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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. The simple answer from Greg when I discussed this with him was that dogs amongst the Praxians were camp dogs not hunters or herders (likewise in the same discussion was that the Morokanth don't use hyenas at all). Brother Dog's is a spirit cult is contactable by shaman and associated with Foundchild in the upcoming book and teaches Understand Dog (communication skill) and the Conquer Beast special rune spell (This spell causes the caster‘s effective POW to be increased by 50%, for purposes of offensive and defensive spirit combat and spell resistance only. This bonus is only received against four-footed mammals and beast-spirits, including riding animals, wolves, etc.) Remember that for a Foundchild initiate to access associated cult spells, you need a major temple, so most will need to access Brother dog through a shaman as a spirit cult. In Prax the spirit cult is most often associated with Helpwoman shaman as a camp guards. Waha & Foundchild Hunters are not so common amongst the Praxians - roughly 1% amongst the tribes. There's some more over here from Greg's notes: I don't see any reason why you couldn't include dogs with the mounted Praxian hunters in your games if you wanted. No doubt throughout Praxian history there's been the occasional hunter /herder with one or more trained dogs.
  2. Throughout Greg's unpublished novels (small parts have be published), there are mentions of initiation tattoos. In a personal letter he said: In Glorantha the Game (an unpublished playtest) you got to draw on tattoos. Greg himself was tattooed. Have a look at these: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/glorantha-2/cultures/orlanthi-initiation-rites/ https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/glorantha-2/orlanth-makes-a-ring/ These tattoos are actually drawn by Greg, https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/moondesign-com/jeffs-old-blogs/draft-character-sheets-sartar-2/ Ultimately it's up to you to include tattoos. They look cool in art, but at the table you likely need to describe them. Bear in mind that the more clothes worn the less visible they are: Have a look at Jeff Laubenstein's art for the Guide: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gallery/jeff-laubenstein-2/
  3. I made it up. In my mind it's a 1 pt spell as it has to take up CHA and so 1 point will clearly summon one dog, so 4 points will summon 4 dogs. I'm more than happy in my games to make up any kind of spell or spell variation. If you look at NPCs in published materials, they often have stuff not defined in the rules. As the rules say: Presenting players with fun stuff is key to the game. Likewise Jeff and Jason say the rules are not definitive https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/chaosium/runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-players-book-print/cha4028-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha-qa-by-chapter/ Thats how I would play it.
  4. In world I think there are a few approaches. Such as discovered in hidden grimoires, lost to all. Created by trial and error research, mixing runic techniques and invocations, god given (LM, IO, Busarian, etc) It would also depend on the sorcerers point of view - cause or effect first. (Personally I just make them up (or my players do)).
  5. This one lets you summon up to 4 spirit dogs at a time.
  6. This is corrected in my copy and PDF. You might want to update your PDF if you have one.
  7. Yes In the context that text is in the Spirit Combat section of Spirits and the Spirit World chapter and is on of its subsections. This is just the first paragraph not the whole subsection (page 369) Normally refers to the section it's in - the spirit combat section. It's not in the combat chapter. It also means that it uses the spirit combat critical & special rules and the spirit combat fumble table.
  8. No one has mentioned: 13th Age Monthly - #9 - Mounted Combat Praxian Mounts: Bison, Bolo Lizard, High Llama, Impala, Rhinoceros, Sable Antelope, Unicorn https://site.pelgranepress.com/index.php/mounted-combat/ It's only £1.95 (also available in Monthly Volume 2)
  9. Yes. You've clearly never watched any nature programmes about lions 🙂 Remember that everything in Glorantha is made of runes, they are its building blocks. Everything likely contains a bit of every rune. Lion's teeth and claw undoubtably contain some iota of Death rune. Sure. It's likely that there are vast swathes of spells yet to be discovered. Ward against Beasts would likely keep an area around you free from all kinds of beasts. Ideal for a grain silo. Would probably work on SIZ. Yes. the game has a shield skill for offensive use. Yes, it's physical damage. However there's a point when the damage is so high that it will break through. With a herd of stampeding bison, one will get you. Yes. Depending on the size of the rock it likely doesn't matter. I can think of few reasons why I would have this happening in a game. It's not a random event I would choose to include, however if it was part of a storytelling element that would be different and someone / something likely caused it. The sorcerer in our game often uses the spell, we boil it down to physical or magical damage. In a stampede he survived three attacks before escaping. The cattle were rolling badly, their hooves are certainly weapons (check for nature programmes of herbivores kicking things). At your table you may decide differently, in the heat of the moment we go with the flow and MGF, we don't stop to debate rules.
  10. Resolving Spirit Combat on page 368 doesn't work like normal combat. It's opposed roles with compared levels of success. Here's a spirit combat example using Vasana, imaging her an broadsword is enchanted: Using Ghost from the bestiary, POW (4D6) 15, CHA 3D6) 10, spirit combat 75%, 1D6+1 damage, Ancestral Spirit Spells (9 points): Dispel Magic 3, Summon (spirit dog) 4, slow (1), Mobility (1) Vasana is currently POW 15, CHA 19, Broadsword 90%, 1D8+1 damage. Damage bonus doesn't count in spirit combat All happens at SR12 Round 1 Ghost 18, success, Vasana 55, success, tie. Round 2 Ghost 76, fail, Vasana 51, success, Vasana wins. Rolls 6+1 = 7. Ghost has 8 mp left. Round 3 Ghost 01, critical, Vasana 68, success, Ghost wins. Critical - Roll twice 3+1 & 5+1= 10. Vasana has 5 mp left and takes 1 hit point damage to her left arm. Round 4 Ghost 94, fail, Vasana 60, success, Vasana wins. Rolls 1+1 = 2. Spirit has 6 mp left. Round 4 Ghost 66, fail, Vasana 04, critical, Vasana wins. Critical - Roll twice 6+1 & 8+1= 16. Ghost has 0 mp left. Victorious, Vasana chooses a spell that the Ghost knows, Summon (spirit dog) 4.
  11. No, it has to reach the body. It's a Ward against Weapons, poison needs a delivery system to get to the skin. For example a Wolf Spider's bite does 1D6+1D4 + poison, so the poison happens only if the damage passes the spell. No. "Neither armor nor spells that protect against physical damage are effective against this spell, though Countermagic works." It's a magical not physical attack. Yes. "Only the target’s thinnest armor protects against this damage; spells are ineffective". It's a physical not magical attack. No. "This spell damages the target’s body...This damage is not absorbed by armor." It's a magical not physical attack. (there was an an argument for yes, but then it's POW vs POW, then roll damage, then D3 damage vs the spell strength. Fortunately we realised It's a magical not physical attack.)
  12. One of my players has WAW, so we use the following two rules interacting together: A critical success ignores armor and does maximum special damage plus damage bonus. (page 200) The total damage done to a protected creature or object must overcome the strength of the spell using the resistance table. If the damage overcomes the spell’s strength, then the full force of the damage affects the target. The target’s armor then absorbs as much of the damage as it can. (page 401) So a broadsword would do maximum special damage (1D8+1 so 2D8+2 = 18) vs the Spell strength (my player normally use 12 points), so it's 12 vs 18 so normal 80% chance of getting through. If it succeeds then it ignores armour, but any other magical protection counts first as usual. Just as with the rest of the game, criticals can be very lethal. As a sorcerer, the character has very basic armour and so avoids combat, casting this on other party members with a duration of 4. It's very useful in combat as long as there are no criticals. A special will on average do 11 points, so 45%, while a normal hit does about 6, so 20%. Overall it's a very handy spell, your milage from it may of course vary.
  13. Thanks, but I don't believe the horned man is draconic in the south. Langamul is Earthmaker and this is where the serpent / snake problem arises, the word is also associated with the elements (Earth, Water, fire, serpents, etc) and not always draconic. Noruma clearly makes Amuron then when the spirit world is defined, becomes the great shaman, changed by the experience. In some of Greg's unpublished material. Amuron is summoned by Hunralki the Great, the living Horned Serpent, Supreme manifestation of Noruma. Amuron rises into into the world from waters that turn into a great burning serpent. He swims to Argrath as the Southern Dragon, but he is In my mind Amuron can clearly be conflated as Draconic, but he is actually something else, a different power, the Horned Serpent power. On the outside in this case looking Draconic to most viewers. With Amuron in the world he's a manifestation of earth, fire and water (likely the others too) the Horned Man incarnate, but not a dragon.
  14. I'd like to hear some in game examples. In play I've seen all but Morale and Bless Crops used. At no point did they disrupt how the game worked.
  15. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/publishers/issaries/issaries-heroquest-1-products-2003-20xx/heroquest-1-archive/heroquest-1-support-material/heroquest-1-sample-keywords/
  16. It's just a suggestion. Personally I wouldn't let the rules limit what a player wanted to create. I would always want a good backstory as to why they could do it though In my mind, Eiritha Initiates and Eiritha Herd Sisters that are shaman are the same thing as Eiritha shaman. Help woman is Earth Witch who is a spirit cult / minor cult depending on location. Gata is technically the Earth Witch, but as she's now effectively gone and only Earth Witch is left. She gives Rune magic to some and has many varied roles in the world (Eiritha's midwife, Foundchild's adopted grandmother, etc). Serdrodosa was an overly complicated version of a 4 rune spell spirit cult.
  17. I just posted this in another thread: I would allow women as assistant shaman /shaman to join Waha. They would need to act and dress like men at all times and effectively become men. Gender switching shaman are present in some cultures that practice shamanism - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machi_(shaman) as an example. Bear in mind also that the Praxians have always had close contact with neighbouring Orlanthi and are familiar with their gender types. Earth Witch is Helpwoman amongst the tribes, but at the Paps is identified as both (it is a Great Earth temple). My Praxian Pantheon chart was updated to cover RQG and you might find that helpful:
  18. Amongst the Praxians, it's a fire horn rather than a gourd (gourds being only available at a few oases). Waha tamed Oakfed by placing him into a fire horn that Helpwoman had shown him how to make and use. Only a Waha Khan can authorise the release of Oakfed from his horn (that's the giant mythical wildfire, not the small stuff)
  19. I would allow women as assistant shaman /shaman to join Waha. They would need to act and dress like men at all times and effective become men. Gender switching shaman is present in some cultures that practice shamanism - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machi_(shaman) as an example. Bear in mind also that the Praxians have always had close contact with neighbouring Orlanthi and are familiar with their gender types.
  20. The Horned Man Cult in the upcoming cults book doesn't have any members or powers. The only benefit is that assistant shaman can learn Discorporate powered by what even RP or POW they have (as they were initially exposed to him). The cult adds nothing to the shaman writeup in RQG.
  21. The two main shaman paths in Prax are Waha & Daka Fal. Yes, in some you get to be a priest too! Not at all. You are basically diluting where you spend your POW between two options - do I increase my Rune Pool or do I increase my fetch, etc. You can certainly be a cult-less shaman in Prax and use spirit cults. Cult-less shaman are free to ally with any spirit cults. Cult shaman are often limited in what spirits or activities they can participate in. Cult shamans are the traditional community shaman, Cult-less are the traditional solitary type. Bear in mind that you can't start out as a shaman, you'd be an assistant shaman and initiate of Daka Fal (or Waha or both). When you become a shaman you don't have to be a cult shaman, you could remain an initiate. However within what power structure there is, you'd be low down on the scale and not have access to ancestor sprits as easily as a cult shaman.
  22. An excellent candidate for Orlanth approached through his Mastery rune, he can struggle with his innate leadership abilities and lack storm or movement . The Darkness aspect is Orlanth's sandals of Darkness stolen from the trolls. The Death rune is just that Death is Orlanth's sword. Will be a cool character.
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