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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. There's some excellent detail in the picture as it's high-res. Look at Orlanth and Ernalda on the lefthand side. Sadly obscured by the logo there are two smaller figures with them (likely Sartar and the Feathered Horse Queen).
  2. I think this is the third representation of the huge brass brazier, there's the one in the Guide - The Apotheosis of Sartar: http://www.princeofsartar.com/comic/1-the-flame-of-sartar/ and in http://www.princeofsartar.com/comic/1-the-flame-of-sartar/
  3. A few of the runes can be depicted reversed, but I’ve never seen any separate explanation for it. When it comes to depicting runes in any visual form they can be placed any way round. Have a look at the Gammadion / swastika for a good example of a reversible symbol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gammadion . One of the main problems is of course that fonts usually only present letters one way up. I did toy with the idea of having reversed and rotated symbols when I made the Glorantha Core font, just to mix it up a bit, but I was under a time constraint. Some runes will tessellate as well, making well known patterns. The Earth and fertility rune is a well known pattern.
  4. These are great adventure hooks.
  5. The first edition was rushed out for a convention and like likely had only a small print run:
  6. Darkness. Greg's unpublished notes, it's part of the notes I quoted from.
  7. Pavis GtA page 405: RQG also tells us GS page 149 In the picture on page 151 she seems to have troll like teeth, but appears human. Given the way shamanism works she could be the creator of her own style, and given that there are no priestesses of Zorak Zoran she's clearly special in her own right. Her animistic origins will likely be formed by the history of the Jord Mountains which seems to talk only of Dwarves, Krasht and Sheng.
  8. Looking at the structure of the shamanic worldview in our world gives us insight into how it works Glorantha. Firstly there is a three worlds model which is present in many cultures: the Upper World, the Middle World and the Lower World. The Upper World is another realm, which often includes sky objects like the sun and the moon and the sky. It's generally access by going up passing through the clouds, etc. The Upper World goes by many different names depending on the culture: Sky World for example The Lower World is another realm, which often includes things within the Earth, caves, lava, etc. But often contains distinct separate areas. Some cultures for example believe that the land of the dead is in the lower world. But others believe that it's separate realm from the realms listed here, some believe it's in the sky. There is no hard and fast map. The Lower World also goes by many different names depending on the culture: Underworld, Hel, Hell, etc. Some cultures believe there is gradation in the upper world and lower world. For example the Altai Believe that there are 11 levels of the Upper World and 11 levels of the Lower World. Shaman's access levels 7 to 11 whilst normal people can only access levels 1 to 6. I met an 11th level Altai Upper World shaman. The 11th level is when you are a cosmic shaman, on a par with Buddha and Jesus. (his words), lower levels of shaman can't get here. The Middle World corresponds to the spirit world of our world and generally matches it in geography (confusingly Greg called Glorantha the middle world and then has the spirit world lying on top of it.) This is where the spirits of plants and animals and rocks and rivers can be found. Most shaman are limited to the geographic area that they working unless they travel. The middle World also goes by many different names depending on the culture: Dreamtime for example. Places like the Sun and the moon may also exist in two worlds. The sun and Moon are clearly in the Middle World, bur can in some cultures be in the Upper or Lower world as well. Add into this that not all shaman work in all the worlds. For example in the Amazon most shaman work in the middle world with plants and insects. In other places they only access the upper or lower world or both or just the middle world or just the land of the dead. The Altai have Upper World shaman and lower world shaman, but no middle world ones. Applying this to Gloranthan shamanism means that most shaman work in geographic areas so for example Jalakeel came from the Jord Mountains and so it's likely that her society is familiar with the spirits local to that area. However her society is key to the lunar tradition now, so likely is able to work with spirits across the whole of the Empire (we are all us), also aspects of the underworld. The society's big secret being she knows how to access the spirit world of the Red moon.
  9. Jalakeel was a shaman before becoming a Lunar Immortal, there are no limitation on Lunar shaman. In essence, the secret of the Lunar Tradition is that they can access another hidden spirit world.
  10. Guide page 373, Tilnta is one of the Great Gods. Tilntae are her children.
  11. There are quite number of references to the Tamali, the best course being in Forgotten Secrets of Glorantha (Kraken Chapbook): Greg's notes defines the Tamali as They are the grandchildren of Nakala, and finishes with The largest surviving group live on the island of Temela with an other group in the east in a city of their building called Pastact, it's shunned and called the Ghost city due to the nocturnal habits of the Tamali. Other exist now at the fringes of society in the dark. There's also a colony in the Mari Mountains.
  12. Here's some 3rd century roman mosaics of amazons I took in Sousse, Tunisia - no bows...
  13. and this is the other major reference picture from Nomad Gods: You can still buy this: https://www.chaosium.com/nomad-gods-rule-booklet-pdf/
  14. A mounting stirrup will suffice. Cool riders vault using their spears, special stick etc. Pregnancy isn’t a disability so a mounting stirrup will be enough.
  15. Unless they are over their encumbrance, there is no problem.
  16. The slant I’m taking with stirrups for Praxians is: tall beasts usually have a single mounting stirrup (usually made of bone). The remainder vault. Metal Stirrups pairs are available as imports and are used where needed, culturally the more senior you are, the less likely to use stirrups. Waha didn’t use stirrups. after watching many horse mounting videos, vaulting, legup and pull up by another are much more likely id like to think that high Llama riders spear vault into place
  17. I would actually say that it's about the acessability of the source material. If you haven't read any of Larry Niven's Known Space stories, Ringworld was going to be a miss. The same could also be said of Morcock's Eternal Champion series', however books like Elric and its sequels were short easy reads in comparison the Niven's work. Superworld's problem is that it's generic for obvious reasons. Unlike any of the branded universe superhero games, you needed to think about what you were doing style-wise when running it. When offering games at my RPG club historically (in the last 30 years) Stormbringer/Elric has been played far more than Superworld and Ringworld together, purely on the knowledge of those who want to play. Off the top of my head popularity of Chaosium games runs so (BTW we set the club up to play Chaosium games, but we do play others): 1. Runequest 2, 3 and new G dozens and dozens of times (our primary love). 2. Cthulhu (all editions) dozens of times 3. Stormbringer/elric! dozens of times, but much less than Cthulhu 4. Nephilim a couple of times 5. Worlds of Wonder a couple of times 5. Superworld - once 6. Ringworld - once 7. Elfquest - once 8. Solely BRP (BGB) derived - never BTW you can still buy Superworld: https://www.chaosium.com/superworld/
  18. Got it - page 212 including your reference to how they were formed in Esrolia.
  19. There's a unit in WBRM/Dragon Pass called the Earth Twins, part of the Sartar magical union. The image on the counter is: The first is from the original counter art so you can see it clearer. Where does your description come from?
  20. It's a sketch to show relationships in the upcoming Prax book although unlikely to be shown in this form. There's a thread on it here:
  21. Yes if have a spirit rune and a phase, otherwise no. HQG Page 191 Dying Moon: All the others say Evocations, Glamours, Grimoires for Magic except for the Black Moon which has no magic, except illumination. YGMV, however In theory you can do that with a Rune, but a Phase isn't a whole rune. I would not allow players to use Phases in this way as it mimics that they aren't real gods. A different lune would either be stand alone or he'd have become illuminated and access other phases that way.
  22. Yes Yes, unless they are a shaman or if not find a non-lunar shaman to get a charm from.
  23. You’re clearly the person to help here. We just need to get a horse bow to you.
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