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Everything posted by soltakss

  1. I was one of the Podtesters. My comments were that I don't normally listen to Podcasts, but it kept me listening to the end, amongst others. Yours are the same.
  2. Nothing wrong with tired old stereotypes, they've been going for years.
  3. I don't think he wants Wakboth back. However, when he is killed, the Monster Empire emerges, run by those who would use evil powers and they definitely would want to bring Wakboth back.
  4. Good video. You pronounced Glorantha correctly, at least it's how we say it. Lozenge was a bit trickier, I pronounce it Loz-Inje, but some people say Loz-enje, it's as the old fashioned cough sweets or shape. Interesting that you have spent a lot of money on Glorantha/RQ material, I hope you like them and look forward to your videos about them.
  5. Ah, but we are a special crowd ...
  6. In my old campaign, the PCs stationed a True Dragon wrapped around the Block, to stop any attempts to attack it, as they thought I might bring Wakboth back. My plan was to have a Draconic Hero have the Dragon lift the Block up and fly away with it, but the campaign stopped before it could finish.
  7. OK guys, I've got this great plan. All we need to do is to tunnel beneath the Block and avoid all the Storm Bullers, then we dig a great big pit so the Block falls over and frees Our Lord and Tyrant Wakboth. All Set? [A couple of years later] right here we go, then, the storm Bullers don't know we are here, we have a Humungous Gnome ready to go and we have the Holy Fluffer Giantess ready to breathe life into Wakboth, so now PUSH! hang on! It's not meant to fall that way, no, try and catch it! Arrrgh! In my game the Block is just a bit taller than Wakboth, so trying to tip it over almost certainly results in it falling and crushing his entire body, except for two hands, one on either side.
  8. Orlanthi pride Yelmic blindness Lunar arrogance The usual things.
  9. Change the spelling, mess with your mind, that's what the Great Odl Ones do!
  10. The GM needs to decide whether a Treasure (Wealthy) is still a Treasure (Wealthy) split up between the party, or if each person gets a Treasure (Affluent). Pack animals, big cart, boat, lots of options. Just don't put it in a treasure chest and start giggling every time you look at it.
  11. Maybe a Genre Forum that included things like Blood Tide, Pirates of Legend and so on. Perhaps call it Mythic Earth or Alternate Earth, but for all D100ey rules systems.
  12. soltakss

    Rune Fixes #2

    Many thanks for this.
  13. soltakss


    Is that information available anywhere? I normally can't make it to Kraken. Hur, hur, hur, hur! Yes, almost free of Chaos - Good Aventurers, walk this way, almost free of Chaos, yes, yes it is ...
  14. It used to be available to Karg, I think it was described in the Gloranthan Bestiary (RQ3) but could be wrong.
  15. soltakss


    As many a Waltapus HeroQuestor would tell you.
  16. soltakss


    Balanced! Hah! Sorry, what I meant was "Of course these would be balanced high level scenarios". The adventurers can be killed by this thing or that thing, for example.
  17. I have mixed feelings over using Wealth Levels. On the one hand, they abstract things so you don't have to track things coin by coin. On the other hand, it can be satisfying to track things coin by coin. Treasure is an example. You could say that you need a certain amount of money coming in to meet a certain lifestyle, so to act Wealthy you need to be Wealthy. Nobles and Merchants may not have a problem with that, as they could have estates or businesses that provide that level of Wealth. However, Adventurers generally don't, so how do they stay Wealthy? Do they need to find a Treasure Hoard (Wealthy) every so often to remain Wealthy? If they don't, does their Wealth Level go down to Affluent or Standard? What I would do is: Assume that an Adventurer needs to maintain a Wealth Level in order to keep that Wealth Level If an Adventurer finds Treasure of some kind, that can be used to maintain their Wealth Level or provide a very temporary one-level boost, so someone who is Poor and finds a Treasure (Standard) might be standard for a while, but then goes back down to Poor, or could maintain Poor for a while. Finding a particularly large Treasure (More than one Wealth Level higher) could mean moving permanently to a higher Wealth Level, so the Poor Adventurer who finds a Treasure (Wealthy) might permanently go up to Standard, or might temporarily go up to Affluent and then back down to Standard. An Adventurer who spends more than their means should probably go down a Wealth Level Discuss on a case by case basis with the Players
  18. Personally, I like the term Sultan. Anyway, the Red Goddess loves Pentians, I am sure that one of Her Forms was Pentian, or might be shown to be Pentian. Does anyone like the Carmanians?
  19. Isn't there a limit? i thought I had nearly hit it once, before I deleted old messages. And who are you calling a munger?
  20. We've already had it, somewhere, I seem to remember. For me, sultan and satrap are just words for the same thing. Pentians used Sultan, so when they ruled peloria in the First and Third Ages Sultans were the in thing. Carmanians used Satrap, so their terminology was good for a bit. The Lunars use Satrap as they don't like the Pentians, not one bit.
  21. A horse rider in Prax? Someone worshipping an ancient idol?
  22. soltakss


    I am currently writing Secrets of Dorastor, which is an expanded writeup of elements of my Dorastor Campaign from years ago, but updated with extra things added. It will contain new locations, new powerful NPCs, new spells and a lot of scenario hooks. I have some high-level scenarios, but might take them out as they are probably too high-level for a Jonstown Compendium supplement. Also, I fully support a thread about Dorastor from someone named Dissolv, as I mention in Secrets of Dorastor "Try not to make everything acid as this gets boring after a while (Actually it doesn't - I never tire of hearing Players whinge about their precious iron dissolving and running down their legs!)".
  23. In RQ2, our Rune Level Party was terrified of bunches of spirits, as 0 POW meant instadeath. It's not so bad now, as 0 MPs means possession, maybe, with a trip to a shaman to cure that. That is one thing that makes it dangerous. One of the PCs in our party was possessed by a Spirit that immediately attempted an Initiate Divine Intervention, succeeded and transported the PC's body to its ruined home temple. Possession can be really dangerous. Yes, Spirits are dangerous. It is possible that other PCs can hit the spirit with magical weapons to do damage, but I'd play that they also do damage to the PC's body as well, if only because it will make them whinge about it.
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