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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. It was confusing, as you seemed to be implying that rape was a product of the Man rune, but the species most associated with rape, Broos, are associated with the Beast rune. To be honest, I have lost track of all the arguments.
  2. Many of our PCs were in multiple cults and were Rune Levels. It was a reasonable compromise. It is just a game, after all.
  3. Broos have the Beast Rune, not the Man Rune.
  4. It says they stand their ground, period. Even instead of fleeing. We used to call it Tactical Advancement, or Advancing in the opposite direction.
  5. As with many of the rules in RQG, unfortunately. Sigh. I agree. In our RQ2 Campaign, we had Rune Lord Priests who would happily take out a Dream Dragon but would run in terror when faced by Spirits, as 0 Temporary POW meant permadeath. RQ3 changed that by using MPs and having 0 MPs meaning unconscious, but that is still really dangerous. RQG makes spirits dangerous by increasing the damage they do based on their POW, but then nerfs them by having magical weapons damage them. I wouldn't allow that, I want my Rune Lord-Priests to be running from spirits in terror.
  6. Spirit Magic used to be called Battle Magic in RQ2. It is minor magic that you learn and can cast to give you minor effects. You learn Spirit Magic from a Priest or a Shaman, either can teach the spirit Magic spells they know. Casting a Spirit Magic spell means rolling POWx5% or below, success means you lose the Magic Points indicated in the spell's description. Some spells are Variable, which means you learn various strengths of the spell. so, you could learn Bladesharp 1 or Bladesharp 4. If you have a Variable spell then you can cast it at up to its stated amount, so someone with Heal 6 could cast Heal 4 to heal a 4 point wound. If you have a variable spell, you can learn extra points of the spell, but each point has to be paid for, so someone with Heal 4 could learn Heal 6 but would have to pay for learning 2 spells (effectively Heal 5 and Heal 6) although the spell is learned as one spell. Some spells are commonly available, some are restricted to a Cult or special School. It is normally forbidden to teach a cult special spell to non-cultists, although this could happen on HeroQuests and as a special reward. That is a similar mechanic to spirit Magic in Mythras, which is different. Spirit Magic in RQG is more like Folk Magic or Common Magic in games such as Mythras or Legend. Spirit Magic is powered by Magic Points, which are related to your POW. Your POW is effectively your Spirit, so that is why they are called Spirit Magic. The earlier term was Battle Magic, but that didn't work for non-combat spells or spells cast out of battle situations. I wouldn't read too much into the name. These are spells that you learn and can cast using Magic Points by rolling POWx5%. That is pretty much all your Players need to know, except for the descriptions of the spells.
  7. So does spending more than 100% of your time on cult duties. With income, you can at least make sure you don’t earn any. We played that you tithe 10% to your cults as an initiate and the cults split it up between them. Similarly, Rune Lords and Rune Priests pay 90% to their cults, split among the various cults.
  8. I am running a campaign at the moment and one of the Players wants to run RQG. He won't be ready before the summer, or now the autumn, so I am running down my campaign in readiness. Fortunately, we have long-running campaigns, with weekly sessions, so we know what campaigns we are going to play.
  9. Fair enough. I have played many a Storm Bull that has retreated from some gross Chaos monster, to then go to the nearest Storm Bull Temple and lead a band of warriors against it.
  10. I am avoiding reading any RQG Adventures, in the hope that I'll be playing in an RQG Campaign later this year. It was scheduled for summer 2020, but might be autumn now.
  11. Daka Fal is the ancestor of all humans, being Grandfather Mortal's ghost. Flesh Man isn't, as he is a distinct entity. I play that Flesh Man is the owner of ancestor worship amongst the Orlanthi folk, though. He does grant Spirit Block to every cult, even spirit Cults or Chaos Cults, as their vote on the Spirit Plane (Well, he did in RQ2 and I like the idea).
  12. RQ2 said that the Storm Buller must go back to a Temple and gather a group of stringer storm bulls to fight the Chaos. Presumably the same applies in RQG. Also, Storm Bull provides the Face Chaos spell, so this assumes that not all storm Bullers have to face chaos, unless the spell is for other folk. In my Glorantha, the Storm Bull cultists gather at Bull Hold in the Footprint and at a similar place near Glorantha, then they amass an army of several thousand Storm Bull cultists and decide to march into the Chaos Nest to destroy it. Not many come back. The stories of what happened deter Storm Bull cultists from doing the same for a whole generation, then the process is repeated.
  13. In RQ2, you could get a POW gain roll and if you succeeded you could spend the POW gained but not keep it. This was especially important for Priests who got a bonus to their species max POW for the purposes of POW Gain rolls, I think. In RQG, Priests have a +20% to their chance of gaining POW, so someone at Species Maximum POW has a 0% chance (but 01-05 always succeeds) but a Priest would have a 20% chance of gaining POW. They would have to spend it immediately, probably filling up their Rune Pool. Chaos Features increase POW by a certain amount and I assume also increases Species maximum POW accordingly. so, someone with 3D6 POW who gains +3D6 POW through a Chaotic Feature would have a species Maximum POW of 42. I play that some HeroQuests can increase Species Maximum POW. Magic can increase Species maximum POW Casting my mind back, didn't Eurmal's crumbs give a boost to Species Maximum POW? Being worshipped probably increases Species Maximum POW.
  14. I'm coming around to the idea of giving HeroQuestors a Rune pool for spells learned on HeroQuests, in addition to the ones for each cult.
  15. Generally, yes, but this doesn't necessarily give you any benefits. Not all spirits can grant Rune magic. I am not sure if all spirits get the POW you sacrifice. Shamans can do it with Controlled Spirits. Daka Fal used to grant Gift POW, which gifted POW to another Spirit, which is what you are effectively trying to do.
  16. We agreed that Acids and Bases worked the same way in RuneQuest terms, if only for convenience. They did double damage against Gorps in our game.
  17. For me, it's just time. I have nearly finished the text of my first contribution and have sourced artwork. Next step will be putting it all together, then on to the next one.
  18. That's what I play. Wheels stay as they are and don't naturally degrade. Of course, someone could clip them, but then they aren't wheels and I play they are visibly ruined. I would just let Lokarnos cultists use the Coin Wheel spell to split already-created Wheels into their spokes. So, you can use the same number of Wheels as the spell would normally create. As with clipping, above, I play that this would just look wrong, so nobody would accept them.
  19. This is one of the problems when talking about Chaotic acts. Some cultures believe that Ikadz is Chaotic and some don't. Some view Mallia as Chaotic and some don't. Some say that Urain is Chaotic and some don't. One way around this is to say that a Deity with the Chaos Rune is Chaotic and those without the Chaos Rune are not Chaotic.
  20. Nor do I now. I am sure we used to have a delete button.
  21. You edit the post and choose Delete Post. Like the Post I deleted before this one. Actually, you can't. I am sure that you used to be able to do that, but can't now.
  22. You edit the post and choose Delete Post.
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