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David Scott

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Everything posted by David Scott

  1. Starting with their source as many have identified - Annilla, Goddess of the Blue Moon. Her Runic associations are Moon, Darkness, and Water, which clearly explains her pantheon associations - Darkness, Lunar, & Sea. For the Lunars she's the sister of the Red Moon. She's an associate cult of Jakaleel who is the shaman path for the lunars. As such there's no reason why her shaman cannot find selines after a difficult search (passing from the inner region of the moon to an outer region associated with Annilla). She has the Red Goddess as an associate cult and Artmal. However these are rune cults and unlikely to have selene's. Only Annilla herself has the summon selene rune spell. So overall only Annilla's cultists and Lunar shaman will have lunes, and any one else you want to further your story. All this from the forthcoming Cults of Glorantha.
  2. Yellow Bear is an inn in Sartar, so likely settled down as an innkeeper. (Refs in Sartar KoH & Sartar companion, etc.)
  3. Great ideas for using them. I can imagine there being a specific spirit/rune/sorcery spell somewhere called Ram that is specific to ships, but I would let bludgeon work anyhow . Speedart even says any missile in its description.
  4. Here's the updated Appendix C (1613) for RQG (1625) for the Pol-Joni with the original for comparison:
  5. Considering their historical makeup and location, they likely ride Pol-Joi horses, which are a mixture of galana and seredae (and likely a few other mixed in for good measure, including zebra). The occasional stripes of the seredae are commonplace and likely one of the reasons that zebras have been tolerated. They probably breed true, but don't do well out of their normal range as they've some water tolerance and can likely eat slightly tougher plants. Sartarites won't ride them as they look a bit too stripey, Zebra tribe as they aren't stripey enough:-)
  6. I've just checked the latest CoG and ZZ is still an associate cult of Kargg, providing Crush.
  7. Fortunately few trolls if any will be wielding True Maul with as it's not a troll rune spell. Zorak Zorani have Crush instead, which is much more fun with a few stacked points. See the RQ Bestiary page 84. In my experience most damage over 15 points with no armour usually kills the kills the target outright or takes them out of a fight
  8. Strike Rank 1 - Vishi casts Spirit Block, SR2 Shouts "Spirit Block or run". SR12, spirit combat starts. Vishi will cast Spirit Block 3 if more than two spirits.
  9. Trollpak -An Issaries Report:
  10. Orlanthi worship their ancestors in their main worship ceremonies, but not like Daka Fal does. Ancestors will get a few mps from these ceremonies so they are not forgotten. The Orlanth and Ernalda pantheon acknowledge their ancestors, within the Pantheon, Daka Fal is more ancestor focused. It's just a different relationship. Most will be content with the former and a few the latter. The latter find a shaman. There's nothing to stop a Sartarite shaman being a member of Kolat's spirit cult and Daka Fal. In fact it gives credibility to the shaman. Orlanthi ancestors are also venerated in hero cults... Heort, Sartar & Vingot for example. There's also nothing to stop an Orlanthi worshipper joining Kolat's spirit cult. Overall, I don't think there are any clear divisions between ancestor worship, Daka Fal, Orlanth and Kolat. The RQ game system seems to precipitate the idea that there is as it's rules heavy, but culturally it's a mashup. Have a look at Heortling Mythology. There's plenty about ancestors in there. Most will be like hero cults - but with no RQ benefits, entirely setting colour.
  11. Kolat is an associate of the Orlanth cult. Kolat's spirit cult is separate and has a few more rune spells, but is effectively the Orlanth Pantheon's shaman path (Earthwitch is the other)..
  12. The Glorantha Source book says: I believe that Grandfather Mortal and Flesh Man are the same individual who viewed them self at different places in their lives.
  13. I don't think there's a an organised cult. Jakaboom is a Greater Entity in RQG (page 359), where shaman can get new abilities from, so is direct source of shamanic power. in RQQ3's troll Pack you can get a single rune spell. So likely acts like a spirit cult / associate cult.
  14. They are the same. The Praxians and Orlanthi were effectively the same culture up to the Second Age (until Waha came to power and Orlanth wained a bit). In the upcoming Cults book he's Daka Fal, but there's a reference to Darhudan's bench where he sits. One of those names is likely the God learner name. In my Praxian games, everyone calls him Boneman...
  15. It's said on page 467 in the warfare section: The clear answer to me using MGF is that they are Waertagi Giant Crabs. These are not the Giant crabs from the Bestiary but huge battle mounts wearing armour with mounted archers and magicians using them as land forces would use chariots. Likewise battle whales and plesiosaurs are clearly a thing too They range in size and specialisms from kaiju sized: https://wikizilla.org/wiki/Ganimes to medium charriot platforms https://dtmayer.artstation.com/projects/P2K8r?album_id=35483 to individual heavy cavalry https://www.playmobil.ch/default/giant-crab/4804-A.html
  16. This is a common confusion - Orlanthi & Orlanth worshipper. Orlanthi is the cultural grouping, within that Orlanthi worship a range of gods associated with the pantheon. Orlanth and Ernalda are the dominant deities within the pantheon, but there are many more including Daka Fal. An Orlanth worshipper doesn't have to be an Orlanthi. Other people / races can win the cult. A troll from Dagori Inkarth can join the cult of Orlanth, but that doesn't make them an Orlanthi. I think there maybe a bit of language confusion with this (with the addition of the i) as this is not the first time I' ve come across this. Your Daka Fal shaman was likely born in Sartar, within the culture so he is an Orlanthi. He is not a member of the Orlanth cult, but it's fine as Daka Fal is a member of the Orlanth pantheon. Orlanthi have ancestor worship, it's normally done through Orlanth, but there's no problem doing it through Daka Fal. Orlanth has many ancestral hero cults, Vingot and Heort to name just a few. Look at the cult compatibility table Daka Fal is Hostile to Orlanth (Orlanth broke the World).Relations are strained, and the historic tension precludes peaceful dealings. There are difficult moments when hostile cults meet. Orlanth is neutral to Daka Fal. (Daka Fal has his place in the world). Such cults act according to present circumstance. Trouble may occur, but the spark must be deliberate, not caused by minor squabbles. They are not enemies - These cults know no compromise. Members fight if they think they can win, or flee if they fear they will lose. No one expects or will give mercy. Yes, this is an excellent story at the crux in the relationship between the two cults, especially in the Hero Wars.
  17. Tales of the Reaching Moon said in issue 8 (1992): Ive just looked through it and would say that calling it RQ IV is rather erroneous as it was just RQ3 updated fully with Glorantha, so RQ3.1 is a fair description. The only real difference was character generation that was points based. There's nothing you would see that would be new to RQ or BRP.
  18. I've just dug out my copy. Looks like I got it 1994 (likely at Convulsion). I didn't realise I had a play testing credit in it (doh). I couldn't remember having it until you mentioned yours. The version floating round is a scan as it contains all kind of rubbish not present in the original (added unrelated colour images) and is missing the appendices. It's dated 2003.
  19. RPGnet have the info and explanation of the history. https://index.rpg.net/display-entry.phtml?mainid=5136 and a review: https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/classic/rev_5223.phtml
  20. I playtested it. It was firmly in the "more complex is better" RPG ideology. Most of the "improvements" complicated he system, some of the new stuff like point based template characters were interesting - but only at character generation. I adopted 2 things from it into my RQ3 games. A simplified version its complex fatigue rules and some of the Sorcery rules that made more sense than RQ3. Search through the list here using RQIV : https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/ It did have its own list somewhere. The version floating around has clearly been tarted up and produced much later (2000s?). the reality (the internet in1992 wasn't sophisticated), I had raw text files in individual emails and never the whole thing in one go - others might have: This was all in 1992-93, 28 years ago. It happened at the time we were riding the RuneQuest Renaissance wave - I was involved in the Convulsion conventions in the UK, Tales of the Reaching Moon and Sun County had just been published - fortunately these were much more exciting. Overall it was a dead end, that was never official or published. The memories of it have merged into thousands of hours of games and been fortunately forgotten.
  21. Although blindingly obvious once I'd seen it - I watched a youtube video last night where two violinists played all of the different sizes of violin available. From standard to 1/32 (for three year olds). It would mean that weapons could be made for different sizes. A greatsword for a duck would be a short sword and one for a pixie would be a dagger. Smaller weapons could be made in the same style as their normal size ones, but just do less damage. Likewise weapons for larger creatures. A Giant's greatsword could perhaps do 2D10 or 2D12 damage. Wasn't that why Bilbo's sword was in fact an elvish dagger.
  22. I use the NPC and Squad sheets in the GM Screen Pack, they are pretty straightforward.
  23. Imagine an average Farmer (Orlanth initiate). He's married (Ernalda initiate) with 2 children. Together they farm their land near Apple Lane. Regardless of their rune points, Orlanth initiates get to renew their magic twice per season (hopefully the floating days are evenly spread out RQG p300) and during sacred time. RQG p300. Ernaldans, ignoring the minor holy days get 5 seasonal holy days, sacred time and 2 others RQG p293. Initiation on page 275 says you get 1 special rune spell, so what does an Orlanthi farmer choose for rune magic? Pick well as to get more you need to pay 100L per point (page 275) 100L is 5 cows. Look at what's available for farmers, Orlanth is rubbish. Personally I believe flight is the best, it lets you fly to the holy peaks on holy days. but really they are all Weather or Air based or only useful in a fight. Thunderbolt is likely the best otherwise. Ernalda initiates? Bless crops wins every time. So what about the common rune magic? Divination - what are farmers going to ask about? causes of sick animals, crop blight, where is my lost brother, will the harvest go well, should I buy Bert's spare bull... Warding - what are you going to ward - likely the cows, but that's fine, that's what it's for. You don't get the RP back until it expires. So that puts you down points. Likely you only do it when treble is expected. Heal Wound is the single most important spell, it's what reduces overall mortality from simple problems (no one normal bleeds to death, through normal accident or childbirth issues). This an important thing for Glorantha as a setting I believe. The only other one that i believe is of any import is Multispell, as it lets you loose off multiple healing and disruption. The rest are very specialist. Overall your family can benefit from rune magic every few weeks but I don't think they use it very often. Most save it up for an emergency. should I cast divination or save it just in case of an accident. so I don't think they do, unless they are specialists. The farmers above use thunderbolt. Most farmers rarely fight. Divination is still unreliable and people will likely put off using it except in emergency. Yes, it's now a fantasy world where accidents don't kill you, but combat still can and is why no one squanders their rune points. If you have the rune points and choose well. Adventurers on the other hand are entirely different.
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