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About Tarumath

  • Birthday December 12


  • The High Wind


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  1. Damn... Like some people I've never met him and don't know him as a person but I love his work and he seemed to be a great dude too. RIP and condolence to his family and friends. I really hope that his legacy will last but that seems to have started well with RQ:G and some younger people have started to know Glorantha since the popularization of the KoDP game. (The small fandom on 4chan /tg/ is really a great example) May he have found the Horned Man beyond the Spirit World to become a Great Spirit of Storytelling.
  2. Yes, that's even the reason why the Seven Mother cult give potato bread to their lay members. They are a blue moon plant and symbolically "undead", connected to the Underworld when they are under the earth. Blue Moon initiates have an heroquest where they are buried under the earth, sprout from it and are destroyed by lightning and they can use it as an escape route whenever at this location. And another one where they get magical potatoes that can raise the dead.
  3. I'm curious about something though, how many Zolathi choose Liberation instead of the World unlike Sheng Seleris? Has SS somehow altered the training to "force" Zolathi to become like him or is there a kind of preselection creating more Zolathi of the "right" type? Given the original use of that mystical training method by the Kralori, I doubt that evil demigods were a very common result before Sheng.
  4. He's probably both really. Daffy in the the stories where he end up tricking himself and Bugs when he trick everyone else. Most people in Glorantha simply like to pretend he is most often the former rather than the later.
  5. Obviously Eurmal, he lost his head and it became the first cabbage.
  6. Genetics are also important, Brithini are probably just naturally short. Even IRL there is a lot of variation, and 5 feets tall on average is just above the tallest pygmy peoples on Earth, not that bizzare for protomen.
  7. I don't think Arachne Solara is a Goddess you can really get magic from. Not that their religious rituals revolving around her are completely ineffective but her involvement is probably more symbolic than anything except maybe for a few beastmen mystics (who are not going to have magic relevant to the game). IMO, they are probably mainly animists who worship nature itself and the local spirits of the Dragon Pass.
  8. Zorak Zoran in the Bestiary has necromancy spells.
  9. I would guess that the True Giants got them back in some way, maybe they just magically reappeared in their home in the next Sacred Season? The whole thing looks like a Heroquest from their perspective. It's possible that they were still a child even in the later parts of the Hero Wars.
  10. What about the Black Horse Troop?
  11. Yeah, lot of orlanthi wyters are like that and a child of yinkin would certainly take the form of a shadowcat. IMO, the cult of Yinkin would probably be just a lot more common in such a clan, with maybe a subcult specific to the clan? Yinkin is a God though so he wouldn't be a spirit cult himself. (A child of his worshipped separately would be though, if maybe only for the sake of almost certainly not having a big enough cult to be worshipped like a God)
  12. I am not sure if the Orlanthi canonically practice this kind of ancestor worship (they do interact with their ancestors as a collective and part of their theistic pantheon and sacrifice to them but I don't know any evidence of orlanthi "Daka Fal" shamans) But they do acknowledge him under the name of Darhudan so using the Daka Fal RQ:G cult would probably be completely fine. That Yinkini ancestor sounds more like a specific ancestor than a source of ancestor worship shamanism (again if practiced among Orlanthi probably Daka Fal too), so probably the focus of the player tradition but without a need to repurpose the cult to a specific ancestor. If limited to only one ancestor then I think the ancestor spirit would be a more standard spirit cult providing magic related to what the ancestor was famous for rather than a cult about summoning any of your ancestors like the Daka Fal cult. Lot of very minor cults are like that and tend to have shamans instead of priests. So a question to ask to your player is if he wants a cult to be like his ancestor or a cult to summon ancestors.
  13. Without offence, if it's such an issue in these places, wouldn't it be better to not bring copies of the book there and only read it at home? I don't really understand your point, do you want Chaosium to censor itself to avoid the risks of customers bringing their products where they are not welcome...? Is that not just a personal problem?
  14. Am I the only one who disagree with this interpretation? Orlanth here sure is not treating Ernalda very well but he is just angry because he couldn't recognize the value of her gift, he's hardly raping (a pitfall that for all their faults him and Urox always avoided unlike Ragnalar and the Vadrudi) or even hurting her (a couple of insults in prose after genuinely believing she tricked him hardly qualify) and the point of the story is to show that he is young, naive (especially back then) and that she is wiser than him. If you squint your eyes just as much then seeing Ernalda as a manipulative woman who seduce men so they can protect her, knowing that they will eventually die for her like good bulls and Orlanth just happened to be strong and lucky enough to survive until the Dawn would be less far-stretched. I don't think Glorantha has any problems in its lore, if anything is it strongly decrying sexual abuse : Rape is a specific form of cosmos destroying evil (and delaying justice for Thed one of Orlanth's greatest errors), all noteworthy rapist gods die,etc...
  15. Most cults have priests, some very martial ones have Rune Lords instead and a few very important ones have both.
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