeed his death rune of 90% and so stopped pulling his blows, the issaries merchant has just realised that this hyena skin thing he was given is some kind of setup and everyone is very wary of Babeester Gor guards in shiny copper armour, now they've realised the necklaces really do have dried penises on them.
  8. Given Jason's answer that "Ultimately, it's results you're comparing, not specific dice numbers." That means that on page 144 the text will change from: to As the situation is temporarily unresolved (nothing happens). On page 142 Clearly they haven't failed the roll as they both succeeded, so can reattempt no penalty. This could well be a case of balancing the rules system, numbers versus levels of success. Yes. Although my players get excited enough just playing.
  9. Based on this reply from @Jason Durall, the official answer is that it's a tie, so the situation is not resolved (nothing happens).
  10. Interesting, I must of missed this. There are lunar ogres being fed humans?
  11. See RQG page 175. Alchemy skill, there's no mp or POW expenditure or manipulations. There's also no spell potions. I would speculate that there's info forthcoming in the Gods book as Alchemy is a cult secret of LM & CA and "certain Lunar cults". Adding magic would likely follow the enchanting outline on page 249, but i'm not convinced that spell potions now exist and that any effects could be derived from the source materials using an updated CA potency chart from Cults of Prax: Ephemeral Grass When harvested from a Hidden Green this grass has a Potency of 2D6. A successfully alchemy roll can turn it into an odd potion of invisibility. If the potions POT overcomes the POW of the user, the user begins to fade out and in over their POW in days with them totally invisible for 24 hours in the middle of this time. During the before and after fading time it acts as a shimmer spell, increasing then decreasing 1 point per day. If it fails, it acts as a shimmer spell of 1/10 the POT of the potion (rounded up) for 24 hours. It's manufacture is a secret of the Black Fang Cult.
  12. If you mean an allied spirit in a herd-man, herd men already eat meat, so yes they carry on eating meat.
  13. As the highest agency of Eiritha, I believe she eats a range of herd beasts not just herd-men. Gifts from visiting tribes seeking blessings keep the Paps well stocked. Their best animals being gifted and sacrificed. The Paps maintains its own small herds under the ownership of the respected elders and high priestesses, these graze on the Eiritha Hills. There is even a herd of cows from the Pol-Joni and a few other exotics from afar. To be fed herd-man from her own herd is a great honour.
  14. Pemmican is the ideal food if you are an old toothless Morokanth. It’s also great for those away from the herd on holy days: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pemmican other tribes are more jerky or biltong although I haven’t figured out which would prefer which.
  15. Yes, deliberately. It was a clumsy writeup and conflated sorcery and alchemy. I'm not disputing that alchemical knowledge isn't coveted by Lhankor Mhy, not all LM are sorcerers, likewise not all are alchemists. Sorcery and alchemy are separate skills. There is clearly a separation between the two. You don't have do be a practitioner of one to do the other. I would suggest that the difference is the use of magic points and POW in sorcery. Although magical potions exist in RQ, this would seem to be part of enchanting and not confined to sorcery.
  16. The most powerful woman in all of Prax and the Wastes is the Morokanth High Priestess of Eiritha at the Paps. Egajia Chewer of Flesh, is the worldly manifestation of the Herd Mother Eiritha, she chews Herd-man pemican as she leads daily worship of the Goddess.
  17. Greg Stafford said in conversation with me that in his Glorantha, Morokanth are vegetarian (Sandy Petersen believes they are omnivores). Overall this changes nothing, but does give us richer background to play with so the Praxian tribes aren't so monolithic in their behaviour and culture. Add to this that Herd Men are omniverorrus and the stage is set. Morokanth and can only safely eat meat during magical rituals. Eiritha has Clayday every week set aside for rituals, and scattered in are also seasonal holy and high holy days of Eiritha and Waha. As a result Morokanth eat meat at least one day a week. depending on the nature of the ritual. dairy products may also be consumed. All Praxian herd beasts produce milk and a small milk herds are kept by each clan. Milk is turned into different products depending on the herd beast. Herd-men follow the same pattern as other herd-beasts in that after calves are weaned, udders shrink back to near nothing making it difficult to distinguish cows and bulls sitting in a herd. Morokanth practice raiding and hunt just as the other great tribes. The meat is ritually prepared, cooked and fed to their herd-men. Being omnivores they don't thrive so well on the chaparral as other herd beasts, meat is needed to supplement their diet. If a herd-man is captured by another tribe they're put in the pot before all other animals, this is because the other tribes won't feed them meat and they don't thrive so well. Herd-men in other tribes often looked dishevelled and unkempt, whilst those amongst the Morokanth always look well happy and have long black well groomed hair. Herd-men are trained to gather food for the Morokanth, they dig for tubers, crop grasses with simple stone hand knives, gather seed pods and other any seasonal plants. They are very efficient at this. As a result of this herd-men have a much lower bride (dowery) value than other herd beasts. Much more work is spent maintaining them, however you need at least one to claim your bride from her mother or grandmother. Within Praxian culture everybody eats herd-men, all Praxians do this. Foreigners don't know this and it's generally kept from them. Dishevelled looking herd-men in other tribes are often passed off as slaves. As a result Morokanth are often portrayed as man eaters - you wouldn't want the truth to get out would you. At Pimpers Block, the main slave market for Prax / Sartar border, Morokanth aren't permitted. This this prohibition doesn't come from the Praxians it comes from the other traders. It is supported fully by the other tribes. However when it actually comes to ransom and hostages amongst Praxians Morokanth are often the intermediaries as they are much more likely to look after human captives well and not kill them. However it's not unknown for them to change hostages or captives into beasts who are good breeding stock. Morokanth often go after outlaws of other tribes as they are fair game.
  18. RQG page 318 Alter Creature, Waha Rune spell.
  19. Maybe in your opinion, alchemy is much more tied in my mind with the medieval forunner of chemistry and the search of elemental transformation. They make potions, poisons, antidotes and can put spirit magic in potions, much like now universally available enchantment magic. Personally I say this has more in common with Bronze Age herbalist practices of Egypt than sorcery. Mummification, healing balms, poisons and tonics all feel a better fit in my Glorantha. Herbal lore would cover most of it for me. we’ll have to see how alchemy and guilds fare in RQG.
  20. The ties aren’t great, the higher roll wins is great. What happens next, well everyone goes oh, nothing happens, we’d better do something else.
  21. At the table, i'm not going to change the RAW for a post by one of the authors on a website (we have a number of copies at the table). If an updated PDF appears then fine, but until then it seems clear how it works. If it changes to what Jason says, then there will just be more ties. Personally this works great.
  22. Why would you get off your mount to use a 2H weapon? No mounted Praxian or mounted cavalry warrior would.
  23. KoS ed footnote 18 on page 13: page 44 So bad magic and costs your soul is clearly bad thing in a theistic culture. So Lhankor Mhy isn't bad magic and clearly his worshippers have a soul. sorted 🙂
  24. Page 142 & 144 says there's a winner and a loser unless you both roll the same number with the same level success, then the situation remains unresolved (nothing happens) so Scan (30) vs hide (30) rolls 22 (success) vs 67 (fail) scan is the winner Scan (30) vs hide (30) rolls 22 (success) vs 21 (success) hide is the winner. Scan (30) vs hide (30) rolls 22 (success) vs 22 (success), a tie, the situation is temporarily unresolved. Scan (90) vs hide (30) rolls 10 (a special success) vs 10 (success), scan wins. Scan (90) vs hide (30) rolls 1 (a critical success) vs 1 (a critical success), a tie, the situation is temporarily unresolved. as noted, opposed rolls are not used in combat, but the dodge table on page 201 says if the dodge is successful and the attack successful (no specials) the dodge is successful. we been playing this for 6 weeks now and it's pretty clear to everyone in my game how it works.
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