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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. It's likely that oakfed was released by a Burner shaman in order to melt the snow and ice to get to the grazing below or to help in a rescue. Story hook. The cold generated by the mythical interplay naturally freed her from the Winter Ruins. Part of the return to normality would be a khan meeting her as Waha did. Story hook. Most clans have at least a single season within Prax as part of their migration pattern, not being able to cross the river would have caused much disruption their pattern of life. Likewise those with the Paps in their pattern at this time would be disrupted, blessings missed, etc. Nearly all the clans headed over the river into the wastes. Those that stayed, like some the sable phratries relied on other magics to help them. Only the oasis folk and the Most Respected Elder's clan would be in the paps, perhaps with another guest clan. it's likely that the Paps Khan and Storm Khan were out fighting chaos. Story hook. Some clans that left late attempted the dangerous route Through Vultures Country. Story hook. A few Pol-Joni clans also went into the Wastes. Story hook.
  2. IMO it doesn't. To the Praxians currently alive, the Great Darkess returns to Prax. Clearly not the actual The Great Darkess but enough that their survival skills kick in. Yes the Sun is in the sky, but it's not warm enough the melt the ice - One half think it's Yelmalio, the other half likely don't care. Ernalda goes to sleep and her daughters. The Orlanth followers loose their powers as their god abandons them, etc.
  3. I Yes, I was doing it from memory: 1621 Windsday/Death Week/Dark Season, the windstop starts. 1622 In Earth season, disorder week, Earth day, Air and Sky HeroQuesters return to Pairing Stone, Orlanth’s ring does not reappear, but three new stars instead. It's not until the Battle of Pennel Ford that Orlanth is truly free. I'll see if I can find my chronology rather than just doing it from memory
  4. How does the areas in the Rubble around the Zola Fel fare physically in the deluge, well that's up to you. You could hand wave it and say it survived really well, minimal damage, or at the other extreme, scoured banks, bridges gone, ogre island wrecked/covered in debris or swept clear with ogres woken. Dwarves all over it repairing the banks, etc. I think it comes down to - do you like redrawing maps...
  5. I've always been slightly bewildered by the term and consider it pejorative. IMO it seems to occur when the creative author of Glorantha changes his mind about something or something he wrote is published and at odds with what others have decided as "true" or part of their game world. For example Sandy Petersen = carnivorous morokanth, Gregs Stafford = vegetarian morokanth (although they still eat meat in holy day ceremonies). I think the creator has the right to change his mind YGWV was the positive outcome. Likewise a lot of stuff written for Glorantha never passed Greg's eyes, MRQ for example, so may well be at odds with the creator's vision. There is also that under the definition Greg Gregged himself repeatedly, especially as concepts and parts of the world evolve, it hasn't finished by any means. Here's a good example of where Greg Gregged himself:
  6. Thats quite a chunk of info, however it's pretty straightforward. Lots of stuff isn't detailed as it's hooks for adventures! 1621 Argrath exits Praxian affairs stage left on the cradle. 1622 Windsday/Death Week/Dark Season, the windstop starts. Take a look at the map in the Guide, it's actually one that I made to look at its effects in Prax. The WIndstop laps just into Vultures Country so all of Prax is under its influence. At the end of Dark Season there is no Storm season, the cold continues, snow starts to fall and the White Princess is freed from her home. Many lunars return with Sor-eel to the empire or to bolster the defences of the new Lunar temple. The Great Darkess returns to Prax. All of the immobile survivor communities use their magics from the Great Darkness to survive. The most herds cross into the Wastes, but the Pol-Joni are badly affected and many head to the Paring Stones to start the Lightbringers Quest. The pro-lunar sables phratries turn to foreign magics to survive in their ancestral grazing around moonbroth, while the others cross into the Wastes. By Sacred Time, the ground was frozen, the plants sleeping and any unprotected clans and herds had begun to die. In the Second week, the priestesses shut the great stone doors of the Paps and began the journey downward to Ernalda. No one was left outside. Wind khans and Sky Gazer shaman began great ceremonies at the Paring Stones. Many set out to the Otherworlds, never to return. Khans walked the land as Waha did, looking to find and help survivors. Storm Bulls fought great chaos at the Block. Trolls roamed freely from the Rubble, many invading the Garden as the elves withdrew underground. Zola Fel was frozen and communities all along the valley could not plant crops, and had to rely on their ancestors memories to save them. Pavisites moved into the temple and underground. The River Folk were nearly destroyed and survived in a few enclaves, many aided by the Newtlings. 1623 In Earth season, disorder week, Earth day, Air and Sky HeroQuesters return to Pairing Stone, Orlanth’s ring does not reappear, but three new stars instead. These new stars followed the path of Orlanth’s Ring up the Sky Dome. The winds return, and Ernalda reawakens. Meltwater pours down the Zola Fel wreaking great damage to the communities astride it. With the land warming, the nomads begin to return to Prax. Tacius preys on their eagerness and begins a ritual to bind their Protectresses into the magics of the New Lunar Temple. Their sacrifices would feed the new altar to Yara Aranis. but Waha's magics are strong and many khans are abroad in Prax, the Dark Eater is again thwarted and by Sacred time the land is much recovered. Alhough the Armistice of Prax still forbade attacks on the settled territory, the Govenor’s abrupt departure with most of the Lunar garrison at the start of the windstop tempted increasing numbers of nomad bands to raid along the borders. By Sacred time, Prax was returning slowly to normal. The settled land were in a terrible state, scoured by meltwater and debris, and a second year with no crops. I'd suggest at least a 10% die off amongst the settlements, oases and sables, 20% amongst the Pol-Joni, 20-50% for riverside settlements.
  7. the fetch and the shaman are the same thing, the shaman extends into the spirit world and vice versa. The kept spirit is both in the fetch and shaman, but for rules purposes it's in the fetch (which is part of the shaman). No need for it to become visible. RQG has shamanic abilities, Show Spirit can make spirits visible to others No RQG say specifically that control spells are not required. You must always use spirit combat. RuneQuest Glorantha has a new section that covers all of this. Shaman are now easier to play and the rules are clear.
  8. The fetch is a portion of the shamans soul, not a separate being although it may appear to be separate being, like an animal. The fetch occupies the body of the shaman when he/she is discorporate. The fetch can use the shamans magic to defend the body. when the shaman returns to his body, the fetch returns to the spirit world. Spirits held by the fetch can cast their magic as they are separate. So no, a fetch cannot cast spells when the shaman is not discorporate as it is the shaman.
  9. Yes, that's exactly the way to do it. Yes
  10. If you were a backer of the RQ Classic kickstarter of Rune-lord Priest or higher, you got: and in within the hand typed pages Later the Progression of characters, tells us that adventures become either Rune Lords or Rune Mages and may then become the other if they wish. The Rune Mage becomes a Rune Master and the Rune Lord becomes a Hero: There are a few other mention in the Table of contents (but no info) Upper Magic is what we call Rune Magic. There is an implied idea that when you have mastered a rune, you can make up your own Upper magic and don't need a god to help. Bear in mind this is a from 1977 before RQ was published, lots of stuff changed, fortunately we don't have the Upper Magic Spells of Summon Colossal Elemental (4pts), or the Sun Dome Temples magic of Sun Lance, Enverate and Sun call any more - we have way better names. I'm also reminded that someone said that Sandy said there could only be one hero/super hero per rune...
  11. http://nearbygamers.com I've had a lot of value from this international site. CoC is the third most listed RPG (after D&D and Pathfinder).
  12. Personally I believe that Donkeys have a different origin and that it's much more recent that most people believe. If you look at the Wild Ass, the progenitor of the domestic donkey, perhaps you might see what I mean: now the Quagga These animals were clearly early attempts by Joraz Arrowsmith to produce what we now call war zebras. Once Joraz had been told by Eiritha under what terms horses could live, he set about working with the priestesses to magically mate horses with zebras. These two crossings were born likely around Sacred Time in 853 and 854 respectively. After these two semi-successes, a new tack was needed. Donkey while not an original beast of Genert's Garden is a special granddaughter of Eiritha. I suspect that a wily Issaries merchant, picked up on this new creature and saw potential. While all this strange magic was abroad, its not unlikely that the Donkey was bred with a horse and the mule came into being. There is likely a small herd of donkeys at the paps that breed true and occasionally a war zebra mating results in a donkey.
  13. Although subtle chaos quest likely exist, they likely all follow this format Burst in to Glorantha through crack in the world / Born/burst into the world from already corrupted (god/hero/creation/unsuspecting thing) single out a /gang up with your mates on a (god/hero/creation/unsuspecting thing) Corrupt / slaughter / burn / poison / wither (god/hero/creation/unsuspecting thing) loose limb / item / concept / mates in the process that may or may not become something else try harder and overcome / kill / annihilate (god/hero/creation/unsuspecting thing) completely / bits escape / concept escapes / name escapes repeat until thwarted / become part of time
  14. If you haven't found it yet - Prince of Sartar - Official Free Webcomic - http://www.princeofsartar.com 119 Pages of pure Glorantha gold. Glorantha.com - loads of (official) info here to browse.
  15. David Scott

    Other Runes

    Look here: https://web.archive.org/web/20050310041209/http://www.glorantha.com:80/library/rune_list.pdf
  16. David Scott

    Other Runes

    Pretty much all of them. They come from the "Runes for everything" era (my quote). A lot of them are "god" runes representing original deities. There was a doc online with a key to them. Some have been retired or abandoned, some are still current, some will reappear soon. From memory 1st column Please correct me. Cold Undead (unlife) - in CoT God - Godday in Core rune font Law Godunya (originally dragon) Storm Tribe Shargash Spirit - current Horse (sub-beast rune) - in Core rune font Looks very familiar on the tip of my tongue Heler (rain) Yinkin or Odayla I always confuse these two, the other is second column 2 down Light - current Pamalt Barntar - but I'm wrong Sartar / Greg (Current) Hell
  17. While a good idea, the Basmoli Berserkers are pretty well documented from the earliest times of Glorantha gaming. Their lion god was killed by Tada, they were left cut off, from the southern continent. Now unable to produce lions.
  18. The First Volume has. There will be a second volume reading at some point, but I'm looking at structuring it differently. I also intend to do some of the Stafford library. It's likely that I'll do the Glorious ReAccent as a test restructure first..
  19. This is from the Secrets of Glorantha Chap Book. The key word here is "might" he doesn't say "is. This quote comes from a transcript of a "knowledge lore" seminar and if you've ever been to one, you will understand what I'm about to say. No disrespect to Sandy, but HE'S A RAVING GOD-LEARNER. This kind of thing comes up all the time at these seminars. He could well have said that anything while in freewheeling mode. I'd ignore it, just imagine it's like one of those tabloid newspapers: 🙂
  20. Please, it would make following this kind of thread easier as it's often hard to distinguish written source from speculation.
  21. These are the tribes and their herds where appropriate I use, many unknown perished in the Great Darkness: Name Travel Major Activities Groupings Bison Tribe Ride Bison Herd Bison & Raid Great Tribe, Waha’s Covenant High Llama Tribe Ride High Llama Herd High Llamas & Raid Great Tribe, Waha’s Covenant Impala Tribe Ride Impalas Herd Impalas & Raid Great Tribe, Waha’s Covenant Morokanth Tribe Walk, occasional chariot Herd Herd-Men & Raid Great Tribe, Waha’s Covenant Sable Tribe Ride Sable Herd Sables & Raid Great Tribe, Waha’s Covenant Men-and-half Walk Hunt & Raid Independent, Earth Mother Tribe Baboons Walk Hunt & Forage Independent Basmoli Berserkers Walk Hunt & Raid Independent Bolo Lizard Tribe Ride Bolo Lizards Herd Bolo Lizards Independent, Waha’s Covenant, Earth Mother Tribe Cannibal Cult Walk Raid Independent Newtlings Walk Forage Independent Ostrich Tribe Ride Ostriches Herd Ostriches & Raid Independent, Waha’s Covenant, Earth Mother Tribe Pol-Joni Tribe Ride Horses Herd Cattle & Raid Independent, Waha’s Covenant, New Tribe Rhinoceros (Rhino) Tribe Ride Rhinos Ride Rhinos & Raid Independent, Waha’s Covenant Unicorn Tribe Ride Unicorn & others Herd any & Raid Independent, Waha’s Covenant, New Tribe. Zebra Tribe Ride Zebra Herd Zebras & Raid Independent, Waha’s Covenant, New Tribe. Plains Elk Extinct Tribe, last animal died in 297 Nose-Horn Extinct Tribe, last animal died in 440 Long-Noses Extinct Tribe,last animal died in 230 The Earth Mother Tribes were given to Eiritha’s care by her mother Ernalda, when she could no longer sustain them. The New Tribes have become part of the Covenant since the Dawn and are now considered Praxians in every way. That's very funny Lions are extinct in Prax and the Wastes, the Basmoli are predatory hsunchen (trying to herd cats springs to mind) Uralda is the Sartarite name for Eiritha. Anaxial's Roster (and Gods of Glorantha boxed set) says they were a Boggle prank: Greg's unpublished notes suggest they live on the Shadow Plateau. I don't have them in my Prax.
  22. Don’t forget the Guide covers much of this in the trade route section starting on page 468. It lists imports and exports by region. Why do you think that the shipbuilding industry is rapidly expanding and in what time period? The Wolf pirates sink the Holy country fleet, so I would suggest a decline in shipping due to the increased Hero Wars activities.
  23. Sure, just don’t think they’d use it for felt when the rope is more valuable. Maybe when they’ve got shorter stuff. On one website I remember someone saying the human hair felt produce was ideal as a plant food as it wouldn’t blow away. http://danelarsen.blogspot.co.uk/2007/03/felting-human-hair.html Authentic Praxian clothing workshop: https://www.mediamatic.net/en/page/368112/workshop-felting-with-human-hair Primitive Tim also shows us how to make a human hair bowstring
  24. Human hair can be felted but the felt it produces isn’t good quality compared with other herd animals. Herd-men hair produces the finest rope, so its saved for that. As we know from HeroQuest Glorantha page 168, Waha charms use rope string and cord. I imagine that herd-men hair Is coveted for that purpose. I always imagine that Morokanth herders spend hours combing the hair of their herd to stop it tangling. The other tribes find this ridiculous and clearly can’t bring themselves to do it. This is why herd-men in other tribes always look much more disheveled than expected and one of the reasons they are the first animal into the pot.
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